changes in sbcl-1.0.16 relative to 1.0.15:
* minor incompatible change: change PROBE-FILE back to returning
NIL whenever we can't get a truename, as was the case before 1.0.14.
+ * minor incompatible change: SB-BSD-SOCKETS:NAME-SERVICE-ERROR now
+ inherits from ERROR instead of just CONDITION.
* optimization: binding special variables now generates smaller code
on threaded platforms.
* optimization: MEMBER and ASSOC are over 50% faster for :TEST #'EQ
* optimization: modular arithmetic for a particular requested width
is implemented using a tagged representation unless a better
representation is available.
+ * bug fix: attempt to obtain *SCHEDULER-LOCK* recursively when
+ unscheduling timer at the same time as another timer fires.
+ * bug fix: don't reschedule timers for dead threads.
* bug fix: periodic polling was broken. (thanks to Espen S Johnsen)
* bug fix: copying output from RUN-PROGRAM to a stream signalled
bogus errors if select() was interrupted.
;;; FIXME: Since timeouts do not work on Windows this would loop
;;; forever.
-(with-test (:name '(:hash-cache :interrupt))
+(with-test (:name (:hash-cache :interrupt))
(let* ((type1 (random-type 500))
(type2 (random-type 500))
(wanted (subtypep type1 type2)))
(assert (eq wanted (subtypep type1 type2))))))))
+(with-test (:name (:timer :parallel-unschedule))
+ (let ((timer (sb-ext:make-timer (lambda () 42) :name "parallel schedulers"))
+ (other nil))
+ (flet ((flop ()
+ (sleep (random 0.01))
+ (loop repeat 10000
+ do (sb-ext:unschedule-timer timer))))
+ (loop repeat 5
+ do (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread
+ (loop for i from 1 upto 10
+ collect (let* ((thread (sb-thread:make-thread #'flop
+ :name (format nil "scheduler ~A" i)))
+ (ticker (sb-ext:make-timer (lambda () 13) :thread (or other thread)
+ :name (format nil "ticker ~A" i))))
+ (setf other thread)
+ (sb-ext:schedule-timer ticker 0 :repeat-interval 0.00001)
+ thread)))))))
+;;;; OS X doesn't like these being at all, and gives us a SIGSEGV
+;;;; instead of using the Mach expection system! Our or OS X's fault?
+;;;; :/
+(with-test (:name (:timer :schedule-stress))
+ (flet ((test ()
+ (let* ((slow-timers (loop for i from 1 upto 100
+ collect (sb-ext:make-timer (lambda () 13) :name (format nil "slow ~A" i))))
+ (fast-timer (sb-ext:make-timer (lambda () 42) :name "fast")))
+ (sb-ext:schedule-timer fast-timer 0.0001 :repeat-interval 0.0001)
+ (dolist (timer slow-timers)
+ (sb-ext:schedule-timer timer (random 0.1) :repeat-interval (random 0.1)))
+ (dolist (timer slow-timers)
+ (sb-ext:unschedule-timer timer))
+ (sb-ext:unschedule-timer fast-timer))))
+ #+sb-thread
+ (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread (loop repeat 10 collect (sb-thread:make-thread #'test)))
+ #-sb-thread
+ (loop repeat 10 do (test))))
+(with-test (:name (:timer :threaded-stress))
+ (let ((barrier (sb-thread:make-semaphore))
+ (goal 100))
+ (flet ((wait-for-goal ()
+ (let ((*n* 0))
+ (declare (special *n*))
+ (sb-thread:signal-semaphore barrier)
+ (loop until (eql *n* goal))))
+ (one ()
+ (declare (special *n*))
+ (incf *n*)))
+ (let ((threads (list (sb-thread:make-thread #'wait-for-goal)
+ (sb-thread:make-thread #'wait-for-goal)
+ (sb-thread:make-thread #'wait-for-goal))))
+ (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore barrier)
+ (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore barrier)
+ (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore barrier)
+ (flet ((sched (thread)
+ (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
+ (loop repeat goal
+ do (sb-ext:schedule-timer (make-timer #'one :thread thread) 0.001))))))
+ (dolist (thread threads)
+ (sched thread)))
+ (with-timeout (truncate goal 100)
+ (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread threads))))))