* performance bug fix: GETHASH and (SETF GETHASH) are once again
* optimization: STRING-TO-OCTETS is now up to 60% faster for UTF-8.
+ * optimization: MEMBER can now be open-coded for all combinations
+ of keyword arguments when second argument is constant, and in other
+ cases a specialized version is selected.
* bug fix: using obsoleted structure instances with TYPEP and
generic functions now signals a sensible error.
* bug fix: threads waiting on GET-FOREGROUND can be interrupted.
(do ((list list (cdr list)))
((null list) nil)
(let ((car (car list)))
- (if (satisfies-the-test item car)
- (return list))))))
+ (when (satisfies-the-test item car)
+ (return list))))))
+(macrolet ((def (name funs form)
+ `(defun ,name (item list ,@funs)
+ ,@(when funs `((declare (function ,@funs))))
+ (do ((list list (cdr list)))
+ ((null list) nil)
+ (when ,form
+ (return list))))))
+ (def %member ()
+ (eql item (car list)))
+ (def %member-key (key)
+ (eql item (funcall key (car list))))
+ (def %member-key-test (key test)
+ (funcall test item (funcall key (car list))))
+ (def %member-key-test-not (key test-not)
+ (not (funcall test-not item (funcall key (car list)))))
+ (def %member-test (test)
+ (funcall test item (car list)))
+ (def %member-test-not (test-not)
+ (not (funcall test-not item (car list)))))
(defun member-if (test list &key key)
(or end length)
(sb!impl::signal-bounding-indices-bad-error vector start end)))))
-(macrolet ((def (name)
- `(deftransform ,name ((e l &key (test #'eql)) * *
- :node node)
- (unless (constant-lvar-p l)
- (give-up-ir1-transform))
- (let ((val (lvar-value l)))
- (unless (policy node
- (or (= speed 3)
- (and (>= speed space)
- (<= (length val) 5))))
- (give-up-ir1-transform))
- (labels ((frob (els)
- (if els
- `(if (funcall test e ',(car els))
- ',els
- ,(frob (cdr els)))
- nil)))
- (frob val))))))
- (def member)
- (def memq))
+(deftransform member ((item list &key key test test-not) * * :node node)
+ ;; Key can legally be NIL, but if it's NIL for sure we pretend it's
+ ;; not there at all. If it might be NIL, make up a form to that
+ ;; ensure it is a function.
+ (multiple-value-bind (key key-form)
+ (if key
+ (let ((key-type (lvar-type key))
+ (null-type (specifier-type 'null)))
+ (cond ((csubtypep key-type null-type)
+ (values nil nil))
+ ((csubtypep null-type key-type)
+ (values key '(if key
+ (%coerce-callable-to-fun key)
+ #'identity)))
+ (t
+ (values key '(%coerce-callable-to-fun key))))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (out-of-line funs test-expr)
+ (cond ((and (not key) (not test) (not test-not))
+ (values '%member
+ '()
+ '(eql item car)))
+ ((and key (not test) (not test-not))
+ (values '%member-key
+ '(key)
+ '(eql item (%funcall key car))))
+ ((and key test)
+ (values '%member-key-test
+ '(key test)
+ '(%funcall test item (%funcall key car))))
+ ((and key test-not)
+ (values '%member-key-test-not
+ '(key test-not)
+ '(not (%funcall test-not item (%funcall key car)))))
+ (test
+ (values '%member-test
+ '(test)
+ '(%funcall test item car)))
+ (test-not
+ (values '%member-test-not
+ '(test-not)
+ '(not (%funcall test item car))))
+ (t
+ (bug "never")))
+ (labels ((open-code (tail)
+ (when tail
+ `(if (let ((car ',(car tail)))
+ ,test-expr)
+ ',tail
+ ,(open-code (cdr tail)))))
+ (ensure-fun (fun)
+ (if (eq 'key fun)
+ key-form
+ `(%coerce-callable-to-fun ,fun))))
+ (if (and (constant-lvar-p list) (policy node (>= speed space)))
+ `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (fun) `(,fun ,(ensure-fun fun))) funs)
+ ,(open-code (lvar-value list)))
+ `(,out-of-line item list ,@(mapcar #'ensure-fun funs)))))))
+(deftransform memq ((item list) (t (constant-arg list)))
+ (labels ((rec (tail)
+ (if tail
+ `(if (eq item ',(car tail))
+ ',tail
+ ,(rec (cdr tail)))
+ nil)))
+ (rec (lvar-value list))))
;;; FIXME: We have rewritten the original code that used DOLIST to this
;;; more natural MACROLET. However, the original code suggested that when
(ignore-errors (setf (symbol-plist s) (car l)))
(assert (not res))
(assert (typep err 'type-error))))
+;;; member
+(macrolet ((test (expected form)
+ `(progn
+ (assert (eq ,expected (funcall fun ,@(cdr form))))
+ (assert (eq ,expected (funcall (lambda ()
+ (declare (optimize speed))
+ ,form))))
+ (assert (eq ,expected (funcall (lambda ()
+ (declare (optimize space))
+ ,form)))))))
+ (let ((numbers '(1 2))
+ (fun (car (list 'member))))
+ (test numbers (member 1 numbers))
+ (test (cdr numbers) (member 2 numbers))
+ (test nil (member 1.0 numbers ))
+ (test numbers (member 1.0 numbers :test #'=))
+ (test numbers (member 1.0 numbers :test #'= :key nil))
+ (test (cdr numbers) (member 2.0 numbers :test '=))
+ (test nil (member 0 numbers :test '=))
+ (test numbers (member 0 numbers :test-not #'>))
+ (test (cdr numbers) (member 1 numbers :test-not 'eql))
+ (test nil (member 0 numbers :test-not '<))
+ (test numbers (member -1 numbers :key #'-))
+ (test (cdr numbers) (member -2 numbers :key '-))
+ (test nil (member -1.0 numbers :key #'-))
+ (test numbers (member -1.0 numbers :key #'- :test '=))
+ (test (cdr numbers) (member -2.0 numbers :key #'- :test '=))
+ (test nil (member -1.0 numbers :key #'- :test 'eql))))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)