* bug fix: EQUALP now compares correctly structures with raw slots larger
than a single word.
* bug fix: contribs couldn't be built on Windows with MinGW.
- * bug fix: Better pathname handling on Windows.
+ * bug fix: Better pathname handling on Windows. (lp#922117)
changes in sbcl-1.1.13 relative to sbcl-1.1.12:
* optimization: better distribution of SXHASH over small conses of related
:as-directory t))))
(defun user-homedir-namestring (&optional username)
- (if username
- (sb!unix:user-homedir username)
- (let ((env-home (posix-getenv "HOME")))
- (if (and env-home (not (string= env-home "")))
- env-home
+ (flet ((not-empty (x)
+ (and (not (equal x "")) x)))
+ (if username
+ (sb!unix:user-homedir username)
+ (or (not-empty (posix-getenv "HOME"))
+ #!+win32
+ (not-empty (posix-getenv "USERPROFILE"))
+ #!+win32
+ (let ((drive (not-empty (posix-getenv "HOMEDRIVE")))
+ (path (not-empty (posix-getenv "HOMEPATH"))))
+ (and drive path
+ (concatenate 'string drive path)))
- (sb!unix:uid-homedir (sb!unix:unix-getuid))))))
+ (not-empty (sb!unix:uid-homedir (sb!unix:unix-getuid)))
+ (error "Couldn't find home directory.")))))
;;; (This is an ANSI Common Lisp function.)
(defun user-homedir-pathname (&optional host)