which can be found at <http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/>.~:@>"
+;;; OAOOM...
+(define-condition compiler-macro-keyword-problem ()
+ ((argument :initarg :argument :reader compiler-macro-keyword-argument))
+ (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+ (format stream "~@<Argument ~S in keyword position is not ~
+ a self-evaluating symbol, preventing compiler-macro ~
+ expansion.~@:>"
+ (compiler-macro-keyword-argument condition)))))
+;;; OAOOM...
+(define-condition duplicate-definition (reference-condition warning)
+ ((name :initarg :name :reader duplicate-definition-name))
+ (:report (lambda (c s)
+ (format s "~@<Duplicate definition for ~S found in ~
+ one file.~@:>"
+ (duplicate-definition-name c))))
+ (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
;;; These are should never be instantiated before the real definitions
;;; come in.
(deftype package-lock-violation () nil)