(reg :field (byte 3 35) :type 'xmmreg)
+(sb!disassem:define-instruction-format (ext-2byte-xmm-xmm/mem 40
+ :default-printer
+ '(:name :tab reg ", " reg/mem))
+ (prefix :field (byte 8 0))
+ (x0f :field (byte 8 8) :value #x0f)
+ (op1 :field (byte 8 16)) ; #x38 or #x3a
+ (op2 :field (byte 8 24))
+ (reg/mem :fields (list (byte 2 38) (byte 3 32))
+ :type 'xmmreg/mem)
+ (reg :field (byte 3 35) :type 'xmmreg))
+(sb!disassem:define-instruction-format (ext-rex-2byte-xmm-xmm/mem 48
+ :default-printer
+ '(:name :tab reg ", " reg/mem))
+ (prefix :field (byte 8 0))
+ (rex :field (byte 4 12) :value #b0100)
+ (wrxb :field (byte 4 8) :type 'wrxb)
+ (x0f :field (byte 8 16) :value #x0f)
+ (op1 :field (byte 8 24)) ; #x38 or #x3a
+ (op2 :field (byte 8 32))
+ (reg/mem :fields (list (byte 2 46) (byte 3 40))
+ :type 'xmmreg/mem)
+ (reg :field (byte 3 43) :type 'xmmreg))
;;; Same as xmm-xmm/mem etc., but with direction bit.
(sb!disassem:define-instruction-format (ext-xmm-xmm/mem-dir 32
(mapcar (lambda (inst-format)
`(,inst-format ,fields ,@(when printer
(list printer))))
+ inst-formats)))
+ (defun 2byte-sse-inst-printer-list (inst-format-stem prefix op1 op2
+ &key more-fields printer)
+ (let ((fields `(,@(when prefix
+ `((prefix, prefix)))
+ (op1 ,op1)
+ (op2 ,op2)
+ ,@more-fields))
+ (inst-formats (if prefix
+ (list (symbolicate "EXT-" inst-format-stem)
+ (symbolicate "EXT-REX-" inst-format-stem))
+ (list inst-format-stem))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (inst-format)
+ `(,inst-format ,fields ,@(when printer
+ (list printer))))
(defun emit-sse-inst (segment dst src prefix opcode
(reg-tn-encoding dst/src)))
(emit-byte segment imm))
+(defun emit-sse-inst-2byte (segment dst src prefix op1 op2
+ &key operand-size (remaining-bytes 0))
+ (when prefix
+ (emit-byte segment prefix))
+ (if operand-size
+ (maybe-emit-rex-for-ea segment src dst :operand-size operand-size)
+ (maybe-emit-rex-for-ea segment src dst))
+ (emit-byte segment #x0f)
+ (emit-byte segment op1)
+ (emit-byte segment op2)
+ (emit-ea segment src (reg-tn-encoding dst) :remaining-bytes remaining-bytes))
((define-imm-sse-instruction (name opcode /i)
`(define-instruction ,name (segment dst/src imm)
:operand-size :do-not-set
:remaining-bytes remaining-bytes))
+(defun emit-regular-2byte-sse-inst (segment dst src prefix op1 op2
+ &key (remaining-bytes 0))
+ (aver (xmm-register-p dst))
+ (emit-sse-inst-2byte segment dst src prefix op1 op2
+ :operand-size :do-not-set
+ :remaining-bytes remaining-bytes))
;;; Instructions having an XMM register as the destination operand
;;; and an XMM register or a memory location as the source operand.
;;; The operand size is implicitly given by the instruction.
(define-gpr-destination-sse-inst movmskps nil #x50 :reg-only t)
(define-gpr-destination-sse-inst pmovmskb #x66 #xd7 :reg-only t))
+;;;; We call these "2byte" instructions due to their two opcode bytes.
+;;;; Intel and AMD call them three-byte instructions, as they count the
+;;;; 0x0f byte for determining the number of opcode bytes.
+;;; Instructions that take XMM-XMM/MEM and XMM-XMM/MEM-IMM arguments.
+(macrolet ((regular-2byte-sse-inst (name prefix op1 op2)
+ `(define-instruction ,name (segment dst src)
+ (:printer-list
+ ',(2byte-sse-inst-printer-list '2byte-xmm-xmm/mem prefix op1 op2))
+ (:emitter
+ (emit-regular-2byte-sse-inst segment dst src ,prefix ,op1 ,op2))))
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm (name prefix op1 op2)
+ `(define-instruction ,name (segment dst src imm)
+ (:printer-list
+ ',(2byte-sse-inst-printer-list '2byte-xmm-xmm/mem prefix op1 op2
+ :more-fields '((imm nil :type imm-byte))
+ :printer `(:name :tab reg ", " reg/mem ", " imm)))
+ (:emitter
+ (aver (typep imm '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (emit-regular-2byte-sse-inst segment dst src ,prefix ,op1 ,op2
+ :remaining-bytes 1)
+ (emit-byte segment imm)))))
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pshufb #x66 #x38 #x00)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phaddw #x66 #x38 #x01)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phaddd #x66 #x38 #x02)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phaddsw #x66 #x38 #x03)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmaddubsw #x66 #x38 #x04)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phsubw #x66 #x38 #x05)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phsubd #x66 #x38 #x06)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phsubsw #x66 #x38 #x07)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst psignb #x66 #x38 #x08)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst psignw #x66 #x38 #x09)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst psignd #x66 #x38 #x0a)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmulhrsw #x66 #x38 #x0b)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pblendvb #x66 #x38 #x10)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst blendvps #x66 #x38 #x14)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst blendvpd #x66 #x38 #x15)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst ptest #x66 #x38 #x17)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pabsb #x66 #x38 #x1c)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pabsw #x66 #x38 #x1d)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pabsd #x66 #x38 #x1e)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmuldq #x66 #x38 #x28)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pcmpeqq #x66 #x38 #x29)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst packusdw #x66 #x38 #x2b)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pcmpgtq #x66 #x38 #x37)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pminsb #x66 #x38 #x38)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pminsd #x66 #x38 #x39)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pminuw #x66 #x38 #x3a)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pminud #x66 #x38 #x3b)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmaxsb #x66 #x38 #x3c)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmaxsd #x66 #x38 #x3d)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmaxuw #x66 #x38 #x3e)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmaxud #x66 #x38 #x3f)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst pmulld #x66 #x38 #x40)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst phminposuw #x66 #x38 #x41)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst aesimc #x66 #x38 #xdb)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst aesenc #x66 #x38 #xdc)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst aesenclast #x66 #x38 #xdd)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst aesdec #x66 #x38 #xde)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst aesdeclast #x66 #x38 #xdf)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm roundps #x66 #x3a #x08)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm roundpd #x66 #x3a #x09)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm roundss #x66 #x3a #x0a)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm roundsd #x66 #x3a #x0b)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm blendps #x66 #x3a #x0c)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm blendpd #x66 #x3a #x0d)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm pblendw #x66 #x3a #x0e)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm palignr #x66 #x3a #x0f)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm mpsadbw #x66 #x3a #x42)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm pclmulqdq #x66 #x3a #x44)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm pcmpestrm #x66 #x3a #x60)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm pcmpestri #x66 #x3a #x61)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm pcmpistrm #x66 #x3a #x62)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm pcmpistri #x66 #x3a #x63)
+ (regular-2byte-sse-inst-imm aeskeygenassist #x66 #x3a #xdf))
;;; Other SSE instructions
;; FIXME: is that right!?