DTC's recommended workaround from the mailing list 3 Mar 2000:
(setf (pcl::find-class 'ccc1) (pcl::find-class 'ccc))
- The ANSI spec, in section " Tilde Less-Than-Sign: Logical Block",
- says that an error is signalled if ~W, ~_, ~<...~:>, ~I, or ~:T is used
- inside "~<..~>" (without the colon modifier on the closing syntax).
- However, SBCL doesn't do this:
- * (FORMAT T "~<munge~wegnum~>" 12)
- munge12egnum
Sometimes (SB-EXT:QUIT) fails with
Argh! maximum interrupt nesting depth (4096) exceeded, exiting
MERGE also have the same problem.
c: (COERCE 'AND 'FUNCTION) returns something related to
(MACRO-FUNCTION 'AND), but ANSI says it should raise an error.
- f: (FLOAT-RADIX 2/3) should signal an error instead of
- returning 2.
g: (LOAD "*.lsp") should signal FILE-ERROR.
should signal TYPE-ERROR.
TYPE-ERROR when handed e.g. the results of
the inappropriate positions, but doesn't.
- j: (PARSE-NAMESTRING (COERCE (LIST #\f #\o #\o (CODE-CHAR 0) #\4 #\8)
- should probably signal an error instead of making a pathname with
- a null byte in it.
k: READ-BYTE is supposed to signal TYPE-ERROR when its argument is
not a binary input stream, but instead cheerfully reads from
character streams, e.g. (MAKE-STRING-INPUT-STREAM "abc").
but SBCL doesn't do this. (Also as reported by AL in the same
message, SBCL depended on this nonconforming behavior to build
itself, because of the way that **CURRENT-SEGMENT** was implemented.
- As of sbcl-0.6.12.x, this dependence on the nonconforming behavior
+ As of sbcl-0.7.3.x, this dependence on the nonconforming behavior
has been fixed, but the nonconforming behavior remains.)
isn't too surprising since there are many differences in stack
implementation and GC conservatism between the X86 and other ports.)
- HOST-NAMESTRING on a Unix pathname returns "Unix", which isn't
- treated as a valid host by anything else in the system. (Reported by
- Erik Naggum on comp.lang.lisp 2002-04-18)
The type system still can't quite deal with all useful identities;
for instance, as of sbcl-, the type specifier '(and (real -1
* The fasl file format has changed again, because dynamic loading
on OpenBSD (which has non-ELF object files) motivated some cleanups
in the way that foreign symbols are transformed and passed around.
+ * HOST-NAMESTRING on physical pathnames now returns a string that is
+ valid as a host argument to MERGE-PATHNAMES and to MAKE-PATHNAME.
planned incompatible changes in 0.7.x:
* When the profiling interface settles down, maybe in 0.7.x, maybe
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
(defun unparse-unix-host (pathname)
(declare (type pathname pathname)
(ignore pathname))
- "Unix")
+ ;; this host designator needs to be recognized as a physical host in
+ ;; PARSE-NAMESTRING. Until sbcl-0.7.3.x, we had "Unix" here, but
+ ;; that's a valid Logical Hostname, so that's a bad choice. -- CSR,
+ ;; 2002-05-09
+ "")
(defun unparse-unix-piece (thing)
(etypecase thing
;;;; format directives and support functions for justification
+(defparameter *illegal-inside-justification*
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (parse-directive x 0))
+ '("~W" "~:W" "~@W" "~:@W"
+ "~_" "~:_" "~@_" "~:@_"
+ "~:>" "~:@>"
+ "~I" "~:I" "~@I" "~:@I"
+ "~:T" "~:@T")))
+(defun illegal-inside-justification-p (directive)
+ (member directive *illegal-inside-justification*
+ :test (lambda (x y)
+ (and (format-directive-p x)
+ (format-directive-p y)
+ (eql (format-directive-character x) (format-directive-character y))
+ (eql (format-directive-colonp x) (format-directive-colonp y))
+ (eql (format-directive-atsignp x) (format-directive-atsignp y))))))
(def-complex-format-directive #\< (colonp atsignp params string end directives)
(multiple-value-bind (segments first-semi close remaining)
(parse-format-justification directives)
close params string end)
(expand-format-logical-block prefix per-line-p insides
suffix atsignp))
- (expand-format-justification segments colonp atsignp
- first-semi params))
+ (let ((count (apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (count-if #'illegal-inside-justification-p x)) segments))))
+ (when (> count 0)
+ ;; ANSI specifies that "an error is signalled" in this
+ ;; situation.
+ (error 'format-error
+ :complaint "~D illegal directive~:P found inside justification block"
+ :args (list count)))
+ (expand-format-justification segments colonp atsignp
+ first-semi params)))
(def-complex-format-directive #\> ()
(interpret-format-logical-block stream orig-args args
prefix per-line-p insides
suffix atsignp))
- (interpret-format-justification stream orig-args args
- segments colonp atsignp
- first-semi params)))
+ (let ((count (apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (count-if #'illegal-inside-justification-p x)) segments))))
+ (when (> count 0)
+ ;; ANSI specifies that "an error is signalled" in this
+ ;; situation.
+ (error 'format-error
+ :complaint "~D illegal directive~:P found inside justification block"
+ :args (list count)))
+ (interpret-format-justification stream orig-args args
+ segments colonp atsignp
+ first-semi params))))
(defun interpret-format-justification
;; It seems an error message is appropriate.
(host (typecase host
(host host) ; A valid host, use it.
+ ((string 0) *unix-host*) ; "" cannot be a logical host
(string (find-logical-host host t)) ; logical-host or lose.
(t default-host))) ; unix-host
(diddle-args (and (eq (host-customary-case host) :lower)
;; A logical host is an object of implementation-dependent nature. In
;; SBCL, it's a member of the HOST class (a subclass of STRUCTURE-OBJECT).
(let ((found-host (etypecase host
+ ((string 0)
+ ;; This is a special host. It's not valid as a
+ ;; logical host, so it is a sensible thing to
+ ;; designate the physical Unix host object. So
+ ;; we do that.
+ *unix-host*)
;; In general ANSI-compliant Common Lisps, a
;; string might also be a physical pathname host,
;;; contains only legal characters.
(defun logical-word-or-lose (word)
(declare (string word))
+ (when (string= word "")
+ (error 'namestring-parse-error
+ :complaint "Attempted to treat invalid logical hostname ~
+ as a logical host:~% ~S"
+ :args (list word)
+ :namestring word :offset 0))
(let ((word (string-upcase word)))
(dotimes (i (length word))
(let ((ch (schar word i)))
--- /dev/null
;;;; or failure in these tests doesn't tell you anything about
;;;; ANSI-compliance unless your PARSE-NAMESTRING works like ours.
-(setf (logical-pathname-translations "scratch")
- '(("**;*.*.*" "/usr/local/doc/**/*")))
+;;; Needs to be done at compile time, so that the #p"" read-macro
+;;; correctly parses things as logical pathnames. This is not a
+;;; problem as was, as this is an impure file and so gets loaded in,
+;;; but just for future proofing...
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (setf (logical-pathname-translations "scratch")
+ '(("**;*.*.*" "/usr/local/doc/**/*"))))
(loop for (expected-result . params) in
`(;; trivial merge
;; as a name)
,(make-pathname :type "supplied-type")
- #p"/dir/name.type")
+ #p"/dir/name.type")
;; If (pathname-directory pathname) is a list whose car is
;; :relative, and (pathname-directory default-pathname) is a
;; list, then the merged directory is [...]
;; "../" in a namestring is parsed as :up not :back, so make-pathname
,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative :back "blah"))
- #p"/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/eee")
+ #p"/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/eee")
;; If (pathname-directory default-pathname) is not a list or
;; (pathname-directory pathname) is not a list whose car is
;; :relative, the merged directory is (or (pathname-directory
;; pathname) (pathname-directory default-pathname))
- #p"/dir/default-name.type")
+ #p"/dir/default-name.type")
;; === logical pathnames ===
;; recognizes a logical pathname namestring when
;; default-pathname is a logical pathname
- ;; FIXME: fails this one.
+ ;; FIXME: fails this one.
+ ;;
+ ;; And, as it happens, it's right to fail it. Because
+ ;; #p"name1" is read in with the ambient *d-p-d* value, which
+ ;; has a physical (Unix) host; therefore, the host of the
+ ;; default-pathname argument to merge-pathnames is
+ ;; irrelevant. The result is (correctly) different if
+ ;; '#p"name1"' is replaced by "name1", below, though it's
+ ;; still not what one might expect... -- CSR, 2002-05-09
#+nil (#P"scratch:foo;name1" #p"name1" #p"scratch:foo;")
;; or when the namestring begins with the name of a defined
;; logical host followed by a colon [I assume that refers to pathname
do (assert (string= (namestring (apply #'merge-pathnames params))
(namestring expected-result))))
+;;; host-namestring testing
+(assert (string=
+ (namestring (parse-namestring "/foo" (host-namestring #p"/bar")))
+ "/foo"))
+(assert (string=
+ (namestring (parse-namestring "FOO" (host-namestring #p"SCRATCH:BAR")))
+(assert (raises-error?
+ (setf (logical-pathname-translations "")
+ (list '("**;*.*.*" "/**/*.*")))))
;;;; success
(quit :unix-status 104)
(assert (string= (format nil "~/cl-user:print-foo:print-foo/" 2) "2"))
(assert (string= (format nil "~/cl-user::print-foo:print-foo/" 2) "2"))
+;;; Check for error detection of illegal directives in a~<..~> justify
+;;; block (see ANSI section
+(assert (raises-error? (format nil "~<~W~>" 'foo)))
+(assert (raises-error? (format nil "~<~<~A~:>~>" '(foo))))
+(assert (string= (format nil "~<~<~A~>~>" 'foo) "FOO"))
;;; success
(quit :unix-status 104)
;;; for internal versions, especially for internal versions off the
;;; main CVS branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)