** SB-DEBUG:*SHOW-ENTRY-POINT-DETAILS** has been deprecated, as the same
information is available in less intrusive form as frame annotations.
* enhancement: SB-POSIX now provides MAP-ANON.
+ * enhancement: test-suite results are colorized, failures in red, unexpected
+ success in green. Works on Windows and on terminals with ANSI escape code
+ support. Can be disabled with --no-color.
* bug fix: no more unused variable style warnings from RESTART-CASE
macroexpansion (lp#1113859)
* bug fix: no more unused variable style warnings when loading
--- /dev/null
+(defun ascii-color (color)
+ (ecase color
+ (:red 31)
+ (:green 32)))
+(defun %output-colored-text (text color &key bold)
+ (format t "~c[~a~:[~;;1~]m~a~c[0m"
+ #\Esc
+ (ascii-color color)
+ bold
+ text #\Esc))
--- /dev/null
+(defun output-handle ()
+ (sb-win32::get-std-handle-or-null
+ sb-win32::+std-output-handle+))
+(sb-alien:define-alien-type nil
+ (sb-alien:struct console-screen-buffer-info
+ (size sb-alien:int)
+ (cursor-position sb-alien:int)
+ (attributes sb-alien:int)
+ (window sb-win32:dword)
+ (maximum-window-size sb-alien:int)))
+ ("SetConsoleTextAttribute" set-console-text-attribute)
+ sb-alien:boolean
+ (console sb-win32:handle)
+ (attributes sb-alien:int))
+ ("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo" get-console-screen-buffer-info)
+ sb-alien:boolean
+ (console-output sb-win32:handle)
+ (info (* (sb-alien:struct console-screen-buffer-info))))
+(defun get-attributes ()
+ (sb-alien:with-alien ((info (sb-alien:struct console-screen-buffer-info)))
+ (get-console-screen-buffer-info (output-handle)
+ (sb-alien:addr info))
+ (sb-alien:slot info 'attributes)))
+(defun console-color (color)
+ (ecase color
+ (:red 4)
+ (:green 2)))
+(defun set-color (color)
+ (set-console-text-attribute (output-handle) color))
+(defun %output-colored-text (text color &key bold)
+ (declare (ignore bold))
+ (let ((current-attributes (get-attributes)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn (set-color (console-color color))
+ (write-string text)
+ (finish-output))
+ (set-color current-attributes))))
--- /dev/null
+(defvar *no-color*
+ (member "--no-color" *posix-argv* :test #'equal))
+(defvar *color-error* nil)
+(unless *no-color*
+ (let ((file #-win32 "colorize-control-codes.lisp"
+ #+win32 "colorize-windows-console.lisp"))
+ (handler-case (load file)
+ (error (c)
+ (setf *color-error*
+ (format nil "Error while loading ~a:~% ~a"
+ (enough-namestring file)
+ c))))))
+(defun is-tty ()
+ (let* ((stream (sb-impl::stream-output-stream *standard-output*))
+ (fd (and (sb-sys:fd-stream-p stream)
+ (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd stream))))
+ (when (integerp fd)
+ (plusp (sb-unix:unix-isatty fd)))))
+(defun present-coloring-error (error)
+ (format t "~a~%" error)
+ (format t "Switching off colored output,~%~
+ it can be turned off by passing --no-color~%~%")
+ (setf *no-color* t))
+(defun output-colored-text (kind text
+ &key (align 20))
+ (cond ((or (not (is-tty))
+ *no-color*)
+ (write-string text))
+ (*color-error*
+ (present-coloring-error *color-error*)
+ (write-string text))
+ (t
+ (handler-case
+ (case kind
+ ((:unexpected-failure
+ :leftover-thread
+ :unhandled-error
+ :invalid-exit-status)
+ (%output-colored-text text :red :bold t))
+ ((:unexpected-success)
+ (%output-colored-text text :green))
+ (t
+ (write-string text)))
+ (error (c)
+ (present-coloring-error
+ (format nil "Error while printing colored text:~% ~a"
+ c))
+ (write-string text)))))
+ (write-string (make-string (max 0 (- align (length text)))
+ :initial-element #\Space)))
(in-package run-tests)
+(load "colorize.lisp")
(defvar *all-failures* nil)
(defvar *break-on-error* nil)
(defvar *report-skipped-tests* nil)
(setf test-util:*break-on-expected-failure* t))
((string= arg "--report-skipped-tests")
(setf *report-skipped-tests* t))
+ ((string= arg "--no-color"))
(push (truename (parse-namestring arg)) *accept-files*))))
(pure-runner (pure-load-files) #'load-test)
(format t "Status:~%")
(dolist (fail (reverse *all-failures*))
(cond ((eq (car fail) :unhandled-error)
- (format t " ~20a ~a~%"
- "Unhandled error"
+ (output-colored-text (car fail)
+ " Unhandled Error")
+ (format t " ~a~%"
(enough-namestring (second fail))))
((eq (car fail) :invalid-exit-status)
- (format t " ~20a ~a~%"
- "Invalid exit status:"
+ (output-colored-text (car fail)
+ " Invalid exit status:")
+ (format t " ~a~%"
(enough-namestring (second fail))))
((eq (car fail) :skipped-disabled)
(when *report-skipped-tests*
(third fail)))
(incf skipcount))
- (format t " ~20a ~a / ~a~%"
- (ecase (first fail)
- (:expected-failure "Expected failure:")
- (:unexpected-failure "Failure:")
- (:leftover-thread "Leftover thread (broken):")
- (:unexpected-success "Unexpected success:")
- (:skipped-broken "Skipped (broken):")
- (:skipped-disabled "Skipped (irrelevant):"))
+ (output-colored-text
+ (first fail)
+ (ecase (first fail)
+ (:expected-failure " Expected failure:")
+ (:unexpected-failure " Failure:")
+ (:leftover-thread " Leftover thread (broken):")
+ (:unexpected-success " Unexpected success:")
+ (:skipped-broken " Skipped (broken):")
+ (:skipped-disabled " Skipped (irrelevant):")))
+ (format t " ~a / ~a~%"
(enough-namestring (second fail))
(third fail)))))
(when (> skipcount 0)