locks and grap credit for package locks.
Nikodemus Siivola:
He provided build fixes, in particular to tame the SunOS toolchain,
- and has fixed many (stream-related and other) bugs besides.
+ implemented package locks, and has fixed many (stream-related and
+ other) bugs besides.
Juho Snellman:
He provided several performance enhancements, including a better hash
PRM Pierre Mai
WHN William ("Bill") Newman
CSR Christophe Rhodes
+NS Nikodemus Siivola
PVE Peter Van Eynde
PW Paul Werkowski
(let* ((bod (ecase loc
((nil) exp)
- `(flet ((sb-debug:arg (n)
- (declare (special arg-list))
- (elt arg-list n)))
- (declare (ignorable #'sb-debug:arg))
- ,exp))))
+ `(locally (declare (disable-package-locks sb-debug:arg arg-list))
+ (flet ((sb-debug:arg (n)
+ (declare (special arg-list))
+ (elt arg-list n)))
+ (declare (ignorable #'sb-debug:arg)
+ (enable-package-locks sb-debug:arg arg-list))
+ ,exp)))))
(fun (coerce `(lambda () ,bod) 'function)))
(cons exp
(lambda (frame)
+;;;; See that trace on functions in locked packages doesn't break
+;;;; anything.
+(assert (trace test:function :break t))
;;; WOOT! Done.
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)