This function returns its argument. But after removing percents it
does not work: "Result of (1- n) is not a function".
+ As of sbcl-0.pre7.86.flaky7.3, the cross-compiler, and probably
+ the CL:COMPILE function (which is based on the same %COMPILE
+ mechanism) get confused by
+(defun sxhash (x)
+ (labels ((sxhash-number (x)
+ (etypecase x
+ (fixnum (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (integer (sb!bignum:sxhash-bignum x))
+ (single-float (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (double-float (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ #!+long-float (long-float (error "stub: no LONG-FLOAT"))
+ (ratio (let ((result 127810327))
+ (declare (type fixnum result))
+ (mixf result (sxhash-number (numerator x)))
+ (mixf result (sxhash-number (denominator x)))
+ result))
+ (complex (let ((result 535698211))
+ (declare (type fixnum result))
+ (mixf result (sxhash-number (realpart x)))
+ (mixf result (sxhash-number (imagpart x)))
+ result))))
+ (sxhash-recurse (x &optional (depthoid +max-hash-depthoid+))
+ (declare (type index depthoid))
+ (typecase x
+ (list
+ (if (plusp depthoid)
+ (mix (sxhash-recurse (car x) (1- depthoid))
+ (sxhash-recurse (cdr x) (1- depthoid)))
+ 261835505))
+ (instance
+ (if (typep x 'structure-object)
+ (logxor 422371266
+ (sxhash ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (class-name (layout-class (%instance-layout x)))))
+ 309518995))
+ (symbol (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (number (sxhash-number x))
+ (array
+ (typecase x
+ (simple-string (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (string (%sxhash-substring x))
+ (bit-vector (let ((result 410823708))
+ (declare (type fixnum result))
+ (dotimes (i (min depthoid (length x)))
+ (mixf result (aref x i)))
+ result))
+ (t (logxor 191020317 (sxhash (array-rank x))))))
+ (character
+ (logxor 72185131
+ (sxhash (char-code x)))) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (t 42))))
+ (sxhash-recurse x)))
+ complaining "function called with two arguments, but wants exactly
+ one" about SXHASH-RECURSE. (This might not be strictly a new bug,
+ since IIRC post-fork CMU CL has also had problems with &OPTIONAL
+ arguments in FLET/LABELS: it might be an old Python bug which is
+ only exercised by the new arrangement of the SBCL compiler.)
(defun sxhash (x)
(labels ((sxhash-number (x)
(etypecase x
- (fixnum (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ (fixnum (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
(integer (sb!bignum:sxhash-bignum x))
(single-float (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
(double-float (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
(class-name (layout-class (%instance-layout x)))))
(symbol (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (number (sxhash-number x))
(typecase x
(simple-string (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
(logxor 72185131
(sxhash (char-code x)))) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
+ ;; general, inefficient case of NUMBER
+ (number (sxhash-number x))
(t 42))))
(sxhash-recurse x)))
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (sb!sys:parse-body body nil)
(multiple-value-bind (names defs)
(extract-flet-variables definitions 'labels)
- (let* (;; dummy LABELS function vars, to be used during
- ;; conversion of real LABELS functions
+ (let* (;; dummy LABELS functions, to be used as placeholders
+ ;; during construction of real LABELS functions
(placeholder-funs (mapcar (lambda (name)
:%source-name name
"LABELS placeholder ~S"
- (placeholder-fenv (pairlis names placeholder-funs))
;; the real LABELS functions, compiled in a LEXENV which
;; includes the dummy LABELS functions
- (let ((*lexenv* (make-lexenv :functions placeholder-fenv)))
- (mapcar (lambda (n d)
- (ir1-convert-lambda d
- :source-name n
+ (let ((*lexenv* (make-lexenv
+ :functions (pairlis names placeholder-funs))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (name def)
+ (ir1-convert-lambda def
+ :source-name name
:debug-name (debug-namify
- "LABELS ~S" n)))
+ "LABELS ~S" name)))
names defs))))
;; Modify all the references to the dummy function leaves so
;; that they point to the real function leaves.
- (loop for real-fun in real-funs and envpair in placeholder-fenv do
- (let ((placeholder-fun (cdr envpair)))
- (substitute-leaf real-fun placeholder-fun)
- (setf (cdr envpair) real-fun)))
+ (loop for real-fun in real-funs and placeholder-fun in placeholder-funs
+ do (substitute-leaf real-fun placeholder-fun))
;; Voila.
(let ((*lexenv* (make-lexenv