-;;; KLUDGE: MAP has been rewritten substantially since the fork from
-;;; CMU CL in order to give reasonable performance, but this
-;;; implementation of MAP-INTO still has the same problems as the old
-;;; MAP code. Ideally, MAP-INTO should be rewritten to be efficient in
-;;; the same way that the corresponding cases of MAP have been
-;;; rewritten. Instead of doing it now, though, it's easier to wait
-;;; until we have DYNAMIC-EXTENT, at which time it should become
-;;; extremely easy to define a reasonably efficient MAP-INTO in terms
-;;; of (MAP NIL ..). -- WHN 20000920
+;;; Uses the machinery of (MAP NIL ...). For non-vectors we avoid
+;;; computing the length of the result sequence since we can detect
+;;; the end during mapping (if MAP even gets that far).
(defun map-into (result-sequence function &rest sequences)
- (let* ((fp-result
- (and (arrayp result-sequence)
- (array-has-fill-pointer-p result-sequence)))
- (len (apply #'min
- (if fp-result
- (array-dimension result-sequence 0)
- (length result-sequence))
- (mapcar #'length sequences))))
- (when fp-result
- (setf (fill-pointer result-sequence) len))
- (let ((really-fun (%coerce-callable-to-fun function)))
- (dotimes (index len)
- (setf (elt result-sequence index)
- (apply really-fun
- (mapcar (lambda (seq) (elt seq index))
- sequences))))))
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent sequences))
+ (let ((really-fun (%coerce-callable-to-fun function)))
+ ;; For each result type, define a mapping function which is
+ ;; responsible for replacing RESULT-SEQUENCE elements and for
+ ;; terminating itself if the end of RESULT-SEQUENCE is reached.
+ ;;
+ ;; The mapping function is defined with the MAP-LAMBDA macrolet,
+ ;; whose syntax matches that of LAMBDA.
+ (macrolet ((map-lambda (params &body body)
+ `(flet ((f ,params ,@body))
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent #'f))
+ ;; Note (MAP-INTO SEQ (LAMBDA () ...)) is a
+ ;; different animal, hence the awkward flip
+ ;; between MAP and LOOP.
+ (if sequences
+ (apply #'map nil #'f sequences)
+ (loop (f))))))
+ ;; Optimize MAP-LAMBDAs since they are the inner loops. Because
+ ;; we are manually doing bounds checking with known types, turn
+ ;; off safety for vectors and lists but keep it for generic
+ ;; sequences.
+ (etypecase result-sequence
+ (vector
+ (locally (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+ (with-array-data ((data result-sequence) (start) (end)
+ ;; MAP-INTO ignores fill pointer when mapping
+ :check-fill-pointer nil)
+ (let ((index start))
+ (declare (type index index))
+ (macrolet ((dispatch ()
+ `(block mapping
+ (map-lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent args))
+ (when (eql index end)
+ (return-from mapping))
+ (setf (aref data index)
+ (apply really-fun args))
+ (incf index)))))
+ (typecase data
+ (simple-vector (dispatch))
+ (otherwise (dispatch))))
+ (when (array-has-fill-pointer-p result-sequence)
+ (setf (fill-pointer result-sequence) (- index start)))))))
+ (list
+ (let ((node result-sequence))
+ (declare (type list node))
+ (map-lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent args) (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+ (when (null node)
+ (return-from map-into result-sequence))
+ (setf (car node) (apply really-fun args))
+ (setf node (cdr node)))))
+ (sequence
+ (multiple-value-bind (iter limit from-end)
+ (sb!sequence:make-sequence-iterator result-sequence)
+ (map-lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent args) (optimize speed))
+ (when (sb!sequence:iterator-endp result-sequence
+ iter limit from-end)
+ (return-from map-into result-sequence))
+ (setf (sb!sequence:iterator-element result-sequence iter)
+ (apply really-fun args))
+ (setf iter (sb!sequence:iterator-step result-sequence
+ iter from-end))))))))
;;;; quantifiers
;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
;;;; more information.
+(load "test-util.lisp")
(load "assertoid.lisp")
(use-package "ASSERTOID")
;;; tests of MAP
;;; FIXME: Move these into their own file.
-(assertoid (map 'vector #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
- :expected-equalp #(31 22))
-(assertoid (map 'list #'+ #(1 2) '(100) #(0) #(100 100))
- :expected-equal '(201))
+(test-util:with-test (:name :map)
+ (assertoid (map 'vector #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map 'list #'+ #(1 2) '(100) #(0) #(100 100))
+ :expected-equal '(201)))
+;;; tests of MAP-INTO
+(test-util:with-test (:name :map-into)
+ (assertoid (map-into (vector) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #())
+ (assertoid (map-into (vector 99) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31))
+ (assertoid (map-into (vector 99 88) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map-into (vector 99 88 77) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22 77))
+ (assertoid (map-into (list) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp '())
+ (assertoid (map-into (list 99) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp '(31))
+ (assertoid (map-into (list 99 88) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp '(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map-into (list 99 88 77) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp '(31 22 77))
+ (assertoid (map-into (vector 99 99 99) (constantly 5))
+ :expected-equalp #(5 5 5))
+ (assertoid (map-into (vector 99 99 99) (let ((x 0)) (lambda () (incf x))))
+ :expected-equalp #(1 2 3))
+ (assertoid (map-into (list 99 99 99) (constantly 5))
+ :expected-equalp '(5 5 5))
+ (assertoid (map-into (list 99 99 99) (let ((x 0)) (lambda () (incf x))))
+ :expected-equalp '(1 2 3))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 0 :element-type 'fixnum)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #())
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 1 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 2 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 3 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22 99))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #())
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 1 :fill-pointer 0 :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 2 :fill-pointer 0 :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 3 :fill-pointer 0 :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 9 :fill-pointer 9 :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22))
+ (assertoid (map-into (make-array 9 :fill-pointer 5 :initial-element 99)
+ #'+ '(1 2 3) '(30 20))
+ :expected-equalp #(31 22)))
(defmacro with-mapnil-test-fun (fun-name &body body)
`(let ((reversed-result nil))
(push rest reversed-result)))
(nreverse reversed-result))))
-(assertoid (with-mapnil-test-fun fun
- (map nil #'fun #(1)))
- :expected-equal '((1)))
-(assertoid (with-mapnil-test-fun fun
- (map nil #'fun #() '(1 2 3)))
- :expected-equal '())
-(assertoid (with-mapnil-test-fun fun
- (map nil #'fun #(a b c) '(alpha beta) '(aleph beth)))
- :expected-equal '((a alpha aleph) (b beta beth)))
+(test-util:with-test (:name :map-nil)
+ (assertoid (with-mapnil-test-fun fun
+ (map nil #'fun #(1)))
+ :expected-equal '((1)))
+ (assertoid (with-mapnil-test-fun fun
+ (map nil #'fun #() '(1 2 3)))
+ :expected-equal '())
+ (assertoid (with-mapnil-test-fun fun
+ (map nil #'fun #(a b c) '(alpha beta) '(aleph beth)))
+ :expected-equal '((a alpha aleph) (b beta beth))))
;;; Exercise MAP repeatedly on the same dataset by providing various
;;; combinations of sequence type arguments, declarations, and so
`(assertoid (map ',result-type ,fun ,@(args-with-type-decls))
:expected-equalp (coerce ,result-seq
- ',result-type)))))
+ ',result-type))))
+ (arrange
+ `(assertoid (map-into (fill (copy-seq ,result-seq) 9999)
+ ,fun ,@(args-with-type-decls))
+ :expected-equalp ,result-seq)))
`(assertoid (mapcar (lambda (args) (apply #',fun-name args))
(with-mapnil-test-fun mtf
:expected-equal (coerce ,result-seq 'list)))))
`(progn ,@(nreverse reversed-assertoids))))
-(maptest :result-seq '(2 3)
- :fun-name 1+
- :arg-seqs (*list-2*)
- :arg-types (list))
-(maptest :result-seq '(nil nil nil)
- :fun-name oddp
- :arg-seqs (*vector-30*)
- :arg-types (vector))
-(maptest :result-seq '(12 24)
- :fun-name +
- :arg-seqs (*list-2* *list-2* *vector-30*)
- :arg-types (list list vector))
+(test-util:with-test (:name :maptest)
+ (maptest :result-seq '(2 3)
+ :fun-name 1+
+ :arg-seqs (*list-2*)
+ :arg-types (list))
+ (maptest :result-seq '(nil nil nil)
+ :fun-name oddp
+ :arg-seqs (*vector-30*)
+ :arg-types (vector))
+ (maptest :result-seq '(12 24)
+ :fun-name +
+ :arg-seqs (*list-2* *list-2* *vector-30*)
+ :arg-types (list list vector)))
;;; success