information will be collected when the
test is run.")))
+(defgeneric testable-object-p (object)
+ (:method ((object testable-object)) t)
+ (:method ((object t)) nil))
(defmethod print-object ((test testable-object) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (test stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream "~S" (name test))))
"Lookup table mapping test (and test suite)
names to objects.")
-(defun get-test (key &optional default)
- (gethash key *test* default))
+(defun get-test (key &key default error)
+ "Finds the test named KEY. If KEY is a testable-object (a test case
+or a test suite) then we just return KEY, otherwise we look for a test
+named KEY in the *TEST* hash table."
+ (if (testable-object-p key)
+ key
+ (multiple-value-bind (value foundp)
+ (gethash key *test*)
+ (if foundp
+ value
+ (if error
+ (error "Unable to find test named ~S." key)
+ default)))))
(defun (setf get-test) (value key)
(setf (gethash key *test*) value))