(format s "System call error ~A (~A)"
errno (sb-int:strerror errno))))))
-(defvar *errno-table*
- (let ((errno-max 0)
- list)
- (do-symbols (symbol (find-package "SB-POSIX"))
- (when (get symbol 'errno)
- (let ((errno (symbol-value symbol)))
- (setf errno-max (max errno errno-max))
- (push (cons errno
- (eval `(define-condition ,symbol (syscall-error) ())))
- list))))
- (let ((table (make-array (1+ errno-max))))
- (mapc #'(lambda (cons) (setf (elt table (car cons)) (cdr cons))) list)
- table)))
(defun syscall-error ()
- (let ((errno (get-errno)))
- (error (elt *errno-table* errno) :errno errno)))
+ (error 'sb-posix:syscall-error :errno (get-errno)))
(defun unsupported-error (lisp-name c-name)
(error "~S is unsupported by SBCL on this platform due to lack of ~A()."
(warn "~S is unsupported by SBCL on this platform due to lack of ~A()."
lisp-name c-name))
-;; Note that we inherit from SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR first, to get its
-;; error reporting, rather than SYSCALL-ERROR's.
-(define-condition file-syscall-error
- (sb-impl::simple-file-error syscall-error)
- ())
-(defvar *file-errno-table*
- (let ((array (copy-seq *errno-table*)))
- (map-into array
- (lambda (condition-class-name)
- (if (symbolp condition-class-name)
- (let ((file-condition-name
- (read-from-string
- (format nil "FILE-~A" condition-class-name))))
- ;; Should condition class names like FILE-ENOENT
- ;; and FILE-ENOTDIR be exported? I want to say
- ;; "no", since we already export ENOENT, ENOTDIR
- ;; et al, and so the user can write handlers
- ;; such as
- ;;
- ;; (handler-bind ((sb-posix:enoent ...)
- ;; (sb-posix:enotdir ...)
- ;; (file-error ...))
- ;; ...)
- ;;
- ;; which will do the right thing for all our
- ;; FILE-SYSCALL-ERRORs, without exposing this
- ;; implementation detail. (Recall that some
- ;; FILE-ERRORs don't strictly have to do with
- ;; the file system, e.g., supplying a wild
- ;; pathname to some functions.) But if the
- ;; prevailing opinion is otherwise, uncomment
- ;; the following.
- #| (export file-condition-name) |#
- (eval `(define-condition ,file-condition-name
- (,condition-class-name file-syscall-error)
- ())))
- condition-class-name))
- array)
- array))
-;; Note: do we have to declare SIMPLE-FILE-PERROR notinline in
-;; fd-stream.lisp?
- (defun sb-impl::simple-file-perror (note-format pathname errno)
- (error (elt *file-errno-table* errno)
- :pathname pathname
- :errno errno
- :format-control "~@<~?: ~2I~_~A~:>"
- :format-arguments
- (list note-format (list pathname) (sb-int:strerror errno)))))
-;; Note: it might prove convenient to develop a parallel set of
-;; condition classes for STREAM-ERRORs, too.
(declaim (inline never-fails))
(defun never-fails (&rest args)
(declare (ignore args))