* bug fix: division by zero in sb-sprof when no samples were collected
* bug fix: a race when a slow to arrive sigprof signal killed sbcl
* bug fix: asdf-install uses CRLF as required by the HTTP spec.
- (thanks to Alexander Kjeldaas)
+ (thanks to Alexander Kjeldaas)
+ * new feature: ignoring the return values of destructive functions
+ like NREVERSE signals a compile-time style-warning.
+ (thanks to Kevin Reid)
* threads
** bug fix: threads stacks belonging to dead threads are freed by the
next exiting thread, no need to gc to collect thread stacks anymore
(defknown reverse (sequence) consed-sequence (flushable)
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 1))
-(defknown nreverse (sequence) sequence ()
+(defknown nreverse (sequence) sequence (important-result)
:derive-type #'result-type-first-arg
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 1))
(:test-not callable) (:start index) (:end sequence-end)
(:count sequence-count) (:key callable))
- (flushable call)
+ (flushable call important-result)
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 2)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 2))
(callable sequence &key (:from-end t) (:start index) (:end sequence-end)
(:count sequence-count) (:key callable))
- (flushable call)
+ (flushable call important-result)
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 2)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 2))
(sequence &key (:test callable) (:test-not callable) (:start index)
(:from-end t) (:end sequence-end) (:key callable))
- (unsafely-flushable call)
+ (unsafely-flushable call important-result)
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 1)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 1))
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 1)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 1))
+(defknown sb!impl::stable-sort-list (list function function) list
+ (call important-result)
+ :destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 1))
(defknown sb!impl::sort-vector (vector index index function (or function null))
* ; SORT-VECTOR works through side-effect
(defknown merge (type-specifier sequence sequence callable
&key (:key callable))
- (call)
+ (call important-result)
:derive-type (creation-result-type-specifier-nth-arg 1)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 2 3))
(defknown sb!impl::nconc2 (list t) t ()
:destroyed-constant-args (remove-non-constants-and-nils #'butlast))
-(defknown nreconc (list t) t ()
+(defknown nreconc (list t) t (important-result)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 1))
(defknown butlast (list &optional unsigned-byte) list (flushable))
(defknown nbutlast (list &optional unsigned-byte) list ()
(defknown (nunion nintersection nset-difference nset-exclusive-or)
(list list &key (:key callable) (:test callable) (:test-not callable))
- (foldable flushable call)
+ (foldable flushable call important-result)
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-nonempty-sequence-args 1 2))
(defknown subsetp
:destroyed-constant-args (nth-constant-args 1))
+;;; Also, an important-result warning could be provided if the array
+;;; is known to be not expressly adjustable.
(defknown adjust-array
(array (or index list) &key (:element-type type-specifier)
(:initial-element t) (:initial-contents t)
(defvar *show-transforms-p* nil)
+(defun check-important-result (node info)
+ (when (and (null (node-lvar node))
+ (ir1-attributep (fun-info-attributes info) important-result))
+ (let ((*compiler-error-context* node))
+ (compiler-style-warn
+ "The return value of ~A should not be discarded."
+ (lvar-fun-name (basic-combination-fun node))))))
;;; Do IR1 optimizations on a COMBINATION node.
(declaim (ftype (function (combination) (values)) ir1-optimize-combination))
(defun ir1-optimize-combination (node)
(when arg
(setf (lvar-reoptimize arg) nil)))
(when info
+ (check-important-result node info)
(let ((fun (fun-info-destroyed-constant-args info)))
(when fun
(let ((destroyed-constant-args (funcall fun args)))
(dolist (arg args)
(when arg
(setf (lvar-reoptimize arg) nil)))
+ (check-important-result node info)
(let ((fun (fun-info-destroyed-constant-args info)))
(when fun
(let ((destroyed-constant-args (funcall fun args)))
;; in the safe code. If a function MUST signal errors, then it is
;; not unsafely-flushable even if it is movable or foldable.
+ ;; return value is important, and ignoring it is probably a mistake.
+ ;; Unlike the other attributes, this is used only for style
+ ;; warnings and has no effect on optimization.
+ important-result
;; may be moved with impunity. Has no side effects except possibly
;; consing, and is affected only by its arguments.
(assert (not (eval `(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
(ignore-errors (progn ,form t)))))))
+;;; feature: we shall complain if functions which are only useful for
+;;; their result are called and their result ignored.
+(loop for (form expected-des) in
+ '(((progn (nreverse (list 1 2)) t)
+ "The return value of NREVERSE should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (nreconc (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) t)
+ "The return value of NRECONC should not be discarded.")
+ ((locally
+ (declare (inline sort))
+ (sort (list 1 2) #'<) t)
+ ;; FIXME: it would be nice if this warned on non-inlined sort
+ ;; but the current simple boolean function attribute
+ ;; can't express the condition that would be required.
+ "The return value of STABLE-SORT-LIST should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (sort (vector 1 2) #'<) t)
+ ;; Apparently, SBCL (but not CL) guarantees in-place vector
+ ;; sort, so no warning.
+ nil)
+ ((progn (delete 2 (list 1 2)) t)
+ "The return value of DELETE should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (delete-if #'evenp (list 1 2)) t)
+ ("The return value of DELETE-IF should not be discarded."))
+ ((progn (delete-if #'evenp (vector 1 2)) t)
+ ("The return value of DELETE-IF should not be discarded."))
+ ((progn (delete-if-not #'evenp (list 1 2)) t)
+ "The return value of DELETE-IF-NOT should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (delete-duplicates (list 1 2)) t)
+ "The return value of DELETE-DUPLICATES should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (merge 'list (list 1 3) (list 2 4) #'<) t)
+ "The return value of MERGE should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (nreconc (list 1 3) (list 2 4)) t)
+ "The return value of NRECONC should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (nunion (list 1 3) (list 2 4)) t)
+ "The return value of NUNION should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (nintersection (list 1 3) (list 2 4)) t)
+ "The return value of NINTERSECTION should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (nset-difference (list 1 3) (list 2 4)) t)
+ "The return value of NSET-DIFFERENCE should not be discarded.")
+ ((progn (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 3) (list 2 4)) t)
+ "The return value of NSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR should not be discarded."))
+ for expected = (if (listp expected-des)
+ expected-des
+ (list expected-des))
+ do
+ (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p)
+ (handler-bind ((style-warning (lambda (c)
+ (if expected
+ (let ((expect-one (pop expected)))
+ (assert (search expect-one
+ (with-standard-io-syntax
+ (let ((*print-right-margin* nil))
+ (princ-to-string c))))
+ ()
+ "~S should have warned ~S, but instead warned: ~A"
+ form expect-one c))
+ (error "~S shouldn't give a(nother) warning, but did: ~A" form c)))))
+ (compile nil `(lambda () ,form)))
+ (declare (ignore warnings-p))
+ (assert (functionp fun))
+ (assert (null expected)
+ ()
+ "~S should have warned ~S, but didn't."
+ form expected)
+ (assert (not failure-p))))
;;; a bug in the MAP deftransform caused non-VECTOR array specifiers
;;; to cause errors in the compiler. Fixed by CSR in
(assert (list (compile nil '(lambda (x) (map 'simple-array 'identity x)))))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)