-;;; FIXME: I did a fair amount of rearrangement of this code in order to
-;;; get WITH-KEYWORD-PAIRS to work cleanly. This code should be tested..
(defmacro-mundanely restart-case (expression &body clauses &environment env)
- {(case-name arg-list {keyword value}* body)}*)
- The form is evaluated in a dynamic context where the clauses have special
- meanings as points to which control may be transferred (see INVOKE-RESTART).
- When clauses contain the same case-name, FIND-RESTART will find the first
- such clause. If Expression is a call to SIGNAL, ERROR, CERROR or WARN (or
- macroexpands into such) then the signalled condition will be associated with
- the new restarts."
- (flet ((transform-keywords (&key report interactive test)
- (let ((result '()))
- (when report
- (setq result (list* (if (stringp report)
+ "(RESTART-CASE form {(case-name arg-list {keyword value}* body)}*)
+ The form is evaluated in a dynamic context where the clauses have
+ special meanings as points to which control may be transferred (see
+ INVOKE-RESTART). When clauses contain the same case-name,
+ FIND-RESTART will find the first such clause. If form is a call to
+ SIGNAL, ERROR, CERROR or WARN (or macroexpands into such) then the
+ signalled condition will be associated with the new restarts."
+ ;; PARSE-CLAUSE (which uses PARSE-KEYWORDS-AND-BODY) is used to
+ ;; parse all clauses into lists of the form
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;; where KEYWORDS are suitable keywords for use in HANDLER-BIND
+ ;; bindings. These lists are then passed to
+ ;; * MAKE-BINDING which generates bindings for the respective NAME
+ ;; * MAKE-APPLY-AND-RETURN which generates TAGBODY entries executing
+ ;; the respective BODY.
+ (let ((block-tag (sb!xc:gensym "BLOCK"))
+ (temp-var (gensym)))
+ (labels ((parse-keywords-and-body (keywords-and-body)
+ (do ((form keywords-and-body (cddr form))
+ (result '())) (nil)
+ (destructuring-bind (&optional key (arg nil argp) &rest rest)
+ form
+ (declare (ignore rest))
+ (setq result
+ (append
+ (cond
+ ((and (eq key :report) argp)
+ (list :report-function
+ (if (stringp arg)
`#'(lambda (stream)
- (write-string ,report stream))
- `#',report)
- :report-function
- result)))
- (when interactive
- (setq result (list* `#',interactive
- :interactive-function
- result)))
- (when test
- (setq result (list* `#',test :test-function result)))
- (nreverse result)))
- (parse-keyword-pairs (list keys)
- (do ((l list (cddr l))
- (k '() (list* (cadr l) (car l) k)))
- ((or (null l) (not (member (car l) keys)))
- (values (nreverse k) l)))))
- (let ((block-tag (sb!xc:gensym "BLOCK"))
- (temp-var (gensym))
- (data
- (macrolet (;; KLUDGE: This started as an old DEFMACRO
- ;; WITH-KEYWORD-PAIRS general utility, which was used
- ;; only in this one place in the code. It was translated
- ;; literally into this MACROLET in order to avoid some
- ;; cross-compilation bootstrap problems. It would almost
- ;; certainly be clearer, and it would certainly be more
- ;; concise, to do a more idiomatic translation, merging
- ;; this with the TRANSFORM-KEYWORDS logic above.
- ;; -- WHN 19990925
- (with-keyword-pairs ((names expression) &body forms)
- (let ((temp (member '&rest names)))
- (unless (= (length temp) 2)
- (error "&REST keyword is ~:[missing~;misplaced~]."
- temp))
- (let* ((key-vars (ldiff names temp))
- (keywords (mapcar #'keywordicate key-vars))
- (key-var (gensym))
- (rest-var (cadr temp)))
- `(multiple-value-bind (,key-var ,rest-var)
- (parse-keyword-pairs ,expression ',keywords)
- (let ,(mapcar (lambda (var keyword)
- `(,var (getf ,key-var
- ,keyword)))
- key-vars keywords)
- ,@forms))))))
- (mapcar (lambda (clause)
- (unless (listp (second clause))
- (error "Malformed ~S clause, no lambda-list:~% ~S"
- 'restart-case clause))
- (with-keyword-pairs ((report interactive test
- &rest forms)
- (cddr clause))
- (list (car clause) ;name=0
- (sb!xc:gensym "TAG") ;tag=1
- (transform-keywords :report report ;keywords=2
- :interactive interactive
- :test test)
- (cadr clause) ;bvl=3
- forms))) ;body=4
- clauses))))
- `(block ,block-tag
- (let ((,temp-var nil))
- (declare (ignorable ,temp-var))
- (tagbody
- (restart-bind
- ,(mapcar (lambda (datum)
- (let ((name (nth 0 datum))
- (tag (nth 1 datum))
- (keys (nth 2 datum)))
- `(,name #'(lambda (&rest temp)
- (setq ,temp-var temp)
- (go ,tag))
- ,@keys)))
- data)
- (return-from ,block-tag
- ,(munge-restart-case-expression expression env)))
- ,@(mapcan (lambda (datum)
- (let ((tag (nth 1 datum))
- (bvl (nth 3 datum))
- (body (nth 4 datum)))
- (list tag
- `(return-from ,block-tag
- (apply (lambda ,bvl ,@body)
- ,temp-var)))))
- data)))))))
+ (write-string ,arg stream))
+ `#',arg)))
+ ((and (eq key :interactive) argp)
+ (list :interactive-function `#',arg))
+ ((and (eq key :test) argp)
+ (list :test-function `#',arg))
+ (t
+ (return (values result form))))
+ result)))))
+ (parse-clause (clause)
+ (unless (and (listp clause ) (>= (length clause) 2)
+ (listp (second clause)))
+ (error "ill-formed ~S clause, no lambda-list:~% ~S"
+ 'restart-case clause))
+ (destructuring-bind (name lambda-list &body body) clause
+ (multiple-value-bind (keywords body)
+ (parse-keywords-and-body body)
+ (list name (sb!xc:gensym "TAG") keywords lambda-list body))))
+ (make-binding (clause-data)
+ (destructuring-bind (name tag keywords &rest rest) clause-data
+ (declare (ignore rest))
+ `(,name #'(lambda (&rest temp)
+ (setq ,temp-var temp)
+ (go ,tag))
+ ,@keywords)))
+ (make-apply-and-return (clause-data)
+ (destructuring-bind (name tag keywords lambda-list body) clause-data
+ (declare (ignore name keywords))
+ `(,tag (return-from ,block-tag
+ (apply (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body) ,temp-var))))))
+ (let ((clauses-data (mapcar #'parse-clause clauses)))
+ `(block ,block-tag
+ (let ((,temp-var nil))
+ (declare (ignorable ,temp-var))
+ (tagbody
+ (restart-bind
+ ,(mapcar #'make-binding clauses-data)
+ (return-from ,block-tag
+ ,(munge-restart-case-expression expression env)))
+ ,@(mapcan #'make-apply-and-return clauses-data))))))))
(defmacro-mundanely with-simple-restart ((restart-name format-string
&rest format-arguments)
;;; If CERROR is given a condition, any remaining arguments are only
;;; used for the continue format control.
-(let ((x 0))
- (handler-bind
- ((simple-error (lambda (c) (incf x) (continue c))))
- (cerror "Continue from ~A at ~A"
- (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control "foo"
- :format-arguments nil)
- 'cerror (get-universal-time))
- (assert (= x 1))))
-(with-test (:name :malformed-restart-case-clause)
- (assert (eq :ok
- (handler-case
- (macroexpand `(restart-case (error "foo")
- (foo :report "quux" (quux))))
- (simple-error (e)
- (assert (equal '(restart-case (foo :report "quux" (quux)))
- (simple-condition-format-arguments e)))
- :ok)))))
+(with-test (:name (cerror :condition-object-and-format-arguments))
+ (let ((x 0))
+ (handler-bind
+ ((simple-error (lambda (c) (incf x) (continue c))))
+ (cerror "Continue from ~A at ~A"
+ (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control "foo"
+ :format-arguments nil)
+ 'cerror (get-universal-time))
+ (assert (= x 1)))))
+;; Test some of the variations permitted by the RESTART-CASE syntax.
+(with-test (:name (restart-case :smoke))
+ (macrolet
+ ((test (clause &optional (expected ''(:ok)) (args '(:ok)))
+ `(assert (equal ,expected
+ (multiple-value-list
+ (restart-case
+ (handler-bind
+ ((error (lambda (c)
+ (invoke-restart ',(first clause) ,@args))))
+ (error "foo"))
+ ,clause))))))
+ (test (foo (quux) quux))
+ (test (foo (&optional quux) quux))
+ ;; Multiple values should work.
+ (test (foo (a b) (values a b)) '(1 2) (1 2))
+ ;; Although somewhat unlikely, these should be legal and return
+ ;; the respective keyword when the restart is invoked.
+ (test (foo () :report) '(:report) ())
+ (test (foo () :interactive) '(:interactive) ())
+ (test (foo () :test) '(:test) ())
+ ;; Declarations should work normally as part of the restart body.
+ (test (foo (quux) :declare ()) '(nil))
+ (test (foo () :declare () :report "quux") '("quux") ())))
+(with-test (:name (restart-case :malformed-clauses))
+ (macrolet
+ ((test (clause &optional (expected clause))
+ `(assert (eq :ok
+ (handler-case
+ (macroexpand
+ `(restart-case (error "foo") ,',clause))
+ (simple-error (e)
+ (assert (equal '(restart-case ,expected)
+ (simple-condition-format-arguments e)))
+ :ok))))))
+ (test :report) ; not even a list
+ (test ()) ; empty
+ (test (foo)) ; no lambda-list
+ (test (foo :report)) ; no lambda-list
+ (test (foo :report "quux")) ; no lambda-list
+ (test (foo :report "quux" (quux))) ; confused report and lambda list
+ ))
(with-test (:name :simple-condition-without-args)
(let ((sc (make-condition 'simple-condition)))