;;; (append x x x x sequence) => sequence
;;; (append fixnum x ...) => nil
(defun derive-append-type (args)
- (cond ((not args)
- (specifier-type 'null))
- (t
- (let ((cons-type (specifier-type 'cons))
- (null-type (specifier-type 'null))
- (list-type (specifier-type 'list))
- (last (lvar-type (car (last args)))))
- (or
- ;; Check that all but the last arguments are lists first
- (loop for (arg next) on args
- while next
- do
- (when (eq (type-intersection (lvar-type arg) list-type)
- *empty-type*)
- (assert-lvar-type arg list-type
- (lexenv-policy *lexenv*))
- (return *empty-type*)))
- (loop with all-nil = t
- for (arg next) on args
- for lvar-type = (lvar-type arg)
- while next
- do
- (cond
- ;; Cons in the middle guarantees the result will be a cons
- ((not (csubtypep null-type lvar-type))
- (return cons-type))
- ;; If all but the last are NIL the type of the last arg
- ;; can be used
- ((csubtypep lvar-type null-type))
- (all-nil
- (setf all-nil nil)))
- finally
- (return
- (cond (all-nil
- last)
- ((csubtypep last cons-type)
- cons-type)
- ((csubtypep last list-type)
- list-type)
- ;; If the last is SEQUENCE (or similar) it'll
- ;; be either that sequence or a cons, which is a
- ;; sequence
- ((csubtypep list-type last)
- last)))))))))
+ (when (null args)
+ (return-from derive-append-type (specifier-type 'null)))
+ (let* ((cons-type (specifier-type 'cons))
+ (null-type (specifier-type 'null))
+ (list-type (specifier-type 'list))
+ (last (lvar-type (car (last args)))))
+ ;; Derive the actual return type, assuming that all but the last
+ ;; arguments are LISTs (otherwise, APPEND/NCONC doesn't return).
+ (loop with all-nil = t ; all but the last args are NIL?
+ with some-cons = nil ; some args are conses?
+ for (arg next) on args
+ for lvar-type = (type-approx-intersection2 (lvar-type arg)
+ list-type)
+ while next
+ do (multiple-value-bind (typep definitely)
+ (ctypep nil lvar-type)
+ (cond ((type= lvar-type *empty-type*)
+ ;; type mismatch! insert an inline check that'll cause
+ ;; compile-time warnings.
+ (assert-lvar-type arg list-type
+ (lexenv-policy *lexenv*)))
+ (some-cons) ; we know result's a cons -- nothing to do
+ ((and (not typep) definitely) ; can't be NIL
+ (setf some-cons t)) ; must be a CONS
+ (all-nil
+ (setf all-nil (csubtypep lvar-type null-type)))))
+ finally
+ ;; if some of the previous arguments are CONSes so is the result;
+ ;; if all the previous values are NIL, we're a fancy identity;
+ ;; otherwise, could be either
+ (return (cond (some-cons cons-type)
+ (all-nil last)
+ (t (type-union last cons-type)))))))
(defoptimizer (append derive-type) ((&rest args))
(derive-append-type args))
(let ((test-cases
'((lambda () (append 10)) (integer 10 10)
(lambda () (append nil 10)) (integer 10 10)
- (lambda (x) (append x 10)) t
+ (lambda (x) (append x 10)) (or (integer 10 10) cons)
(lambda (x) (append x (cons 1 2))) cons
(lambda (x y) (append x (cons 1 2) y)) cons
(lambda (x y) (nconc x (the list y) x)) t
(lambda (x y) (append (the (member (a) (b) c) x) y)) cons
(lambda (x y) (append (the (member (a) (b) nil) x) y)) t)))
(loop for (function result-type) on test-cases by #'cddr
- do (assert (equal (car (cdaddr (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
- (compile nil function))))
- result-type)))))
+ do (assert (sb-kernel:type= (sb-kernel:specifier-type
+ (car (cdaddr (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
+ (compile nil function)))))
+ (sb-kernel:specifier-type result-type))))))
(with-test (:name :bug-504121)
(compile nil `(lambda (s)
(declare (type word a)
(type (integer * -84) b))
(ash a b))))
+(test-util:with-test (:name :nconc-derive-type)
+ (let ((function (compile nil `(lambda (x y)
+ (declare (type (or cons fixnum) x))
+ (nconc x y)))))
+ (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type function)
+ '(function ((or cons fixnum) t) (values cons &optional))))))