;;;; Import wait3(2) from Unix.
-(define-alien-routine ("wait3" c-wait3) sb-alien:int
+(define-alien-routine ("waitpid" c-waitpid) sb-alien:int
+ (pid sb-alien:int)
(status sb-alien:int :out)
- (options sb-alien:int)
- (rusage sb-alien:int))
+ (options sb-alien:int))
-(defun wait3 (&optional do-not-hang check-for-stopped)
+(defun waitpid (pid &optional do-not-hang check-for-stopped)
- "Return any available status information on child process. "
+ "Return any available status information on child process with PID."
(multiple-value-bind (pid status)
- (c-wait3 (logior (if do-not-hang
- sb-unix:wnohang
- 0)
- (if check-for-stopped
- sb-unix:wuntraced
- 0))
- 0)
+ (c-waitpid pid
+ (logior (if do-not-hang
+ sb-unix:wnohang
+ 0)
+ (if check-for-stopped
+ sb-unix:wuntraced
+ 0)))
(cond ((or (minusp pid)
(zerop pid))
;;; accesses it, that's why we need without-interrupts.
(defmacro with-active-processes-lock (() &body body)
- `(sb-thread::with-system-mutex (*active-processes-lock* :allow-with-interrupts t)
+ `(sb-thread::with-system-mutex (*active-processes-lock*)
`(progn ,@body))
(setf *active-processes* (delete process *active-processes*)))
-;;; the handler for SIGCHLD signals that RUN-PROGRAM establishes
-(defun sigchld-handler (ignore1 ignore2 ignore3)
- (declare (ignore ignore1 ignore2 ignore3))
- (get-processes-status-changes))
(defun get-processes-status-changes ()
- #-win32
- (loop
- (multiple-value-bind (pid what code core)
- (wait3 t t)
- (unless pid
- (return))
- (let ((proc (with-active-processes-lock ()
- (find pid *active-processes* :key #'process-pid))))
- (when proc
- (setf (process-%status proc) what)
- (setf (process-exit-code proc) code)
- (setf (process-core-dumped proc) core)
- (when (process-status-hook proc)
- (funcall (process-status-hook proc) proc))
- (when (position what #(:exited :signaled))
- (with-active-processes-lock ()
- (setf *active-processes*
- (delete proc *active-processes*))))))))
- #+win32
(let (exited)
(with-active-processes-lock ()
(setf *active-processes*
- (delete-if (lambda (proc)
+ (delete-if #-win32
+ (lambda (proc)
+ ;; Wait only on pids belonging to processes
+ ;; started by RUN-PROGRAM. There used to be a
+ ;; WAIT3 call here, but that makes direct
+ ;; WAIT, WAITPID usage impossible due to the
+ ;; race with the SIGCHLD signal handler.
+ (multiple-value-bind (pid what code core)
+ (waitpid (process-pid proc) t t)
+ (when pid
+ (setf (process-%status proc) what)
+ (setf (process-exit-code proc) code)
+ (setf (process-core-dumped proc) core)
+ (when (process-status-hook proc)
+ (push proc exited))
+ t)))
+ #+win32
+ (lambda (proc)
(multiple-value-bind (ok code)
(get-exit-code-process (process-pid proc))
(when (and (plusp ok) (/= code 259))
;; Can't call the hooks before all the processes have been deal
;; with, as calling a hook may cause re-entry to
- ;; GET-PROCESS-STATUS-CHANGES. That may be OK when using wait3,
- ;; but in the Windows implementation is would be deeply bad.
+ ;; GET-PROCESS-STATUS-CHANGES. That may be OK when using waitpid,
+ ;; but in the Windows implementation it would be deeply bad.
(dolist (proc exited)
(let ((hook (process-status-hook proc)))
(when hook
(when (and env-p environment-p)
(error "can't specify :ENV and :ENVIRONMENT simultaneously"))
- ;; Make sure that the interrupt handler is installed.
- #-win32
- (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigchld #'sigchld-handler)
;; Prepend the program to the argument list.
(push (namestring program) args)
(labels (;; It's friendly to allow the caller to pass any string
(values stdout output-stream)
(get-descriptor-for ,@args))))
- (with-open-pty (((pty-name pty-stream) (pty cookie)) &body body)
+ (with-open-pty (((pty-name pty-stream) (pty cookie))
+ &body body)
#+win32 `(declare (ignore ,pty ,cookie))
#+win32 `(let (,pty-name ,pty-stream) ,@body)
#-win32 `(multiple-value-bind (,pty-name ,pty-stream)
;; Make sure we are not notified about the child
;; death before we have installed the PROCESS
;; structure in *ACTIVE-PROCESSES*.
- (with-active-processes-lock ()
- (with-args-vec (args-vec simple-args)
- (with-environment-vec (environment-vec environment)
- (let ((child
- (without-gcing
- (spawn progname args-vec
- stdin stdout stderr
- (if search 1 0)
- environment-vec pty-name
- (if wait 1 0)))))
- (when (= child -1)
- (error "couldn't fork child process: ~A"
- (strerror)))
- (setf proc (apply
- #'make-process
- :pid child
- :input input-stream
- :output output-stream
- :error error-stream
- :status-hook status-hook
- :cookie cookie
- #-win32 (list :pty pty-stream
- :%status :running)
- #+win32 (if wait
- (list :%status :exited
- :exit-code child)
- (list :%status :running))))
- (push proc *active-processes*))))))))))
+ (let (child)
+ (with-active-processes-lock ()
+ (with-args-vec (args-vec simple-args)
+ (with-environment-vec (environment-vec environment)
+ (setq child (without-gcing
+ (spawn progname args-vec
+ stdin stdout stderr
+ (if search 1 0)
+ environment-vec pty-name
+ (if wait 1 0))))
+ (when (plusp child)
+ (setf proc
+ (apply
+ #'make-process
+ :pid child
+ :input input-stream
+ :output output-stream
+ :error error-stream
+ :status-hook status-hook
+ :cookie cookie
+ #-win32 (list :pty pty-stream
+ :%status :running)
+ #+win32 (if wait
+ (list :%status :exited
+ :exit-code child)
+ (list :%status :running))))
+ (push proc *active-processes*)))))
+ ;; Report the error outside the lock.
+ (when (= child -1)
+ (error "couldn't fork child process: ~A"
+ (strerror)))))))))
(dolist (fd *close-in-parent*)
(sb-unix:unix-close fd))
(unless proc