* Patch by Tobias Rittweiler.
;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; fill-column: 78 -*-
changes in sbcl-1.0.25 relative to 1.0.24:
+ * new feature: SB-INTROSPECT:DEFTYPE-LAMBDA-LIST allows retrieval of
+ DEFTYPE lambda lists. (thanks to Tobias Rittweiler)
* improvement: reading from a TWO-WAY-STREAM does not touch the output
stream anymore making it thread safe to have a concurrent reader and
a writer, for instance, in a pipe.
(defpackage :sb-introspect
(:use "CL")
(sb-eval:interpreted-function-lambda-list function))
(t (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-arglist (sb-kernel:%fun-fun function)))))
+(defun deftype-lambda-list (typespec-operator)
+ "Returns the lambda list of TYPESPEC-OPERATOR as first return
+value, and a flag whether the arglist could be found as second
+ (sb-int:info :type :lambda-list typespec-operator))
(defun struct-accessor-structure-class (function)
(let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
;;;; Test finding a type that isn't one
(assert (not (find-definition-sources-by-name 'fboundp :type)))
+;;;; Check correctness of DEFTYPE-LAMBDA-LIST.
+(deftype foobar-type
+ (&whole w &environment e r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3)
+ (declare (ignore w e r1 r2 o rest k1 k2 k3))
+ nil)
+(assert (multiple-value-bind (arglist found?) (deftype-lambda-list 'foobar-type)
+ (and found?
+ (equal arglist '(&whole w &environment e
+ r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3)))))
+(assert (equal (multiple-value-list (deftype-lambda-list (gensym)))
+ '(nil nil)))
;;;; Test the xref facility
(load (merge-pathnames "xref-test.lisp" *load-pathname*))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)