(deftransform %setelt ((s i v) (list * *))
'(setf (car (nthcdr i s)) v))
-;;; FIXME: I still think (DOLIST (..) (DEFTRANSFORM ..)) is weird.
-;;; For that matter, it would be nice to use DEF-FROB for these
-;;; sorts of things, so folks looking for the definitions of
-;;; FOO can search for '\(def.*\<foo\>' and have a chance in hell..
-(dolist (name '(member memq))
- (deftransform name ((e l &key (test #'eql)) '* '* :node node :when :both
- :eval-name t)
- (unless (constant-continuation-p l)
- (give-up-ir1-transform))
- (let ((val (continuation-value l)))
- (unless (policy node
- (or (= speed 3)
- (and (>= speed space)
- (<= (length val) 5))))
- (give-up-ir1-transform))
- (labels ((frob (els)
- (if els
- `(if (funcall test e ',(car els))
- ',els
- ,(frob (cdr els)))
- nil)))
- (frob val)))))
-;;; FIXME: Rewrite this so that these definitions of DELETE, ASSOC, and MEMBER
-;;; are lexically findable:
-;;; (MACROLET ((DEF-FROB (X Y) ..))
-;;; And while I'm at it, I could save a few byte by implementing the
-;;; transform body as call to a shared function instead of duplicated
-;;; macroexpanded code.
-(dolist (x '((delete delq)
- (assoc assq)
- (member memq)))
- (destructuring-bind (fun eq-fun) x
- (deftransform fun ((item list &key test) '(t list &rest t) '*
- :eval-name t)
- "convert to EQ test"
- ;; FIXME: The scope of this transformation could be widened somewhat,
- ;; letting it work whenever the test is 'EQL and we know from the
- ;; type of ITEM that it #'EQ works like #'EQL on it. (E.g. types
- ;; If TEST is EQ, apply transform, else
- ;; if test is not EQL, then give up on transform, else
- ;; if ITEM is not a NUMBER or is a FIXNUM, apply transform, else
- ;; give up on transform.
- (cond (test
- (unless (continuation-function-is test '(eq))
- (give-up-ir1-transform)))
- ((types-equal-or-intersect (continuation-type item)
- (specifier-type 'number))
- (give-up-ir1-transform "Item might be a number.")))
- `(,eq-fun item list))))
+;;; FIXME: The MACROLET ... DEF-FROB ... DEFTRANSFORM idioms in this
+;;; file are literal translations of old CMU CL DOLIST ... DEFTRANSFORM,
+;;; and so use :EVAL-NAME for historical reasons. It'd be tidier to
+;;; just let macroexpansion substitution take care of everything,
+;;; and remove both :EVAL-NAME and the extra layer of quotes.
+(macrolet ((def-frob (name)
+ `(deftransform ',name ((e l &key (test #'eql)) '* '* :node node :when :both
+ :eval-name t)
+ (unless (constant-continuation-p l)
+ (give-up-ir1-transform))
+ (let ((val (continuation-value l)))
+ (unless (policy node
+ (or (= speed 3)
+ (and (>= speed space)
+ (<= (length val) 5))))
+ (give-up-ir1-transform))
+ (labels ((frob (els)
+ (if els
+ `(if (funcall test e ',(car els))
+ ',els
+ ,(frob (cdr els)))
+ nil)))
+ (frob val))))))
+ (def-frob member)
+ (def-frob memq))
+;;; FIXME: We have rewritten the original code that used DOLIST to this
+;;; more natural MACROLET. However, the original code suggested that when
+;;; this was done, a few bytes could be saved by a call to a shared
+;;; function. This remains to be done.
+(macrolet ((def-frob (fun eq-fun)
+ `(deftransform ',fun ((item list &key test) '(t list &rest t) '*
+ :eval-name t)
+ "convert to EQ test"
+ ;; FIXME: The scope of this transformation could be
+ ;; widened somewhat, letting it work whenever the test is
+ ;; 'EQL and we know from the type of ITEM that it #'EQ
+ ;; works like #'EQL on it. (E.g. types FIXNUM, CHARACTER,
+ ;; and SYMBOL.)
+ ;; If TEST is EQ, apply transform, else
+ ;; if test is not EQL, then give up on transform, else
+ ;; if ITEM is not a NUMBER or is a FIXNUM, apply
+ ;; transform, else give up on transform.
+ (cond (test
+ (unless (continuation-function-is test '(eq))
+ (give-up-ir1-transform)))
+ ((types-equal-or-intersect (continuation-type item)
+ (specifier-type 'number))
+ (give-up-ir1-transform "Item might be a number.")))
+ `(,',eq-fun item list))))
+ (def-frob delete delq)
+ (def-frob assoc assq)
+ (def-frob member memq))
(deftransform delete-if ((pred list) (t list))
"open code"
;;; We transform the case-sensitive string predicates into a non-keyword
;;; version. This is an IR1 transform so that we don't have to worry about
;;; changing the order of evaluation.
-(dolist (stuff '((string< string<*)
- (string> string>*)
- (string<= string<=*)
- (string>= string>=*)
- (string= string=*)
- (string/= string/=*)))
- (destructuring-bind (fun pred*) stuff
- (deftransform fun ((string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1
- (start2 0) end2)
- '* '* :eval-name t)
- `(,pred* string1 string2 start1 end1 start2 end2))))
-;;; Return a form that tests the free variables STRING1 and STRING2 for the
-;;; ordering relationship specified by Lessp and Equalp. The start and end are
-;;; also gotten from the environment. Both strings must be simple strings.
-(dolist (stuff '((string<* t nil)
- (string<=* t t)
- (string>* nil nil)
- (string>=* nil t)))
- (destructuring-bind (name lessp equalp) stuff
- (deftransform name ((string1 string2 start1 end1 start2 end2)
- '(simple-string simple-string t t t t) '*
- :eval-name t)
- `(let* ((end1 (if (not end1) (length string1) end1))
- (end2 (if (not end2) (length string2) end2))
- (index (sb!impl::%sp-string-compare
- string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)))
- (if index
- (cond ((= index ,(if lessp 'end1 'end2)) index)
- ((= index ,(if lessp 'end2 'end1)) nil)
- ((,(if lessp 'char< 'char>)
- (schar string1 index)
- (schar string2
- (truly-the index
- (+ index
- (truly-the fixnum
- (- start2 start1))))))
- index)
- (t nil))
- ,(if equalp 'end1 nil))))))
-(dolist (stuff '((string=* not)
- (string/=* identity)))
- (destructuring-bind (name result-fun) stuff
- (deftransform name ((string1 string2 start1 end1 start2 end2)
- '(simple-string simple-string t t t t) '*
- :eval-name t)
- `(,result-fun
- (sb!impl::%sp-string-compare
- string1 start1 (or end1 (length string1))
- string2 start2 (or end2 (length string2)))))))
+(macrolet ((def-frob (fun pred*)
+ `(deftransform ',fun ((string1 string2 &key (start1 0) end1
+ (start2 0) end2)
+ '* '* :eval-name t)
+ `(,',pred* string1 string2 start1 end1 start2 end2))))
+ (def-frob string< string<*)
+ (def-frob string> string>*)
+ (def-frob string<= string<=*)
+ (def-frob string>= string>=*)
+ (def-frob string= string=*)
+ (def-frob string/= string/=*))
+;;; Return a form that tests the free variables STRING1 and STRING2
+;;; for the ordering relationship specified by LESSP and EQUALP. The
+;;; start and end are also gotten from the environment. Both strings
+;;; must be SIMPLE-STRINGs.
+(macrolet ((def-frob (name lessp equalp)
+ `(deftransform ',name ((string1 string2 start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ '(simple-string simple-string t t t t) '*
+ :eval-name t)
+ `(let* ((end1 (if (not end1) (length string1) end1))
+ (end2 (if (not end2) (length string2) end2))
+ (index (sb!impl::%sp-string-compare
+ string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)))
+ (if index
+ (cond ((= index ,(if ',lessp 'end1 'end2)) index)
+ ((= index ,(if ',lessp 'end2 'end1)) nil)
+ ((,(if ',lessp 'char< 'char>)
+ (schar string1 index)
+ (schar string2
+ (truly-the index
+ (+ index
+ (truly-the fixnum
+ (- start2 start1))))))
+ index)
+ (t nil))
+ ,(if ',equalp 'end1 nil))))))
+ (def-frob string<* t nil)
+ (def-frob string<=* t t)
+ (def-frob string>* nil nil)
+ (def-frob string>=* nil t))
+(macrolet ((def-frob (name result-fun)
+ `(deftransform ',name ((string1 string2 start1 end1 start2 end2)
+ '(simple-string simple-string t t t t) '*
+ :eval-name t)
+ `(,',result-fun
+ (sb!impl::%sp-string-compare
+ string1 start1 (or end1 (length string1))
+ string2 start2 (or end2 (length string2)))))))
+ (def-frob string=* not)
+ (def-frob string/=* identity))
;;;; string-only transforms for sequence functions
fheaderp = (struct simple_fun *) native_pointer(fheaderl);
gc_assert(widetag_of(fheaderp->header) == SIMPLE_FUN_HEADER_WIDETAG);
- /* Calculate the new function pointer and the new */
- /* function header. */
+ /* Calculate the new function pointer and the new
+ * function header. */
nfheaderl = fheaderl + displacement;
nfheaderp = (struct simple_fun *) native_pointer(nfheaderl);
prev_pointer = &nfheaderp->next;
- /* sniff_code_object(new_code,displacement);*/
- apply_code_fixups(code,new_code);
+ apply_code_fixups(code, new_code);
return new_code;
/* Scavenge the boxed section of the code data block. */
scavenge(where + 1, n_header_words - 1);
- /* Scavenge the boxed section of each function object in the */
- /* code data block. */
+ /* Scavenge the boxed section of each function object in the
+ * code data block. */
for (entry_point = code->entry_points;
entry_point != NIL;
entry_point = function_ptr->next) {
function_ptr = (struct simple_fun *) native_pointer(entry_point);
- gc_assert(widetag_of(function_ptr->header) == SIMPLE_FUN_HEADER_WIDETAG);
+ gc_assert(widetag_of(function_ptr->header)==SIMPLE_FUN_HEADER_WIDETAG);
scavenge(&function_ptr->name, 1);
scavenge(&function_ptr->arglist, 1);
/* Scavenge the boxed section of the code data block */
verify_space(start + 1, nheader_words - 1);
- /* Scavenge the boxed section of each function object in
- * the code data block. */
+ /* Scavenge the boxed section of each function
+ * object in the code data block. */
fheaderl = code->entry_points;
while (fheaderl != NIL) {
fheaderp =