;;; compiler-codege.lisp --- Naive Javascript unparser
-;; copyright (C) 2013 David Vazquez
+;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 David Vazquez
;; JSCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with JSCL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; This code generator takes as input a S-expression representation
;;; of the Javascript AST and generates Javascript code without
;;; redundant syntax constructions like extra parenthesis.
(/debug "loading compiler-codegen.lisp!")
(defvar *js-macros* nil)
(defmacro define-js-macro (name lambda-list &body body)
(let ((form (gensym)))
(defun js-format (fmt &rest args)
(apply #'format *js-output* fmt args))
+;;; Check if STRING-DESIGNATOR is valid as a Javascript identifier. It
+;;; returns a couple of values. The identifier itself as a string and
+;;; a boolean value with the result of this check.
(defun valid-js-identifier (string-designator)
(let ((string (typecase string-designator
(symbol (symbol-name string-designator))
(if (plusp (length string))
(not (digit-char-p (char string 0)))
- (values (format nil "~a" string) t)
+ (values string t)
(values nil nil)))))
+;;; Expression generators
+;;; `js-expr' and the following auxiliary functions are the
+;;; responsible for generating Javascript expression.
(defun js-identifier (string-designator)
(multiple-value-bind (string valid)
(valid-js-identifier string-designator)
(js-macroexpand form)))
+;;; It is the more complicated function of the generator. It takes a
+;;; operator expression and generate Javascript for it. It will
+;;; consider associativity and precedence in order not to generate
+;;; unnecessary parenthesis.
(defun js-operator-expression (op args precedence associativity operand-order)
(let ((op1 (car args))
(op2 (cadr args)))
(js-operator-expression (car form) (cdr form) precedence associativity operand-order)))))
+;;; Statements generators
+;;; `js-stmt' generates code for Javascript statements. A form is
+;;; provided to label statements. Remember that in particular,
+;;; expressions can be used as statements (semicolon suffixed).
(defun js-expand-stmt (form)
((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'progn))
(js-expr form)
+;;; It is intended to be the entry point to the code generator.
(defun js (&rest stmts)
(mapc #'js-stmt stmts)