(defun append (&rest lists)
"Construct a new list by concatenating the list arguments"
- (do ((top lists (cdr top))) ;;Cdr to first non-null list.
- ((atom top) '())
- (cond ((null (car top))) ; Nil -> Keep looping
- ((not (consp (car top))) ; Non cons
- (if (cdr top)
- (error "~S is not a list." (car top))
- (return (car top))))
- (t ; Start appending
- (return
- (if (atom (cdr top))
- (car top) ;;Special case.
- (let* ((result (cons (caar top) '()))
- (splice result))
- (do ((x (cdar top) (cdr x))) ;;Copy first list
- ((atom x))
- (setq splice
- (cdr (rplacd splice (cons (car x) ()) ))) )
- (do ((y (cdr top) (cdr y))) ;;Copy rest of lists.
- ((atom (cdr y))
- (setq splice (rplacd splice (car y)))
- result)
- (if (listp (car y))
- (do ((x (car y) (cdr x))) ;;Inner copy loop.
- ((atom x))
- (setq
- splice
- (cdr (rplacd splice (cons (car x) ())))))
- (error "~S is not a list." (car y)))))))))))
+ (flet ((fail (object)
+ (error 'type-error
+ :datum object
+ :expected-type 'list)))
+ (do ((top lists (cdr top))) ; CDR to first non-null list.
+ ((atom top) '())
+ (cond ((null (car top))) ; NIL -> Keep looping
+ ((not (consp (car top))) ; Non CONS
+ (if (cdr top)
+ (fail (car top))
+ (return (car top))))
+ (t ; Start appending
+ (return
+ (if (atom (cdr top))
+ (car top) ; Special case.
+ (let* ((result (cons (caar top) '()))
+ (splice result))
+ (do ((x (cdar top) (cdr x))) ; Copy first list
+ ((atom x))
+ (setq splice
+ (cdr (rplacd splice (cons (car x) ()) ))) )
+ (do ((y (cdr top) (cdr y))) ; Copy rest of lists.
+ ((atom (cdr y))
+ (setq splice (rplacd splice (car y)))
+ result)
+ (if (listp (car y))
+ (do ((x (car y) (cdr x))) ; Inner copy loop.
+ ((atom x))
+ (setq
+ splice
+ (cdr (rplacd splice (cons (car x) ())))))
+ (fail (car y))))))))))))
;;; list copying functions
(defun nconc (&rest lists)
"Concatenates the lists given as arguments (by changing them)"
- (do ((top lists (cdr top)))
- ((null top) nil)
- (let ((top-of-top (car top)))
- (typecase top-of-top
- (cons
- (let* ((result top-of-top)
- (splice result))
- (do ((elements (cdr top) (cdr elements)))
- ((endp elements))
- (let ((ele (car elements)))
- (typecase ele
- (cons (rplacd (last splice) ele)
- (setf splice ele))
- (null (rplacd (last splice) nil))
- (atom (if (cdr elements)
- (error "Argument is not a list -- ~S." ele)
- (rplacd (last splice) ele)))
- (t (error "Argument is not a list -- ~S." ele)))))
- (return result)))
- (null)
- (atom
- (if (cdr top)
- (error "Argument is not a list -- ~S." top-of-top)
- (return top-of-top)))
- (t (error "Argument is not a list -- ~S." top-of-top))))))
+ (flet ((fail (object)
+ (error 'type-error
+ :datum object
+ :expected-type 'list)))
+ (do ((top lists (cdr top)))
+ ((null top) nil)
+ (let ((top-of-top (car top)))
+ (typecase top-of-top
+ (cons
+ (let* ((result top-of-top)
+ (splice result))
+ (do ((elements (cdr top) (cdr elements)))
+ ((endp elements))
+ (let ((ele (car elements)))
+ (typecase ele
+ (cons (rplacd (last splice) ele)
+ (setf splice ele))
+ (null (rplacd (last splice) nil))
+ (atom (if (cdr elements)
+ (fail ele)
+ (rplacd (last splice) ele)))
+ (t (fail ele)))))
+ (return result)))
+ (null)
+ (atom
+ (if (cdr top)
+ (fail top-of-top)
+ (return top-of-top)))
+ (t (fail top-of-top)))))))
(defun nreconc (x y)
(movable flushable unsafe))
;;; All but last must be of type LIST, but there seems to be no way to
-;;; express that in this syntax..
+;;; express that in this syntax.
(defknown append (&rest t) t (flushable))
(defknown copy-list (list) list (flushable))
(defknown copy-alist (list) list (flushable))
(defknown copy-tree (t) t (flushable recursive))
(defknown revappend (list t) t (flushable))
-(defknown nconc (&rest list) list ())
+;;; All but last must be of type LIST, but there seems to be no way to
+;;; express that in this syntax. The result must be LIST, but we do
+;;; not check it now :-).
+(defknown nconc (&rest t) t ())
(defknown nreconc (list t) list ())
(defknown butlast (list &optional index) list (flushable))
(defknown nbutlast (list &optional index) list ())
(setq i 0)
(assert (eql (pop s) 't))
(assert (equalp a #((a) (b) (1 c)))))))
+;;; Type checking in NCONC
+(let ((tests '((((1 . 2)) (1 . 2))
+ (((1 . 2) (3 . 4)) (1 3 . 4))
+ (((1 . 2) 3) (1 . 3))
+ ((3) 3))))
+ (loop for (args result) in tests
+ do (assert (equal (apply 'nconc (copy-tree args)) result))
+ do (let ((exp `(nconc ,@ (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+ `',(copy-tree arg))
+ args))))
+ (assert (equal (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,exp))) result)))))
+(let ((tests '(((3 (1 . 2)) 3)
+ (((1 . 2) 3 (4 . 5)) 3))))
+ (macrolet ((check-error (form failed-arg)
+ `(multiple-value-bind (.result. .error.)
+ (ignore-errors ,form)
+ (assert (null .result.))
+ (assert (typep .error. 'type-error))
+ (assert (eq (type-error-expected-type .error.) 'list))
+ (assert (equal (type-error-datum .error.) ,failed-arg)))))
+ (loop for (args fail) in tests
+ do (check-error (apply #'nconc (copy-tree args)) fail)
+ do (let ((exp `(nconc ,@ (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+ `',(copy-tree arg))
+ args))))
+ (check-error (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,exp))) fail)))))
+(multiple-value-bind (result error)
+ (ignore-errors (append 1 2))
+ (assert (null result))
+ (assert (typep error 'type-error)))