CERROR and WARN. (thanks to Gerd Moellmann)
* New ASDF-INSTALL contrib can be used for automatic download and
installation of third-party Lisp code from CCLAN or other sites
- via CLiki
+ via CLiki.
* Threaded builds (:SB-THREAD) now support SB-THREAD:INTERRUPT-THREAD,
which forces another thread to execute a function supplied by the
- caller
- accept and act upon their :ELEMENT-TYPE keyword argument.
+ caller.
+ now accept and act upon their :ELEMENT-TYPE keyword argument.
(reported by Martin Atzmueller, Edi Weitz)
* bug fix: FILE-POSITION now accepts position designators up to
ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT or the extreme of the off_t range, whichever
target sequence. (thanks to Gerd Moellmann)
* bug fix in threaded builds: the system can now be suspended and
resumed by shell job control with minimal disruption.
+ * bug fixes in times and timezones >2038AD
+ * better handling of "where is GNU make?" problem in build scripts
+ (thanks to Nikodemus Siivola)
* new optimization: inside a named function any reference to a
function with the same name is considered to be a self-reference;
this behaviour is controlled with SB-C::RECOGNIZE-SELF-CALLS
optimized (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) versions, which are automatically
used when the result is truncated to 32 bits.
* VALUES declaration is partially enabled.
+ * fixes in SB-GROVEL (thanks to Andreas Fuchs)
* fixed some bugs revealed by Paul Dietz' test suite:
** The system now obeys the constraint imposed by
UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE that the upgraded array element
function does not cause an error to be signalled immediately;
a warning is signalled, and the error is generated only on
calling the generic function.
+ * changed .fasl file version number, in part to add type codes for
+ new array subtypes UNSIGNED-BYTE 7, 15, 29, and 31 mandated by
+ obscure ANSI requirements
planned incompatible changes in 0.8.x:
* (not done yet, but planned:) When the profiling interface settles
;;; versions which break binary compatibility. But it certainly should
;;; be incremented for release versions which break binary
;;; compatibility.
-(def!constant +fasl-file-version+ 43)
+(def!constant +fasl-file-version+ 44)
;;; (record of versions before 2003 deleted in 2003-04-26/0.pre8.107 or so)
;;; 38: (2003-01-05) changed names of internal SORT machinery
;;; 39: (2003-02-20) in a slot was added to
;;; recent maintenance, e.g. from (VECTOR NIL)-as-string support.
;;; (And experimental results suggest that compatibility was broken
;;; between about and
+;;; 44: (2003-08-25) various changes leading up to 0.8.3
+;;; <dan`b> what happened this month to stalate the fasls?
+;;; <Krystof_> I think I renumbered everything again
+;;; <Krystof_> simple-array-unsigned-byte-7, probably
+;;; <Krystof_> (thanks to pfdietz)
;;; the conventional file extension for our fasl files
(declaim (type simple-string *fasl-file-type*))