;;; you tweak it, make sure that you compare the disassembly, if not the
;;; performance of, the functions implementing string streams
;;; (e.g. SB!IMPL::STRING-OUCH).
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun make-replace-transform (saetp sequence-type1 sequence-type2)
+ `(deftransform replace ((seq1 seq2 &key (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2)
+ (,sequence-type1 ,sequence-type2 &rest t)
+ ,sequence-type1
+ :node node)
+ ,(cond
+ ((and saetp (valid-bit-bash-saetp-p saetp)) nil)
+ ;; If the sequence types are different, SEQ1 and SEQ2 must
+ ;; be distinct arrays, and we can open code the copy loop.
+ ((not (eql sequence-type1 sequence-type2)) nil)
+ ;; If we're not bit-bashing, only allow cases where we
+ ;; can determine the order of copying up front. (There
+ ;; are actually more cases we can handle if we know the
+ ;; amount that we're copying, but this handles the
+ ;; common cases.)
+ (t '(unless (= (constant-value-or-lose start1 0)
+ (constant-value-or-lose start2 0))
+ (give-up-ir1-transform))))
+ `(let* ((len1 (length seq1))
+ (len2 (length seq2))
+ (end1 (or end1 len1))
+ (end2 (or end2 len2))
+ (replace-len1 (- end1 start1))
+ (replace-len2 (- end2 start2)))
+ ,(unless (policy node (= safety 0))
+ `(progn
+ (unless (<= 0 start1 end1 len1)
+ (sb!impl::signal-bounding-indices-bad-error seq1 start1 end1))
+ (unless (<= 0 start2 end2 len2)
+ (sb!impl::signal-bounding-indices-bad-error seq2 start2 end2))))
+ ,',(cond
+ ((and saetp (valid-bit-bash-saetp-p saetp))
+ (let* ((n-element-bits (sb!vm:saetp-n-bits saetp))
+ (bash-function (intern (format nil "UB~D-BASH-COPY"
+ n-element-bits)
+ (find-package "SB!KERNEL"))))
+ `(funcall (function ,bash-function) seq2 start2
+ seq1 start1 (min replace-len1 replace-len2))))
+ (t
+ ;; We can expand the loop inline here because we
+ ;; would have given up the transform (see above)
+ ;; if we didn't have constant matching start
+ ;; indices.
+ '(do ((i start1 (1+ i))
+ (j start2 (1+ j))
+ (end (+ start1
+ (min replace-len1 replace-len2))))
+ ((>= i end))
+ (declare (optimize (insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
+ (setf (aref seq1 i) (aref seq2 j)))))
+ seq1))))
((define-replace-transforms ()
(loop for saetp across sb!vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
for sequence-type = `(simple-array ,(sb!vm:saetp-specifier saetp) (*))
unless (= (sb!vm:saetp-typecode saetp) sb!vm::simple-array-nil-widetag)
- collect
- `(deftransform replace ((seq1 seq2 &key (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2)
- (,sequence-type ,sequence-type &rest t)
- ,sequence-type
- :node node)
- ,(cond
- ((valid-bit-bash-saetp-p saetp) nil)
- ;; If we're not bit-bashing, only allow cases where we
- ;; can determine the order of copying up front. (There
- ;; are actually more cases we can handle if we know the
- ;; amount that we're copying, but this handles the
- ;; common cases.)
- (t '(unless (= (constant-value-or-lose start1 0)
- (constant-value-or-lose start2 0))
- (give-up-ir1-transform))))
- `(let* ((len1 (length seq1))
- (len2 (length seq2))
- (end1 (or end1 len1))
- (end2 (or end2 len2))
- (replace-len1 (- end1 start1))
- (replace-len2 (- end2 start2)))
- ,(unless (policy node (= safety 0))
- `(progn
- (unless (<= 0 start1 end1 len1)
- (sb!impl::signal-bounding-indices-bad-error seq1 start1 end1))
- (unless (<= 0 start2 end2 len2)
- (sb!impl::signal-bounding-indices-bad-error seq2 start2 end2))))
- ,',(cond
- ((valid-bit-bash-saetp-p saetp)
- (let* ((n-element-bits (sb!vm:saetp-n-bits saetp))
- (bash-function (intern (format nil "UB~D-BASH-COPY" n-element-bits)
- (find-package "SB!KERNEL"))))
- `(funcall (function ,bash-function) seq2 start2
- seq1 start1 (min replace-len1 replace-len2))))
- (t
- ;; We can expand the loop inline here because we
- ;; would have given up the transform (see above)
- ;; if we didn't have constant matching start
- ;; indices.
- '(do ((i start1 (1+ i))
- (end (+ start1
- (min replace-len1 replace-len2))))
- ((>= i end))
- (declare (optimize (insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
- (setf (aref seq1 i) (aref seq2 i)))))
- seq1))
+ collect (make-replace-transform saetp sequence-type sequence-type)
into forms
- finally (return `(progn ,@forms)))))
- (define-replace-transforms))
+ finally (return `(progn ,@forms))))
+ (define-one-transform (sequence-type1 sequence-type2)
+ (make-replace-transform nil sequence-type1 sequence-type2)))
+ (define-one-transform simple-base-string (simple-array character (*)))
+ (define-one-transform (simple-array character (*)) simple-base-string))
;;; Expand simple cases of UB<SIZE>-BASH-COPY inline. "simple" is
;;; defined as those cases where we are doing word-aligned copies from
(return nil)))
(return index2)))))))
-;;; FIXME: It seems as though it should be possible to make a DEFUN
-;;; %CONCATENATE (with a DEFTRANSFORM to translate constant RTYPE to
-;;; CTYPE before calling %CONCATENATE) which is comparably efficient,
-;;; at least once DYNAMIC-EXTENT works.
-;;; FIXME: currently KLUDGEed because of bug 188
-;;; FIXME: disabled for sb-unicode: probably want it back
-(deftransform concatenate ((rtype &rest sequences)
- (t &rest (or simple-base-string
- (simple-array nil (*))))
- simple-base-string
- :policy (< safety 3))
- (loop for rest-seqs on sequences
- for n-seq = (gensym "N-SEQ")
- for n-length = (gensym "N-LENGTH")
- for start = 0 then next-start
- for next-start = (gensym "NEXT-START")
- collect n-seq into args
- collect `(,n-length (length ,n-seq)) into lets
- collect n-length into all-lengths
- collect next-start into starts
- collect `(if (and (typep ,n-seq '(simple-array nil (*)))
- (> ,n-length 0))
- (error 'nil-array-accessed-error)
- (#.(let* ((i (position 'character sb!kernel::*specialized-array-element-types*))
- (saetp (aref sb!vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties* i))
- (n-bits (sb!vm:saetp-n-bits saetp)))
- (intern (format nil "UB~D-BASH-COPY" n-bits)
- ,n-seq 0 res ,start ,n-length))
- into forms
- collect `(setq ,next-start (+ ,start ,n-length)) into forms
- finally
- (return
- `(lambda (rtype ,@args)
- (declare (ignore rtype))
- (let* (,@lets
- (res (make-string (the index (+ ,@all-lengths))
- :element-type 'base-char)))
- (declare (type index ,@all-lengths))
- (let (,@(mapcar (lambda (name) `(,name 0)) starts))
- (declare (type index ,@starts))
- ,@forms)
- res)))))
+;;; Open-code CONCATENATE for strings. It would be possible to extend
+;;; this transform to non-strings, but I chose to just do the case that
+;;; should cover 95% of CONCATENATE performance complaints for now.
+;;; -- JES, 2007-11-17
+(deftransform concatenate ((result-type &rest lvars)
+ (symbol &rest sequence)
+ *
+ :policy (> speed space))
+ (unless (constant-lvar-p result-type)
+ (give-up-ir1-transform))
+ (let* ((element-type (let ((type (lvar-value result-type)))
+ ;; Only handle the simple result type cases. If
+ ;; somebody does (CONCATENATE '(STRING 6) ...)
+ ;; their code won't be optimized, but nobody does
+ ;; that in practice.
+ (case type
+ ((string simple-string) 'character)
+ ((base-string simple-base-string) 'base-char)
+ (t (give-up-ir1-transform)))))
+ (vars (loop for x in lvars collect (gensym)))
+ (lvar-values (loop for lvar in lvars
+ collect (when (constant-lvar-p lvar)
+ (lvar-value lvar))))
+ (lengths
+ (loop for value in lvar-values
+ for var in vars
+ collect (if value
+ (length value)
+ `(sb!impl::string-dispatch ((simple-array * (*))
+ sequence)
+ ,var
+ (declare (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
+ (length ,var))))))
+ `(apply
+ (lambda ,vars
+ (declare (ignorable ,@vars))
+ (let* ((.length. (+ ,@lengths))
+ (.pos. 0)
+ (.string. (make-string .length. :element-type ',element-type)))
+ (declare (type index .length. .pos.)
+ (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
+ ,@(loop for value in lvar-values
+ for var in vars
+ collect (if (stringp value)
+ ;; Fold the array reads for constant arguments
+ `(progn
+ ,@(loop for c across value
+ collect `(setf (aref .string.
+ .pos.) ,c)
+ collect `(incf .pos.)))
+ `(sb!impl::string-dispatch
+ (#!+sb-unicode
+ (simple-array character (*))
+ (simple-array base-char (*))
+ t)
+ ,var
+ (replace .string. ,var :start1 .pos.)
+ (incf .pos. (length ,var)))))
+ .string.))
+ lvars)))
;;;; CONS accessor DERIVE-TYPE optimizers