;;; constant. At worst, it will convert to %TYPEP, which will prevent
;;; spurious attempts at transformation (and possible repeated
;;; warnings.)
-(deftransform typep ((object type))
+(deftransform typep ((object type) * * :node node)
(unless (constant-lvar-p type)
(give-up-ir1-transform "can't open-code test of non-constant type"))
- `(typep object ',(lvar-value type)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (expansion fail-p)
+ (source-transform-typep 'object (lvar-value type))
+ (if fail-p
+ (abort-ir1-transform)
+ expansion)))
;;; If the lvar OBJECT definitely is or isn't of the specified
;;; type, then return T or NIL as appropriate. Otherwise quietly
;;; to that predicate. Otherwise, we dispatch off of the type's type.
;;; These transformations can increase space, but it is hard to tell
;;; when, so we ignore policy and always do them.
+(defun source-transform-typep (object type)
+ (let ((ctype (careful-specifier-type type)))
+ (or (when (not ctype)
+ (compiler-warn "illegal type specifier for TYPEP: ~S" type)
+ (return-from source-transform-typep (values nil t)))
+ (let ((pred (cdr (assoc ctype *backend-type-predicates*
+ :test #'type=))))
+ (when pred `(,pred ,object)))
+ (typecase ctype
+ (hairy-type
+ (source-transform-hairy-typep object ctype))
+ (negation-type
+ (source-transform-negation-typep object ctype))
+ (union-type
+ (source-transform-union-typep object ctype))
+ (intersection-type
+ (source-transform-intersection-typep object ctype))
+ (member-type
+ `(if (member ,object ',(member-type-members ctype)) t))
+ (args-type
+ (compiler-warn "illegal type specifier for TYPEP: ~S" type)
+ (return-from source-transform-typep (values nil t)))
+ (t nil))
+ (typecase ctype
+ (numeric-type
+ (source-transform-numeric-typep object ctype))
+ (classoid
+ `(%instance-typep ,object ',type))
+ (array-type
+ (source-transform-array-typep object ctype))
+ (cons-type
+ (source-transform-cons-typep object ctype))
+ (character-set-type
+ (source-transform-character-set-typep object ctype))
+ (t nil))
+ `(%typep ,object ',type))))
(define-source-transform typep (object spec)
;; KLUDGE: It looks bad to only do this on explicitly quoted forms,
;; since that would overlook other kinds of constants. But it turns
;; source transform another chance, so it all works out OK, in a
;; weird roundabout way. -- WHN 2001-03-18
(if (and (consp spec) (eq (car spec) 'quote))
- (let ((type (careful-specifier-type (cadr spec))))
- (block bail
- (or (when (not type)
- (compiler-warn "illegal type specifier for TYPEP: ~S"
- (cadr spec))
- (return-from bail (values nil t)))
- (let ((pred (cdr (assoc type *backend-type-predicates*
- :test #'type=))))
- (when pred `(,pred ,object)))
- (typecase type
- (hairy-type
- (source-transform-hairy-typep object type))
- (negation-type
- (source-transform-negation-typep object type))
- (union-type
- (source-transform-union-typep object type))
- (intersection-type
- (source-transform-intersection-typep object type))
- (member-type
- `(if (member ,object ',(member-type-members type)) t))
- (args-type
- (compiler-warn "illegal type specifier for TYPEP: ~S"
- (cadr spec))
- (return-from bail (values nil t)))
- (t nil))
- (typecase type
- (numeric-type
- (source-transform-numeric-typep object type))
- (classoid
- `(%instance-typep ,object ,spec))
- (array-type
- (source-transform-array-typep object type))
- (cons-type
- (source-transform-cons-typep object type))
- (character-set-type
- (source-transform-character-set-typep object type))
- (t nil))
- `(%typep ,object ,spec))))
+ (source-transform-typep object (cadr spec))
(values nil t)))
;;;; coercion