--- /dev/null
+* Ecmalisp
+Ecmalisp is a in-progress Lisp-to-Javascript compiler, which is
+bootstrapped from Common Lisp and executed from the browser.
--- /dev/null
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <style>
+ /* The console container element */
+ body { background-color: black; font-size: 16px; font-family: Courier; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 0 0 0;}
+ #console {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0px;
+ bottom: 0px;
+ left: 0px;
+ right: 0px;
+ background-color:black;
+ }
+ .parents {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ /* The inner console element. */
+ .jqconsole {
+ padding: 10px;
+ }
+ /* The cursor. */
+ .jqconsole-cursor {
+ background-color: gray;
+ }
+ /* The cursor color when the console looses focus. */
+ .jqconsole-blurred .jqconsole-cursor {
+ background-color: #666;
+ }
+ /* The current prompt text color */
+ .jqconsole-prompt {
+ color: White;
+ }
+ /* The command history */
+ .jqconsole-old-prompt {
+ color: White;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ }
+ /* The text color when in input mode. */
+ .jqconsole-input {
+ color: White;
+ }
+ /* Previously entered input. */
+ .jqconsole-old-input {
+ color: White;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ }
+ /* The text color of the output. */
+ .jqconsole-output {
+ color: green;
+ }
+ .jqconsole-return, .jqconsole-header {
+ color: gray;
+ }
+ .jqconsole-error {
+ color: red;
+ }
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="console"></div>
+ <script src="ecmalisp.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
+ <script src="jqconsole.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
+ <script>
+ $(function () {
+ var jqconsole = $('#console').jqconsole('Welcome to Ecmalisp!\n\n', '> ');
+ jqconsole.RegisterMatching('(', ')', 'parents');
+ lisp.write = function(str){
+ jqconsole.Write(str, 'jqconsole-output');
+ return str;
+ }
+ var startPrompt = function () {
+ // Start the prompt with history enabled.
+ jqconsole.Prompt(true, function (input) {
+ // Output input with the class jqconsole-return.
+ if (input[0] != ','){
+ try {
+ jqconsole.Write(lisp.print(lisp.evalString(input)) + '\n', 'jqconsole-return');
+ } catch(error) {
+ jqconsole.Write('ERROR: ' + error + '\n', 'jqconsole-error');
+ }
+ } else {
+ jqconsole.Write(lisp.compileString(input.slice(1)) + '\n', 'jqconsole-return');
+ }
+ // Restart the prompt.
+ startPrompt();
+ }, function(input){
+ try {
+ lisp.read(input[0]==','? input.slice(1): input);
+ } catch(error) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ };
+ startPrompt();
+ });
+ </script>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+;;; ecmalisp.lisp ---
+;; Copyright (C) 2012 David Vazquez
+;; Copyright (C) 2012 Raimon Grau
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; This code is executed when ecmalisp compiles this file
+;;; itself. The compiler provides compilation of some special forms,
+;;; as well as funcalls and macroexpansion, but no functions. So, we
+;;; define the Lisp world from scratch. This code has to define enough
+;;; language to the compiler to be able to run.
+ (eval-when-compile
+ (%compile-defmacro 'defmacro
+ '(lambda (name args &rest body)
+ `(eval-when-compile
+ (%compile-defmacro ',name
+ '(lambda ,(mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (if (eq x '&body)
+ '&rest
+ x))
+ args)
+ ,@body))))))
+ (defmacro %defvar (name value)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when-compile
+ (%compile-defvar ',name))
+ (setq ,name ,value)))
+ (defmacro defvar (name &optional value)
+ `(%defvar ,name ,value))
+ (defmacro named-lambda (name args &rest body)
+ (let ((x (gensym "FN")))
+ `(let ((,x (lambda ,args ,@body)))
+ (set ,x "fname" ,name)
+ ,x)))
+ (defmacro %defun (name args &rest body)
+ `(progn
+ (eval-when-compile
+ (%compile-defun ',name))
+ (fsetq ,name (named-lambda ,(symbol-name name) ,args
+ ,@body))))
+ (defmacro defun (name args &rest body)
+ `(%defun ,name ,args ,@body))
+ (defvar *package* (new))
+ (defvar nil (make-symbol "NIL"))
+ (set *package* "NIL" nil)
+ (defvar t (make-symbol "T"))
+ (set *package* "T" t)
+ (defun null (x)
+ (eq x nil))
+ (defun internp (name)
+ (in name *package*))
+ (defun intern (name)
+ (if (internp name)
+ (get *package* name)
+ (set *package* name (make-symbol name))))
+ (defun find-symbol (name)
+ (get *package* name))
+ (defvar *gensym-counter* 0)
+ (defun gensym (&optional (prefix "G"))
+ (setq *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
+ (make-symbol (concat-two prefix (integer-to-string *gensym-counter*))))
+ ;; Basic functions
+ (defun = (x y) (= x y))
+ (defun + (x y) (+ x y))
+ (defun - (x y) (- x y))
+ (defun * (x y) (* x y))
+ (defun / (x y) (/ x y))
+ (defun 1+ (x) (+ x 1))
+ (defun 1- (x) (- x 1))
+ (defun zerop (x) (= x 0))
+ (defun truncate (x y) (floor (/ x y)))
+ (defun eql (x y) (eq x y))
+ (defun not (x) (if x nil t))
+ (defun cons (x y ) (cons x y))
+ (defun consp (x) (consp x))
+ (defun car (x) (car x))
+ (defun cdr (x) (cdr x))
+ (defun caar (x) (car (car x)))
+ (defun cadr (x) (car (cdr x)))
+ (defun cdar (x) (cdr (car x)))
+ (defun cddr (x) (cdr (cdr x)))
+ (defun caddr (x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
+ (defun cdddr (x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
+ (defun cadddr (x) (car (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
+ (defun first (x) (car x))
+ (defun second (x) (cadr x))
+ (defun third (x) (caddr x))
+ (defun fourth (x) (cadddr x))
+ (defun list (&rest args) args)
+ (defun atom (x)
+ (not (consp x)))
+ ;; Basic macros
+ (defmacro incf (x &optional (delta 1))
+ `(setq ,x (+ ,x ,delta)))
+ (defmacro decf (x &optional (delta 1))
+ `(setq ,x (- ,x ,delta)))
+ (defmacro push (x place)
+ `(setq ,place (cons ,x ,place)))
+ (defmacro when (condition &body body)
+ `(if ,condition (progn ,@body) nil))
+ (defmacro unless (condition &body body)
+ `(if ,condition nil (progn ,@body)))
+ (defmacro dolist (iter &body body)
+ (let ((var (first iter))
+ (g!list (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,g!list ,(second iter))
+ (,var nil))
+ (while ,g!list
+ (setq ,var (car ,g!list))
+ ,@body
+ (setq ,g!list (cdr ,g!list))))))
+ (defmacro dotimes (iter &body body)
+ (let ((g!to (gensym))
+ (var (first iter))
+ (to (second iter))
+ (result (third iter)))
+ `(let ((,var 0)
+ (,g!to ,to))
+ (while (< ,var ,g!to)
+ ,@body
+ (incf ,var))
+ ,result)))
+ (defmacro cond (&rest clausules)
+ (if (null clausules)
+ nil
+ (if (eq (caar clausules) t)
+ `(progn ,@(cdar clausules))
+ `(if ,(caar clausules)
+ (progn ,@(cdar clausules))
+ (cond ,@(cdr clausules))))))
+ (defmacro case (form &rest clausules)
+ (let ((!form (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,!form ,form))
+ (cond
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (clausule)
+ (if (eq (car clausule) t)
+ clausule
+ `((eql ,!form ,(car clausule))
+ ,@(cdr clausule))))
+ clausules)))))
+ (defmacro ecase (form &rest clausules)
+ `(case ,form
+ ,@(append
+ clausules
+ `((t
+ (error "ECASE expression failed."))))))
+ (defmacro and (&rest forms)
+ (cond
+ ((null forms)
+ t)
+ ((null (cdr forms))
+ (car forms))
+ (t
+ `(if ,(car forms)
+ (and ,@(cdr forms))
+ nil))))
+ (defmacro or (&rest forms)
+ (cond
+ ((null forms)
+ nil)
+ ((null (cdr forms))
+ (car forms))
+ (t
+ (let ((g (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,g ,(car forms)))
+ (if ,g ,g (or ,@(cdr forms))))))))
+ (defmacro prog1 (form &body body)
+ (let ((value (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,value ,form))
+ ,@body
+ ,value))))
+;;; This couple of helper functions will be defined in both Common
+;;; Lisp and in Ecmalisp.
+(defun ensure-list (x)
+ (if (listp x)
+ x
+ (list x)))
+(defun !reduce (func list initial)
+ (if (null list)
+ initial
+ (!reduce func
+ (cdr list)
+ (funcall func initial (car list)))))
+;;; Go on growing the Lisp language in Ecmalisp, with more high
+;;; level utilities as well as correct versions of other
+;;; constructions.
+ (defmacro defun (name args &body body)
+ `(progn
+ (%defun ,name ,args ,@body)
+ ',name))
+ (defmacro defvar (name &optional value)
+ `(progn
+ (%defvar ,name ,value)
+ ',name))
+ (defun append-two (list1 list2)
+ (if (null list1)
+ list2
+ (cons (car list1)
+ (append (cdr list1) list2))))
+ (defun append (&rest lists)
+ (!reduce #'append-two lists '()))
+ (defun reverse-aux (list acc)
+ (if (null list)
+ acc
+ (reverse-aux (cdr list) (cons (car list) acc))))
+ (defun reverse (list)
+ (reverse-aux list '()))
+ (defun list-length (list)
+ (let ((l 0))
+ (while (not (null list))
+ (incf l)
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ l))
+ (defun length (seq)
+ (if (stringp seq)
+ (string-length seq)
+ (list-length seq)))
+ (defun concat-two (s1 s2)
+ (concat-two s1 s2))
+ (defun mapcar (func list)
+ (if (null list)
+ '()
+ (cons (funcall func (car list))
+ (mapcar func (cdr list)))))
+ (defun code-char (x) x)
+ (defun char-code (x) x)
+ (defun char= (x y) (= x y))
+ (defun integerp (x)
+ (and (numberp x) (= (floor x) x)))
+ (defun plusp (x) (< 0 x))
+ (defun minusp (x) (< x 0))
+ (defun listp (x)
+ (or (consp x) (null x)))
+ (defun nth (n list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list) list)
+ ((zerop n) (car list))
+ (t (nth (1- n) (cdr list)))))
+ (defun last (x)
+ (if (consp (cdr x))
+ (last (cdr x))
+ x))
+ (defun butlast (x)
+ (and (consp (cdr x))
+ (cons (car x) (butlast (cdr x)))))
+ (defun member (x list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((eql x (car list))
+ list)
+ (t
+ (member x (cdr list)))))
+ (defun remove (x list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((eql x (car list))
+ (remove x (cdr list)))
+ (t
+ (cons (car list) (remove x (cdr list))))))
+ (defun remove-if (func list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((funcall func (car list))
+ (remove-if func (cdr list)))
+ (t
+ (cons (car list) (remove-if func (cdr list))))))
+ (defun remove-if-not (func list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((funcall func (car list))
+ (cons (car list) (remove-if-not func (cdr list))))
+ (t
+ (remove-if-not func (cdr list)))))
+ (defun digit-char-p (x)
+ (if (and (<= #\0 x) (<= x #\9))
+ (- x #\0)
+ nil))
+ (defun subseq (seq a &optional b)
+ (cond
+ ((stringp seq)
+ (if b
+ (slice seq a b)
+ (slice seq a)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unsupported argument."))))
+ (defun parse-integer (string)
+ (let ((value 0)
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length string)))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (setq value (+ (* value 10) (digit-char-p (char string index))))
+ (incf index))
+ value))
+ (defun every (function seq)
+ ;; string
+ (let ((ret t)
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length seq)))
+ (while (and ret (< index size))
+ (unless (funcall function (char seq index))
+ (setq ret nil))
+ (incf index))
+ ret))
+ (defun assoc (x alist)
+ (cond
+ ((null alist)
+ nil)
+ ((eql x (caar alist))
+ (car alist))
+ (t
+ (assoc x (cdr alist)))))
+ (defun string= (s1 s2)
+ (equal s1 s2)))
+;;; The compiler offers some primitives and special forms which are
+;;; not found in Common Lisp, for instance, while. So, we grow Common
+;;; Lisp a bit to it can execute the rest of the file.
+ (defmacro while (condition &body body)
+ `(do ()
+ ((not ,condition))
+ ,@body))
+ (defmacro eval-when-compile (&body body)
+ `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ ,@body))
+ (defun concat-two (s1 s2)
+ (concatenate 'string s1 s2))
+ (defun setcar (cons new)
+ (setf (car cons) new))
+ (defun setcdr (cons new)
+ (setf (cdr cons) new)))
+;;; At this point, no matter if Common Lisp or ecmalisp is compiling
+;;; from here, this code will compile on both. We define some helper
+;;; functions now for string manipulation and so on. They will be
+;;; useful in the compiler, mostly.
+(defvar *newline* (string (code-char 10)))
+(defun concat (&rest strs)
+ (!reduce #'concat-two strs ""))
+;;; Concatenate a list of strings, with a separator
+(defun join (list &optional (separator ""))
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ "")
+ ((null (cdr list))
+ (car list))
+ (t
+ (concat (car list)
+ separator
+ (join (cdr list) separator)))))
+(defun join-trailing (list &optional (separator ""))
+ (if (null list)
+ ""
+ (concat (car list) separator (join-trailing (cdr list) separator))))
+;;; Like CONCAT, but prefix each line with four spaces.
+(defun indent (&rest string)
+ (let ((input (!reduce #'concat string "")))
+ (let ((output "")
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length input)))
+ (when (plusp size)
+ (setq output " "))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (setq output
+ (concat output
+ (if (and (char= (char input index) #\newline)
+ (< index (1- size))
+ (not (char= (char input (1+ index)) #\newline)))
+ (concat (string #\newline) " ")
+ (subseq input index (1+ index)))))
+ (incf index))
+ output)))
+(defun integer-to-string (x)
+ (cond
+ ((zerop x)
+ "0")
+ ((minusp x)
+ (concat "-" (integer-to-string (- 0 x))))
+ (t
+ (let ((digits nil))
+ (while (not (zerop x))
+ (push (mod x 10) digits)
+ (setq x (truncate x 10)))
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (d) (string (char "0123456789" d)))
+ digits))))))
+;;; Printer
+ (defun print-to-string (form)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp form) (symbol-name form))
+ ((integerp form) (integer-to-string form))
+ ((stringp form) (concat "\"" (escape-string form) "\""))
+ ((functionp form)
+ (let ((name (get form "fname")))
+ (if name
+ (concat "#<FUNCTION " name ">")
+ (concat "#<FUNCTION>"))))
+ ((listp form)
+ (concat "("
+ (join-trailing (mapcar #'print-to-string (butlast form)) " ")
+ (let ((last (last form)))
+ (if (null (cdr last))
+ (print-to-string (car last))
+ (concat (print-to-string (car last)) " . " (print-to-string (cdr last)))))
+ ")"))))
+ (defun write-line (x)
+ (write-string x)
+ (write-string *newline*)
+ x)
+ (defun print (x)
+ (write-line (print-to-string x))))
+;;;; Reader
+;;; The Lisp reader, parse strings and return Lisp objects. The main
+;;; entry points are `ls-read' and `ls-read-from-string'.
+(defun make-string-stream (string)
+ (cons string 0))
+(defun %peek-char (stream)
+ (and (< (cdr stream) (length (car stream)))
+ (char (car stream) (cdr stream))))
+(defun %read-char (stream)
+ (and (< (cdr stream) (length (car stream)))
+ (prog1 (char (car stream) (cdr stream))
+ (setcdr stream (1+ (cdr stream))))))
+(defun whitespacep (ch)
+ (or (char= ch #\space) (char= ch #\newline) (char= ch #\tab)))
+(defun skip-whitespaces (stream)
+ (let (ch)
+ (setq ch (%peek-char stream))
+ (while (and ch (whitespacep ch))
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (setq ch (%peek-char stream)))))
+(defun terminalp (ch)
+ (or (null ch) (whitespacep ch) (char= #\) ch) (char= #\( ch)))
+(defun read-until (stream func)
+ (let ((string "")
+ (ch))
+ (setq ch (%peek-char stream))
+ (while (and ch (not (funcall func ch)))
+ (setq string (concat string (string ch)))
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (setq ch (%peek-char stream)))
+ string))
+(defun skip-whitespaces-and-comments (stream)
+ (let (ch)
+ (skip-whitespaces stream)
+ (setq ch (%peek-char stream))
+ (while (and ch (char= ch #\;))
+ (read-until stream (lambda (x) (char= x #\newline)))
+ (skip-whitespaces stream)
+ (setq ch (%peek-char stream)))))
+(defun %read-list (stream)
+ (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream)
+ (let ((ch (%peek-char stream)))
+ (cond
+ ((null ch)
+ (error "Unspected EOF"))
+ ((char= ch #\))
+ (%read-char stream)
+ nil)
+ ((char= ch #\.)
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (prog1 (ls-read stream)
+ (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream)
+ (unless (char= (%read-char stream) #\))
+ (error "')' was expected."))))
+ (t
+ (cons (ls-read stream) (%read-list stream))))))
+(defun read-string (stream)
+ (let ((string "")
+ (ch nil))
+ (setq ch (%read-char stream))
+ (while (not (eql ch #\"))
+ (when (null ch)
+ (error "Unexpected EOF"))
+ (when (eql ch #\\)
+ (setq ch (%read-char stream)))
+ (setq string (concat string (string ch)))
+ (setq ch (%read-char stream)))
+ string))
+(defun read-sharp (stream)
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (ecase (%read-char stream)
+ (#\'
+ (list 'function (ls-read stream)))
+ (#\\
+ (let ((cname
+ (concat (string (%read-char stream))
+ (read-until stream #'terminalp))))
+ (cond
+ ((string= cname "space") (char-code #\space))
+ ((string= cname "tab") (char-code #\tab))
+ ((string= cname "newline") (char-code #\newline))
+ (t (char-code (char cname 0))))))
+ (#\+
+ (let ((feature (read-until stream #'terminalp)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= feature "common-lisp")
+ (ls-read stream) ;ignore
+ (ls-read stream))
+ ((string= feature "ecmalisp")
+ (ls-read stream))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown reader form.")))))))
+(defvar *eof* (make-symbol "EOF"))
+(defun ls-read (stream)
+ (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream)
+ (let ((ch (%peek-char stream)))
+ (cond
+ ((null ch)
+ *eof*)
+ ((char= ch #\()
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (%read-list stream))
+ ((char= ch #\')
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (list 'quote (ls-read stream)))
+ ((char= ch #\`)
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (list 'backquote (ls-read stream)))
+ ((char= ch #\")
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (read-string stream))
+ ((char= ch #\,)
+ (%read-char stream)
+ (if (eql (%peek-char stream) #\@)
+ (progn (%read-char stream) (list 'unquote-splicing (ls-read stream)))
+ (list 'unquote (ls-read stream))))
+ ((char= ch #\#)
+ (read-sharp stream))
+ (t
+ (let ((string (read-until stream #'terminalp)))
+ (if (every #'digit-char-p string)
+ (parse-integer string)
+ (intern (string-upcase string))))))))
+(defun ls-read-from-string (string)
+ (ls-read (make-string-stream string)))
+;;;; Compiler
+;;; Translate the Lisp code to Javascript. It will compile the special
+;;; forms. Some primitive functions are compiled as special forms
+;;; too. The respective real functions are defined in the target (see
+;;; the beginning of this file) as well as some primitive functions.
+(defvar *compilation-unit-checks* '())
+(defvar *env* '())
+(defvar *fenv* '())
+(defun make-binding (name type js declared)
+ (list name type js declared))
+(defun binding-name (b) (first b))
+(defun binding-type (b) (second b))
+(defun binding-translation (b) (third b))
+(defun binding-declared (b)
+ (and b (fourth b)))
+(defun mark-binding-as-declared (b)
+ (setcar (cdddr b) t))
+(defvar *variable-counter* 0)
+(defun gvarname (symbol)
+ (concat "v" (integer-to-string (incf *variable-counter*))))
+(defun lookup-variable (symbol env)
+ (or (assoc symbol env)
+ (assoc symbol *env*)
+ (let ((name (symbol-name symbol))
+ (binding (make-binding symbol 'variable (gvarname symbol) nil)))
+ (push binding *env*)
+ (push (lambda ()
+ (unless (binding-declared (assoc symbol *env*))
+ (error (concat "Undefined variable `" name "'"))))
+ *compilation-unit-checks*)
+ binding)))
+(defun lookup-variable-translation (symbol env)
+ (binding-translation (lookup-variable symbol env)))
+(defun extend-local-env (args env)
+ (append (mapcar (lambda (symbol)
+ (make-binding symbol 'variable (gvarname symbol) t))
+ args)
+ env))
+(defvar *function-counter* 0)
+(defun lookup-function (symbol env)
+ (or (assoc symbol env)
+ (assoc symbol *fenv*)
+ (let ((name (symbol-name symbol))
+ (binding
+ (make-binding symbol
+ 'function
+ (concat "f" (integer-to-string (incf *function-counter*)))
+ nil)))
+ (push binding *fenv*)
+ (push (lambda ()
+ (unless (binding-declared (assoc symbol *fenv*))
+ (error (concat "Undefined function `" name "'"))))
+ *compilation-unit-checks*)
+ binding)))
+(defun lookup-function-translation (symbol env)
+ (binding-translation (lookup-function symbol env)))
+(defvar *toplevel-compilations* nil)
+(defun %compile-defvar (name)
+ (let ((b (lookup-variable name *env*)))
+ (mark-binding-as-declared b)
+ (push (concat "var " (binding-translation b)) *toplevel-compilations*)))
+(defun %compile-defun (name)
+ (let ((b (lookup-function name *env*)))
+ (mark-binding-as-declared b)
+ (push (concat "var " (binding-translation b)) *toplevel-compilations*)))
+(defun %compile-defmacro (name lambda)
+ (push (make-binding name 'macro lambda t) *fenv*))
+(defvar *compilations* nil)
+(defun ls-compile-block (sexps env fenv)
+ (join-trailing
+ (remove-if (lambda (x)
+ (or (null x)
+ (and (stringp x)
+ (zerop (length x)))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv)) sexps))
+ (concat ";" *newline*)))
+(defmacro define-compilation (name args &body body)
+ ;; Creates a new primitive `name' with parameters args and
+ ;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
+ ;; variable ENV.
+ `(push (list ',name (lambda (env fenv ,@args) ,@body))
+ *compilations*))
+(define-compilation if (condition true false)
+ (concat "("
+ (ls-compile condition env fenv) " !== " (ls-compile nil nil nil)
+ " ? "
+ (ls-compile true env fenv)
+ " : "
+ (ls-compile false env fenv)
+ ")"))
+(defvar *lambda-list-keywords* '(&optional &rest))
+(defun list-until-keyword (list)
+ (if (or (null list) (member (car list) *lambda-list-keywords*))
+ nil
+ (cons (car list) (list-until-keyword (cdr list)))))
+(defun lambda-list-required-arguments (lambda-list)
+ (list-until-keyword lambda-list))
+(defun lambda-list-optional-arguments-with-default (lambda-list)
+ (mapcar #'ensure-list (list-until-keyword (cdr (member '&optional lambda-list)))))
+(defun lambda-list-optional-arguments (lambda-list)
+ (mapcar #'car (lambda-list-optional-arguments-with-default lambda-list)))
+(defun lambda-list-rest-argument (lambda-list)
+ (let ((rest (list-until-keyword (cdr (member '&rest lambda-list)))))
+ (when (cdr rest)
+ (error "Bad lambda-list"))
+ (car rest)))
+(define-compilation lambda (lambda-list &rest body)
+ (let ((required-arguments (lambda-list-required-arguments lambda-list))
+ (optional-arguments (lambda-list-optional-arguments lambda-list))
+ (rest-argument (lambda-list-rest-argument lambda-list)))
+ (let ((n-required-arguments (length required-arguments))
+ (n-optional-arguments (length optional-arguments))
+ (new-env (extend-local-env
+ (append (ensure-list rest-argument)
+ required-arguments
+ optional-arguments)
+ env)))
+ (concat "(function ("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (lookup-variable-translation x new-env))
+ (append required-arguments optional-arguments))
+ ",")
+ "){" *newline*
+ ;; Check number of arguments
+ (indent
+ (if required-arguments
+ (concat "if (arguments.length < " (integer-to-string n-required-arguments)
+ ") throw 'too few arguments';" *newline*)
+ "")
+ (if (not rest-argument)
+ (concat "if (arguments.length > "
+ (integer-to-string (+ n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments))
+ ") throw 'too many arguments';" *newline*)
+ "")
+ ;; Optional arguments
+ (if optional-arguments
+ (concat "switch(arguments.length){" *newline*
+ (let ((optional-and-defaults
+ (lambda-list-optional-arguments-with-default lambda-list))
+ (cases nil)
+ (idx 0))
+ (progn
+ (while (< idx n-optional-arguments)
+ (let ((arg (nth idx optional-and-defaults)))
+ (push (concat "case "
+ (integer-to-string (+ idx n-required-arguments)) ":" *newline*
+ (lookup-variable-translation (car arg) new-env)
+ "="
+ (ls-compile (cadr arg) new-env fenv)
+ ";" *newline*)
+ cases)
+ (incf idx)))
+ (push (concat "default: break;" *newline*) cases)
+ (join (reverse cases))))
+ "}" *newline*)
+ "")
+ ;; &rest/&body argument
+ (if rest-argument
+ (let ((js!rest (lookup-variable-translation rest-argument new-env)))
+ (concat "var " js!rest "= " (ls-compile nil env fenv) ";" *newline*
+ "for (var i = arguments.length-1; i>="
+ (integer-to-string (+ n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments))
+ "; i--)" *newline*
+ (indent js!rest " = "
+ "{car: arguments[i], cdr: ") js!rest "};"
+ *newline*))
+ "")
+ ;; Body
+ (concat (ls-compile-block (butlast body) new-env fenv)
+ "return " (ls-compile (car (last body)) new-env fenv) ";")) *newline*
+ "})"))))
+(define-compilation fsetq (var val)
+ (concat (lookup-function-translation var fenv)
+ " = "
+ (ls-compile val env fenv)))
+(define-compilation setq (var val)
+ (concat (lookup-variable-translation var env)
+ " = "
+ (ls-compile val env fenv)))
+;;; Literals
+(defun escape-string (string)
+ (let ((output "")
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length string)))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (let ((ch (char string index)))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\")))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\"))
+ (setq ch #\n))
+ (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
+ (incf index))
+ output))
+(defun literal->js (sexp)
+ (cond
+ ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
+ ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
+ ((symbolp sexp) (ls-compile `(intern ,(escape-string (symbol-name sexp))) *env* *fenv*))
+ ((consp sexp) (concat "{car: "
+ (literal->js (car sexp))
+ ", cdr: "
+ (literal->js (cdr sexp)) "}"))))
+(defvar *literal-counter* 0)
+(defun literal (form)
+ (let ((var (concat "l" (integer-to-string (incf *literal-counter*)))))
+ (push (concat "var " var " = " (literal->js form)) *toplevel-compilations*)
+ var))
+(define-compilation quote (sexp)
+ (literal sexp))
+(define-compilation while (pred &rest body)
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "while("
+ (ls-compile pred env fenv)
+ " !== "
+ (ls-compile nil nil nil) "){" *newline*
+ (indent (ls-compile-block body env fenv)))
+ "}})()"))
+(define-compilation function (x)
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))
+ (ls-compile x env fenv))
+ ((symbolp x)
+ (lookup-function-translation x fenv))))
+(define-compilation eval-when-compile (&rest body)
+ (eval (cons 'progn body))
+ "")
+(defmacro define-transformation (name args form)
+ `(define-compilation ,name ,args
+ (ls-compile ,form env fenv)))
+(define-compilation progn (&rest body)
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent (ls-compile-block (butlast body) env fenv)
+ "return " (ls-compile (car (last body)) env fenv) ";" *newline*)
+ "})()"))
+(define-compilation let (bindings &rest body)
+ (let ((bindings (mapcar #'ensure-list bindings)))
+ (let ((variables (mapcar #'first bindings))
+ (values (mapcar #'second bindings)))
+ (let ((new-env (extend-local-env variables env)))
+ (concat "(function("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (lookup-variable-translation x new-env))
+ variables)
+ ",")
+ "){" *newline*
+ (indent (ls-compile-block (butlast body) new-env fenv)
+ "return " (ls-compile (car (last body)) new-env fenv)
+ ";" *newline*)
+ "})(" (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv))
+ values)
+ ",")
+ ")")))))
+;;; A little backquote implementation without optimizations of any
+;;; kind for ecmalisp.
+(defun backquote-expand-1 (form)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp form)
+ (list 'quote form))
+ ((atom form)
+ form)
+ ((eq (car form) 'unquote)
+ (car form))
+ ((eq (car form) 'backquote)
+ (backquote-expand-1 (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))))
+ (t
+ (cons 'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote))
+ (list 'list (cadr s)))
+ ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote-splicing))
+ (cadr s))
+ (t
+ (list 'list (backquote-expand-1 s)))))
+ form)))))
+(defun backquote-expand (form)
+ (if (and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'backquote))
+ (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))
+ form))
+(defmacro backquote (form)
+ (backquote-expand-1 form))
+(define-transformation backquote (form)
+ (backquote-expand-1 form))
+;;; Primitives
+(defmacro define-builtin (name args &body body)
+ `(define-compilation ,name ,args
+ (let ,(mapcar (lambda (arg) `(,arg (ls-compile ,arg env fenv))) args)
+ ,@body)))
+(defun compile-bool (x)
+ (concat "(" x "?" (ls-compile t nil nil) ": " (ls-compile nil nil nil) ")"))
+;;; DECLS is a list of (JSVARNAME TYPE LISPFORM) declarations.
+(defmacro type-check (decls &body body)
+ `(concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
+ `(concat "var " ,(first decl) " = " ,(third decl) ";" *newline*))
+ decls)
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
+ `(concat "if (typeof " ,(first decl) " != '" ,(second decl) "')" *newline*
+ (indent "throw 'The value ' + "
+ ,(first decl)
+ " + ' is not a type "
+ ,(second decl)
+ ".';"
+ *newline*)))
+ decls)
+ (concat "return " (progn ,@body) ";" *newline*))
+ "})()"))
+(defun num-op-num (x op y)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x) ("y" "number" y))
+ (concat "x" op "y")))
+(define-builtin + (x y) (num-op-num x "+" y))
+(define-builtin - (x y) (num-op-num x "-" y))
+(define-builtin * (x y) (num-op-num x "*" y))
+(define-builtin / (x y) (num-op-num x "/" y))
+(define-builtin mod (x y) (num-op-num x "%" y))
+(define-builtin < (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "<" y)))
+(define-builtin > (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x ">" y)))
+(define-builtin = (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "==" y)))
+(define-builtin <= (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "<=" y)))
+(define-builtin >= (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x ">=" y)))
+(define-builtin numberp (x)
+ (compile-bool (concat "(typeof (" x ") == \"number\")")))
+(define-builtin floor (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x))
+ "Math.floor(x)"))
+(define-builtin cons (x y) (concat "({car: " x ", cdr: " y "})"))
+(define-builtin consp (x)
+ (compile-bool
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'car' in tmp);" *newline*)
+ "})()")))
+(define-builtin car (x)
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil nil nil)
+ "? " (ls-compile nil nil nil)
+ ": tmp.car;" *newline*)
+ "})()"))
+(define-builtin cdr (x)
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil nil nil) "? "
+ (ls-compile nil nil nil)
+ ": tmp.cdr;" *newline*)
+ "})()"))
+(define-builtin setcar (x new)
+ (type-check (("x" "object" x))
+ (concat "(x.car = " new ")")))
+(define-builtin setcdr (x new)
+ (type-check (("x" "object" x))
+ (concat "(x.cdr = " new ")")))
+(define-builtin symbolp (x)
+ (compile-bool
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'name' in tmp);" *newline*)
+ "})()")))
+(define-builtin make-symbol (name)
+ (type-check (("name" "string" name))
+ "({name: name})"))
+(define-builtin symbol-name (x)
+ (concat "(" x ").name"))
+(define-builtin eq (x y) (compile-bool (concat "(" x " === " y ")")))
+(define-builtin equal (x y) (compile-bool (concat "(" x " == " y ")")))
+(define-builtin string (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x))
+ "String.fromCharCode(x)"))
+(define-builtin stringp (x)
+ (compile-bool (concat "(typeof(" x ") == \"string\")")))
+(define-builtin string-upcase (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "x.toUpperCase()"))
+(define-builtin string-length (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "x.length"))
+(define-compilation slice (string a &optional b)
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var str = " (ls-compile string env fenv) ";" *newline*
+ "var a = " (ls-compile a env fenv) ";" *newline*
+ "var b;" *newline*
+ (if b
+ (concat "b = " (ls-compile b env fenv) ";" *newline*)
+ "")
+ "return str.slice(a,b);" *newline*)
+ "})()"))
+(define-builtin char (string index)
+ (type-check (("string" "string" string)
+ ("index" "number" index))
+ "string.charCodeAt(index)"))
+(define-builtin concat-two (string1 string2)
+ (type-check (("string1" "string" string1)
+ ("string2" "string" string2))
+ "string1.concat(string2)"))
+(define-compilation funcall (func &rest args)
+ (concat "(" (ls-compile func env fenv) ")("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (ls-compile x env fenv))
+ args)
+ ", ")
+ ")"))
+(define-compilation apply (func &rest args)
+ (if (null args)
+ (concat "(" (ls-compile func env fenv) ")()")
+ (let ((args (butlast args))
+ (last (car (last args))))
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var f = " (ls-compile func env fenv) ";" *newline*
+ "var args = [" (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (ls-compile x env fenv))
+ args)
+ ", ")
+ "];" *newline*
+ "var tail = (" (ls-compile last env fenv) ");" *newline*
+ (indent "while (tail != " (ls-compile nil env fenv) "){" *newline*
+ " args.push(tail.car);" *newline*
+ " tail = tail.cdr;" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*
+ "return f.apply(this, args);" *newline*)
+ "})()")))))
+(define-builtin js-eval (string)
+ (type-check (("string" "string" string))
+ "eval.apply(window, [string])"))
+(define-builtin error (string)
+ (concat "(function (){ throw " string ";" "return 0;})()"))
+(define-builtin new () "{}")
+(define-builtin get (object key)
+ (concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent "var tmp = " "(" object ")[" key "];" *newline*
+ "return tmp == undefined? " (ls-compile nil nil nil) ": tmp ;" *newline*)
+ "})()"))
+(define-builtin set (object key value)
+ (concat "((" object ")[" key "] = " value ")"))
+(define-builtin in (key object)
+ (compile-bool (concat "((" key ") in (" object "))")))
+(define-builtin functionp (x)
+ (compile-bool (concat "(typeof " x " == 'function')")))
+(define-builtin write-string (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "lisp.write(x)"))
+(defun macrop (x)
+ (and (symbolp x) (eq (binding-type (lookup-function x *fenv*)) 'macro)))
+(defun ls-macroexpand-1 (form env fenv)
+ (if (macrop (car form))
+ (let ((binding (lookup-function (car form) *env*)))
+ (if (eq (binding-type binding) 'macro)
+ (apply (eval (binding-translation binding)) (cdr form))
+ form))
+ form))
+(defun compile-funcall (function args env fenv)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp function)
+ (concat (lookup-function-translation function fenv)
+ "("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv)) args)
+ ", ")
+ ")"))
+ ((and (listp function) (eq (car function) 'lambda))
+ (concat "(" (ls-compile function env fenv) ")("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv)) args)
+ ", ")
+ ")"))
+ (t
+ (error (concat "Invalid function designator " (symbol-name function))))))
+(defun ls-compile (sexp env fenv)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp sexp) (lookup-variable-translation sexp env))
+ ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
+ ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
+ ((listp sexp)
+ (if (assoc (car sexp) *compilations*)
+ (let ((comp (second (assoc (car sexp) *compilations*))))
+ (apply comp env fenv (cdr sexp)))
+ (if (macrop (car sexp))
+ (ls-compile (ls-macroexpand-1 sexp env fenv) env fenv)
+ (compile-funcall (car sexp) (cdr sexp) env fenv))))))
+(defun ls-compile-toplevel (sexp)
+ (setq *toplevel-compilations* nil)
+ (let ((code (ls-compile sexp nil nil)))
+ (prog1
+ (concat (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat x ";" *newline*))
+ *toplevel-compilations*))
+ code)
+ (setq *toplevel-compilations* nil))))
+;;; Once we have the compiler, we define the runtime environment and
+;;; interactive development (eval), which works calling the compiler
+;;; and evaluating the Javascript result globally.
+ (defmacro with-compilation-unit (&body body)
+ `(prog1
+ (progn
+ (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil)
+ (setq *env* (remove-if-not #'binding-declared *env*))
+ (setq *fenv* (remove-if-not #'binding-declared *fenv*))
+ ,@body)
+ (dolist (check *compilation-unit-checks*)
+ (funcall check))))
+ (defun eval (x)
+ (let ((code
+ (with-compilation-unit
+ (ls-compile-toplevel x))))
+ (js-eval code)))
+ ;; Set the initial global environment to be equal to the host global
+ ;; environment at this point of the compilation.
+ (eval-when-compile
+ (let ((c1 (ls-compile `(setq *fenv* ',*fenv*) nil nil))
+ (c2 (ls-compile `(setq *env* ',*env*) nil nil))
+ (c3 (ls-compile `(setq *variable-counter* ',*variable-counter*) nil nil))
+ (c4 (ls-compile `(setq *function-counter* ',*function-counter*) nil nil))
+ (c5 (ls-compile `(setq *literal-counter* ',*literal-counter*) nil nil))
+ (c6 (ls-compile `(setq *gensym-counter* ',*gensym-counter*) nil nil)))
+ (setq *toplevel-compilations*
+ (append *toplevel-compilations* (list c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6)))))
+ (js-eval
+ (concat "var lisp = {};"
+ "lisp.read = " (lookup-function-translation 'ls-read-from-string nil) ";" *newline*
+ "lisp.print = " (lookup-function-translation 'print-to-string nil) ";" *newline*
+ "lisp.eval = " (lookup-function-translation 'eval nil) ";" *newline*
+ "lisp.compile = " (lookup-function-translation 'ls-compile-toplevel nil) ";" *newline*
+ "lisp.evalString = function(str){" *newline*
+ " return lisp.eval(lisp.read(str));" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*
+ "lisp.compileString = function(str){" *newline*
+ " return lisp.compile(lisp.read(str));" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*)))
+;;; Finally, we provide a couple of functions to easily bootstrap
+;;; this. It just calls the compiler with this file as input.
+ (defun read-whole-file (filename)
+ (with-open-file (in filename)
+ (let ((seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type 'character)))
+ (read-sequence seq in)
+ seq)))
+ (defun ls-compile-file (filename output)
+ (setq *env* nil *fenv* nil)
+ (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil)
+ (with-open-file (out output :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (let* ((source (read-whole-file filename))
+ (in (make-string-stream source)))
+ (loop
+ for x = (ls-read in)
+ until (eq x *eof*)
+ for compilation = (ls-compile-toplevel x)
+ when (plusp (length compilation))
+ do (write-line (concat compilation "; ") out))
+ (dolist (check *compilation-unit-checks*)
+ (funcall check))
+ (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil))))
+ (defun bootstrap ()
+ (ls-compile-file "ecmalisp.lisp" "ecmalisp.js")))
+++ /dev/null
-<!doctype html>
- <head>
- <style>
- /* The console container element */
- body { background-color: black; font-size: 16px; font-family: Courier; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 0 0 0;}
- #console {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0px;
- bottom: 0px;
- left: 0px;
- right: 0px;
- background-color:black;
- }
- .parents {
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- /* The inner console element. */
- .jqconsole {
- padding: 10px;
- }
- /* The cursor. */
- .jqconsole-cursor {
- background-color: gray;
- }
- /* The cursor color when the console looses focus. */
- .jqconsole-blurred .jqconsole-cursor {
- background-color: #666;
- }
- /* The current prompt text color */
- .jqconsole-prompt {
- color: White;
- }
- /* The command history */
- .jqconsole-old-prompt {
- color: White;
- font-weight: normal;
- }
- /* The text color when in input mode. */
- .jqconsole-input {
- color: White;
- }
- /* Previously entered input. */
- .jqconsole-old-input {
- color: White;
- font-weight: normal;
- }
- /* The text color of the output. */
- .jqconsole-output {
- color: green;
- }
- .jqconsole-return, .jqconsole-header {
- color: gray;
- }
- .jqconsole-error {
- color: red;
- }
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="console"></div>
- <script src="lispstrack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
- <script src="jqconsole.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
- <script>
- $(function () {
- var jqconsole = $('#console').jqconsole('Welcome to Lisptrack!\n\n', '> ');
- jqconsole.RegisterMatching('(', ')', 'parents');
- lisp.write = function(str){
- jqconsole.Write(str, 'jqconsole-output');
- return str;
- }
- var startPrompt = function () {
- // Start the prompt with history enabled.
- jqconsole.Prompt(true, function (input) {
- // Output input with the class jqconsole-return.
- if (input[0] != ','){
- try {
- jqconsole.Write(lisp.print(lisp.evalString(input)) + '\n', 'jqconsole-return');
- } catch(error) {
- jqconsole.Write('ERROR: ' + error + '\n', 'jqconsole-error');
- }
- } else {
- jqconsole.Write(lisp.compileString(input.slice(1)) + '\n', 'jqconsole-return');
- }
- // Restart the prompt.
- startPrompt();
- }, function(input){
- try {
- lisp.read(input[0]==','? input.slice(1): input);
- } catch(error) {
- return 0;
- }
- return false;
- });
- };
- startPrompt();
- });
- </script>
- </body>
+++ /dev/null
-;;; lispstrack.lisp ---
-;; Copyright (C) 2012 David Vazquez
-;; Copyright (C) 2012 Raimon Grau
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; This code is executed when lispstrack compiles this file
-;;; itself. The compiler provides compilation of some special forms,
-;;; as well as funcalls and macroexpansion, but no functions. So, we
-;;; define the Lisp world from scratch. This code has to define enough
-;;; language to the compiler to be able to run.
- (eval-when-compile
- (%compile-defmacro 'defmacro
- '(lambda (name args &rest body)
- `(eval-when-compile
- (%compile-defmacro ',name
- '(lambda ,(mapcar (lambda (x)
- (if (eq x '&body)
- '&rest
- x))
- args)
- ,@body))))))
- (defmacro %defvar (name value)
- `(progn
- (eval-when-compile
- (%compile-defvar ',name))
- (setq ,name ,value)))
- (defmacro defvar (name &optional value)
- `(%defvar ,name ,value))
- (defmacro named-lambda (name args &rest body)
- (let ((x (gensym "FN")))
- `(let ((,x (lambda ,args ,@body)))
- (set ,x "fname" ,name)
- ,x)))
- (defmacro %defun (name args &rest body)
- `(progn
- (eval-when-compile
- (%compile-defun ',name))
- (fsetq ,name (named-lambda ,(symbol-name name) ,args
- ,@body))))
- (defmacro defun (name args &rest body)
- `(%defun ,name ,args ,@body))
- (defvar *package* (new))
- (defvar nil (make-symbol "NIL"))
- (set *package* "NIL" nil)
- (defvar t (make-symbol "T"))
- (set *package* "T" t)
- (defun null (x)
- (eq x nil))
- (defun internp (name)
- (in name *package*))
- (defun intern (name)
- (if (internp name)
- (get *package* name)
- (set *package* name (make-symbol name))))
- (defun find-symbol (name)
- (get *package* name))
- (defvar *gensym-counter* 0)
- (defun gensym (&optional (prefix "G"))
- (setq *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
- (make-symbol (concat-two prefix (integer-to-string *gensym-counter*))))
- ;; Basic functions
- (defun = (x y) (= x y))
- (defun + (x y) (+ x y))
- (defun - (x y) (- x y))
- (defun * (x y) (* x y))
- (defun / (x y) (/ x y))
- (defun 1+ (x) (+ x 1))
- (defun 1- (x) (- x 1))
- (defun zerop (x) (= x 0))
- (defun truncate (x y) (floor (/ x y)))
- (defun eql (x y) (eq x y))
- (defun not (x) (if x nil t))
- (defun cons (x y ) (cons x y))
- (defun consp (x) (consp x))
- (defun car (x) (car x))
- (defun cdr (x) (cdr x))
- (defun caar (x) (car (car x)))
- (defun cadr (x) (car (cdr x)))
- (defun cdar (x) (cdr (car x)))
- (defun cddr (x) (cdr (cdr x)))
- (defun caddr (x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
- (defun cdddr (x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
- (defun cadddr (x) (car (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
- (defun first (x) (car x))
- (defun second (x) (cadr x))
- (defun third (x) (caddr x))
- (defun fourth (x) (cadddr x))
- (defun list (&rest args) args)
- (defun atom (x)
- (not (consp x)))
- ;; Basic macros
- (defmacro incf (x &optional (delta 1))
- `(setq ,x (+ ,x ,delta)))
- (defmacro decf (x &optional (delta 1))
- `(setq ,x (- ,x ,delta)))
- (defmacro push (x place)
- `(setq ,place (cons ,x ,place)))
- (defmacro when (condition &body body)
- `(if ,condition (progn ,@body) nil))
- (defmacro unless (condition &body body)
- `(if ,condition nil (progn ,@body)))
- (defmacro dolist (iter &body body)
- (let ((var (first iter))
- (g!list (gensym)))
- `(let ((,g!list ,(second iter))
- (,var nil))
- (while ,g!list
- (setq ,var (car ,g!list))
- ,@body
- (setq ,g!list (cdr ,g!list))))))
- (defmacro dotimes (iter &body body)
- (let ((g!to (gensym))
- (var (first iter))
- (to (second iter))
- (result (third iter)))
- `(let ((,var 0)
- (,g!to ,to))
- (while (< ,var ,g!to)
- ,@body
- (incf ,var))
- ,result)))
- (defmacro cond (&rest clausules)
- (if (null clausules)
- nil
- (if (eq (caar clausules) t)
- `(progn ,@(cdar clausules))
- `(if ,(caar clausules)
- (progn ,@(cdar clausules))
- (cond ,@(cdr clausules))))))
- (defmacro case (form &rest clausules)
- (let ((!form (gensym)))
- `(let ((,!form ,form))
- (cond
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (clausule)
- (if (eq (car clausule) t)
- clausule
- `((eql ,!form ,(car clausule))
- ,@(cdr clausule))))
- clausules)))))
- (defmacro ecase (form &rest clausules)
- `(case ,form
- ,@(append
- clausules
- `((t
- (error "ECASE expression failed."))))))
- (defmacro and (&rest forms)
- (cond
- ((null forms)
- t)
- ((null (cdr forms))
- (car forms))
- (t
- `(if ,(car forms)
- (and ,@(cdr forms))
- nil))))
- (defmacro or (&rest forms)
- (cond
- ((null forms)
- nil)
- ((null (cdr forms))
- (car forms))
- (t
- (let ((g (gensym)))
- `(let ((,g ,(car forms)))
- (if ,g ,g (or ,@(cdr forms))))))))
- (defmacro prog1 (form &body body)
- (let ((value (gensym)))
- `(let ((,value ,form))
- ,@body
- ,value))))
-;;; This couple of helper functions will be defined in both Common
-;;; Lisp and in Lispstrack.
-(defun ensure-list (x)
- (if (listp x)
- x
- (list x)))
-(defun !reduce (func list initial)
- (if (null list)
- initial
- (!reduce func
- (cdr list)
- (funcall func initial (car list)))))
-;;; Go on growing the Lisp language in Lispstrack, with more high
-;;; level utilities as well as correct versions of other
-;;; constructions.
- (defmacro defun (name args &body body)
- `(progn
- (%defun ,name ,args ,@body)
- ',name))
- (defmacro defvar (name &optional value)
- `(progn
- (%defvar ,name ,value)
- ',name))
- (defun append-two (list1 list2)
- (if (null list1)
- list2
- (cons (car list1)
- (append (cdr list1) list2))))
- (defun append (&rest lists)
- (!reduce #'append-two lists '()))
- (defun reverse-aux (list acc)
- (if (null list)
- acc
- (reverse-aux (cdr list) (cons (car list) acc))))
- (defun reverse (list)
- (reverse-aux list '()))
- (defun list-length (list)
- (let ((l 0))
- (while (not (null list))
- (incf l)
- (setq list (cdr list)))
- l))
- (defun length (seq)
- (if (stringp seq)
- (string-length seq)
- (list-length seq)))
- (defun concat-two (s1 s2)
- (concat-two s1 s2))
- (defun mapcar (func list)
- (if (null list)
- '()
- (cons (funcall func (car list))
- (mapcar func (cdr list)))))
- (defun code-char (x) x)
- (defun char-code (x) x)
- (defun char= (x y) (= x y))
- (defun integerp (x)
- (and (numberp x) (= (floor x) x)))
- (defun plusp (x) (< 0 x))
- (defun minusp (x) (< x 0))
- (defun listp (x)
- (or (consp x) (null x)))
- (defun nth (n list)
- (cond
- ((null list) list)
- ((zerop n) (car list))
- (t (nth (1- n) (cdr list)))))
- (defun last (x)
- (if (consp (cdr x))
- (last (cdr x))
- x))
- (defun butlast (x)
- (and (consp (cdr x))
- (cons (car x) (butlast (cdr x)))))
- (defun member (x list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((eql x (car list))
- list)
- (t
- (member x (cdr list)))))
- (defun remove (x list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((eql x (car list))
- (remove x (cdr list)))
- (t
- (cons (car list) (remove x (cdr list))))))
- (defun remove-if (func list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((funcall func (car list))
- (remove-if func (cdr list)))
- (t
- (cons (car list) (remove-if func (cdr list))))))
- (defun remove-if-not (func list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((funcall func (car list))
- (cons (car list) (remove-if-not func (cdr list))))
- (t
- (remove-if-not func (cdr list)))))
- (defun digit-char-p (x)
- (if (and (<= #\0 x) (<= x #\9))
- (- x #\0)
- nil))
- (defun subseq (seq a &optional b)
- (cond
- ((stringp seq)
- (if b
- (slice seq a b)
- (slice seq a)))
- (t
- (error "Unsupported argument."))))
- (defun parse-integer (string)
- (let ((value 0)
- (index 0)
- (size (length string)))
- (while (< index size)
- (setq value (+ (* value 10) (digit-char-p (char string index))))
- (incf index))
- value))
- (defun every (function seq)
- ;; string
- (let ((ret t)
- (index 0)
- (size (length seq)))
- (while (and ret (< index size))
- (unless (funcall function (char seq index))
- (setq ret nil))
- (incf index))
- ret))
- (defun assoc (x alist)
- (cond
- ((null alist)
- nil)
- ((eql x (caar alist))
- (car alist))
- (t
- (assoc x (cdr alist)))))
- (defun string= (s1 s2)
- (equal s1 s2)))
-;;; The compiler offers some primitives and special forms which are
-;;; not found in Common Lisp, for instance, while. So, we grow Common
-;;; Lisp a bit to it can execute the rest of the file.
- (defmacro while (condition &body body)
- `(do ()
- ((not ,condition))
- ,@body))
- (defmacro eval-when-compile (&body body)
- `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- ,@body))
- (defun concat-two (s1 s2)
- (concatenate 'string s1 s2))
- (defun setcar (cons new)
- (setf (car cons) new))
- (defun setcdr (cons new)
- (setf (cdr cons) new)))
-;;; At this point, no matter if Common Lisp or lispstrack is compiling
-;;; from here, this code will compile on both. We define some helper
-;;; functions now for string manipulation and so on. They will be
-;;; useful in the compiler, mostly.
-(defvar *newline* (string (code-char 10)))
-(defun concat (&rest strs)
- (!reduce #'concat-two strs ""))
-;;; Concatenate a list of strings, with a separator
-(defun join (list &optional (separator ""))
- (cond
- ((null list)
- "")
- ((null (cdr list))
- (car list))
- (t
- (concat (car list)
- separator
- (join (cdr list) separator)))))
-(defun join-trailing (list &optional (separator ""))
- (if (null list)
- ""
- (concat (car list) separator (join-trailing (cdr list) separator))))
-;;; Like CONCAT, but prefix each line with four spaces.
-(defun indent (&rest string)
- (let ((input (!reduce #'concat string "")))
- (let ((output "")
- (index 0)
- (size (length input)))
- (when (plusp size)
- (setq output " "))
- (while (< index size)
- (setq output
- (concat output
- (if (and (char= (char input index) #\newline)
- (< index (1- size))
- (not (char= (char input (1+ index)) #\newline)))
- (concat (string #\newline) " ")
- (subseq input index (1+ index)))))
- (incf index))
- output)))
-(defun integer-to-string (x)
- (cond
- ((zerop x)
- "0")
- ((minusp x)
- (concat "-" (integer-to-string (- 0 x))))
- (t
- (let ((digits nil))
- (while (not (zerop x))
- (push (mod x 10) digits)
- (setq x (truncate x 10)))
- (join (mapcar (lambda (d) (string (char "0123456789" d)))
- digits))))))
-;;; Printer
- (defun print-to-string (form)
- (cond
- ((symbolp form) (symbol-name form))
- ((integerp form) (integer-to-string form))
- ((stringp form) (concat "\"" (escape-string form) "\""))
- ((functionp form)
- (let ((name (get form "fname")))
- (if name
- (concat "#<FUNCTION " name ">")
- (concat "#<FUNCTION>"))))
- ((listp form)
- (concat "("
- (join-trailing (mapcar #'print-to-string (butlast form)) " ")
- (let ((last (last form)))
- (if (null (cdr last))
- (print-to-string (car last))
- (concat (print-to-string (car last)) " . " (print-to-string (cdr last)))))
- ")"))))
- (defun write-line (x)
- (write-string x)
- (write-string *newline*)
- x)
- (defun print (x)
- (write-line (print-to-string x))))
-;;;; Reader
-;;; The Lisp reader, parse strings and return Lisp objects. The main
-;;; entry points are `ls-read' and `ls-read-from-string'.
-(defun make-string-stream (string)
- (cons string 0))
-(defun %peek-char (stream)
- (and (< (cdr stream) (length (car stream)))
- (char (car stream) (cdr stream))))
-(defun %read-char (stream)
- (and (< (cdr stream) (length (car stream)))
- (prog1 (char (car stream) (cdr stream))
- (setcdr stream (1+ (cdr stream))))))
-(defun whitespacep (ch)
- (or (char= ch #\space) (char= ch #\newline) (char= ch #\tab)))
-(defun skip-whitespaces (stream)
- (let (ch)
- (setq ch (%peek-char stream))
- (while (and ch (whitespacep ch))
- (%read-char stream)
- (setq ch (%peek-char stream)))))
-(defun terminalp (ch)
- (or (null ch) (whitespacep ch) (char= #\) ch) (char= #\( ch)))
-(defun read-until (stream func)
- (let ((string "")
- (ch))
- (setq ch (%peek-char stream))
- (while (and ch (not (funcall func ch)))
- (setq string (concat string (string ch)))
- (%read-char stream)
- (setq ch (%peek-char stream)))
- string))
-(defun skip-whitespaces-and-comments (stream)
- (let (ch)
- (skip-whitespaces stream)
- (setq ch (%peek-char stream))
- (while (and ch (char= ch #\;))
- (read-until stream (lambda (x) (char= x #\newline)))
- (skip-whitespaces stream)
- (setq ch (%peek-char stream)))))
-(defun %read-list (stream)
- (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream)
- (let ((ch (%peek-char stream)))
- (cond
- ((null ch)
- (error "Unspected EOF"))
- ((char= ch #\))
- (%read-char stream)
- nil)
- ((char= ch #\.)
- (%read-char stream)
- (prog1 (ls-read stream)
- (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream)
- (unless (char= (%read-char stream) #\))
- (error "')' was expected."))))
- (t
- (cons (ls-read stream) (%read-list stream))))))
-(defun read-string (stream)
- (let ((string "")
- (ch nil))
- (setq ch (%read-char stream))
- (while (not (eql ch #\"))
- (when (null ch)
- (error "Unexpected EOF"))
- (when (eql ch #\\)
- (setq ch (%read-char stream)))
- (setq string (concat string (string ch)))
- (setq ch (%read-char stream)))
- string))
-(defun read-sharp (stream)
- (%read-char stream)
- (ecase (%read-char stream)
- (#\'
- (list 'function (ls-read stream)))
- (#\\
- (let ((cname
- (concat (string (%read-char stream))
- (read-until stream #'terminalp))))
- (cond
- ((string= cname "space") (char-code #\space))
- ((string= cname "tab") (char-code #\tab))
- ((string= cname "newline") (char-code #\newline))
- (t (char-code (char cname 0))))))
- (#\+
- (let ((feature (read-until stream #'terminalp)))
- (cond
- ((string= feature "common-lisp")
- (ls-read stream) ;ignore
- (ls-read stream))
- ((string= feature "lispstrack")
- (ls-read stream))
- (t
- (error "Unknown reader form.")))))))
-(defvar *eof* (make-symbol "EOF"))
-(defun ls-read (stream)
- (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream)
- (let ((ch (%peek-char stream)))
- (cond
- ((null ch)
- *eof*)
- ((char= ch #\()
- (%read-char stream)
- (%read-list stream))
- ((char= ch #\')
- (%read-char stream)
- (list 'quote (ls-read stream)))
- ((char= ch #\`)
- (%read-char stream)
- (list 'backquote (ls-read stream)))
- ((char= ch #\")
- (%read-char stream)
- (read-string stream))
- ((char= ch #\,)
- (%read-char stream)
- (if (eql (%peek-char stream) #\@)
- (progn (%read-char stream) (list 'unquote-splicing (ls-read stream)))
- (list 'unquote (ls-read stream))))
- ((char= ch #\#)
- (read-sharp stream))
- (t
- (let ((string (read-until stream #'terminalp)))
- (if (every #'digit-char-p string)
- (parse-integer string)
- (intern (string-upcase string))))))))
-(defun ls-read-from-string (string)
- (ls-read (make-string-stream string)))
-;;;; Compiler
-;;; Translate the Lisp code to Javascript. It will compile the special
-;;; forms. Some primitive functions are compiled as special forms
-;;; too. The respective real functions are defined in the target (see
-;;; the beginning of this file) as well as some primitive functions.
-(defvar *compilation-unit-checks* '())
-(defvar *env* '())
-(defvar *fenv* '())
-(defun make-binding (name type js declared)
- (list name type js declared))
-(defun binding-name (b) (first b))
-(defun binding-type (b) (second b))
-(defun binding-translation (b) (third b))
-(defun binding-declared (b)
- (and b (fourth b)))
-(defun mark-binding-as-declared (b)
- (setcar (cdddr b) t))
-(defvar *variable-counter* 0)
-(defun gvarname (symbol)
- (concat "v" (integer-to-string (incf *variable-counter*))))
-(defun lookup-variable (symbol env)
- (or (assoc symbol env)
- (assoc symbol *env*)
- (let ((name (symbol-name symbol))
- (binding (make-binding symbol 'variable (gvarname symbol) nil)))
- (push binding *env*)
- (push (lambda ()
- (unless (binding-declared (assoc symbol *env*))
- (error (concat "Undefined variable `" name "'"))))
- *compilation-unit-checks*)
- binding)))
-(defun lookup-variable-translation (symbol env)
- (binding-translation (lookup-variable symbol env)))
-(defun extend-local-env (args env)
- (append (mapcar (lambda (symbol)
- (make-binding symbol 'variable (gvarname symbol) t))
- args)
- env))
-(defvar *function-counter* 0)
-(defun lookup-function (symbol env)
- (or (assoc symbol env)
- (assoc symbol *fenv*)
- (let ((name (symbol-name symbol))
- (binding
- (make-binding symbol
- 'function
- (concat "f" (integer-to-string (incf *function-counter*)))
- nil)))
- (push binding *fenv*)
- (push (lambda ()
- (unless (binding-declared (assoc symbol *fenv*))
- (error (concat "Undefined function `" name "'"))))
- *compilation-unit-checks*)
- binding)))
-(defun lookup-function-translation (symbol env)
- (binding-translation (lookup-function symbol env)))
-(defvar *toplevel-compilations* nil)
-(defun %compile-defvar (name)
- (let ((b (lookup-variable name *env*)))
- (mark-binding-as-declared b)
- (push (concat "var " (binding-translation b)) *toplevel-compilations*)))
-(defun %compile-defun (name)
- (let ((b (lookup-function name *env*)))
- (mark-binding-as-declared b)
- (push (concat "var " (binding-translation b)) *toplevel-compilations*)))
-(defun %compile-defmacro (name lambda)
- (push (make-binding name 'macro lambda t) *fenv*))
-(defvar *compilations* nil)
-(defun ls-compile-block (sexps env fenv)
- (join-trailing
- (remove-if (lambda (x)
- (or (null x)
- (and (stringp x)
- (zerop (length x)))))
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv)) sexps))
- (concat ";" *newline*)))
-(defmacro define-compilation (name args &body body)
- ;; Creates a new primitive `name' with parameters args and
- ;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
- ;; variable ENV.
- `(push (list ',name (lambda (env fenv ,@args) ,@body))
- *compilations*))
-(define-compilation if (condition true false)
- (concat "("
- (ls-compile condition env fenv) " !== " (ls-compile nil nil nil)
- " ? "
- (ls-compile true env fenv)
- " : "
- (ls-compile false env fenv)
- ")"))
-(defvar *lambda-list-keywords* '(&optional &rest))
-(defun list-until-keyword (list)
- (if (or (null list) (member (car list) *lambda-list-keywords*))
- nil
- (cons (car list) (list-until-keyword (cdr list)))))
-(defun lambda-list-required-arguments (lambda-list)
- (list-until-keyword lambda-list))
-(defun lambda-list-optional-arguments-with-default (lambda-list)
- (mapcar #'ensure-list (list-until-keyword (cdr (member '&optional lambda-list)))))
-(defun lambda-list-optional-arguments (lambda-list)
- (mapcar #'car (lambda-list-optional-arguments-with-default lambda-list)))
-(defun lambda-list-rest-argument (lambda-list)
- (let ((rest (list-until-keyword (cdr (member '&rest lambda-list)))))
- (when (cdr rest)
- (error "Bad lambda-list"))
- (car rest)))
-(define-compilation lambda (lambda-list &rest body)
- (let ((required-arguments (lambda-list-required-arguments lambda-list))
- (optional-arguments (lambda-list-optional-arguments lambda-list))
- (rest-argument (lambda-list-rest-argument lambda-list)))
- (let ((n-required-arguments (length required-arguments))
- (n-optional-arguments (length optional-arguments))
- (new-env (extend-local-env
- (append (ensure-list rest-argument)
- required-arguments
- optional-arguments)
- env)))
- (concat "(function ("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (lookup-variable-translation x new-env))
- (append required-arguments optional-arguments))
- ",")
- "){" *newline*
- ;; Check number of arguments
- (indent
- (if required-arguments
- (concat "if (arguments.length < " (integer-to-string n-required-arguments)
- ") throw 'too few arguments';" *newline*)
- "")
- (if (not rest-argument)
- (concat "if (arguments.length > "
- (integer-to-string (+ n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments))
- ") throw 'too many arguments';" *newline*)
- "")
- ;; Optional arguments
- (if optional-arguments
- (concat "switch(arguments.length){" *newline*
- (let ((optional-and-defaults
- (lambda-list-optional-arguments-with-default lambda-list))
- (cases nil)
- (idx 0))
- (progn
- (while (< idx n-optional-arguments)
- (let ((arg (nth idx optional-and-defaults)))
- (push (concat "case "
- (integer-to-string (+ idx n-required-arguments)) ":" *newline*
- (lookup-variable-translation (car arg) new-env)
- "="
- (ls-compile (cadr arg) new-env fenv)
- ";" *newline*)
- cases)
- (incf idx)))
- (push (concat "default: break;" *newline*) cases)
- (join (reverse cases))))
- "}" *newline*)
- "")
- ;; &rest/&body argument
- (if rest-argument
- (let ((js!rest (lookup-variable-translation rest-argument new-env)))
- (concat "var " js!rest "= " (ls-compile nil env fenv) ";" *newline*
- "for (var i = arguments.length-1; i>="
- (integer-to-string (+ n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments))
- "; i--)" *newline*
- (indent js!rest " = "
- "{car: arguments[i], cdr: ") js!rest "};"
- *newline*))
- "")
- ;; Body
- (concat (ls-compile-block (butlast body) new-env fenv)
- "return " (ls-compile (car (last body)) new-env fenv) ";")) *newline*
- "})"))))
-(define-compilation fsetq (var val)
- (concat (lookup-function-translation var fenv)
- " = "
- (ls-compile val env fenv)))
-(define-compilation setq (var val)
- (concat (lookup-variable-translation var env)
- " = "
- (ls-compile val env fenv)))
-;;; Literals
-(defun escape-string (string)
- (let ((output "")
- (index 0)
- (size (length string)))
- (while (< index size)
- (let ((ch (char string index)))
- (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
- (setq output (concat output "\\")))
- (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
- (setq output (concat output "\\"))
- (setq ch #\n))
- (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
- (incf index))
- output))
-(defun literal->js (sexp)
- (cond
- ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
- ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
- ((symbolp sexp) (ls-compile `(intern ,(escape-string (symbol-name sexp))) *env* *fenv*))
- ((consp sexp) (concat "{car: "
- (literal->js (car sexp))
- ", cdr: "
- (literal->js (cdr sexp)) "}"))))
-(defvar *literal-counter* 0)
-(defun literal (form)
- (let ((var (concat "l" (integer-to-string (incf *literal-counter*)))))
- (push (concat "var " var " = " (literal->js form)) *toplevel-compilations*)
- var))
-(define-compilation quote (sexp)
- (literal sexp))
-(define-compilation while (pred &rest body)
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "while("
- (ls-compile pred env fenv)
- " !== "
- (ls-compile nil nil nil) "){" *newline*
- (indent (ls-compile-block body env fenv)))
- "}})()"))
-(define-compilation function (x)
- (cond
- ((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))
- (ls-compile x env fenv))
- ((symbolp x)
- (lookup-function-translation x fenv))))
-(define-compilation eval-when-compile (&rest body)
- (eval (cons 'progn body))
- "")
-(defmacro define-transformation (name args form)
- `(define-compilation ,name ,args
- (ls-compile ,form env fenv)))
-(define-compilation progn (&rest body)
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent (ls-compile-block (butlast body) env fenv)
- "return " (ls-compile (car (last body)) env fenv) ";" *newline*)
- "})()"))
-(define-compilation let (bindings &rest body)
- (let ((bindings (mapcar #'ensure-list bindings)))
- (let ((variables (mapcar #'first bindings))
- (values (mapcar #'second bindings)))
- (let ((new-env (extend-local-env variables env)))
- (concat "(function("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (lookup-variable-translation x new-env))
- variables)
- ",")
- "){" *newline*
- (indent (ls-compile-block (butlast body) new-env fenv)
- "return " (ls-compile (car (last body)) new-env fenv)
- ";" *newline*)
- "})(" (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv))
- values)
- ",")
- ")")))))
-;;; A little backquote implementation without optimizations of any
-;;; kind for lispstrack.
-(defun backquote-expand-1 (form)
- (cond
- ((symbolp form)
- (list 'quote form))
- ((atom form)
- form)
- ((eq (car form) 'unquote)
- (car form))
- ((eq (car form) 'backquote)
- (backquote-expand-1 (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))))
- (t
- (cons 'append
- (mapcar (lambda (s)
- (cond
- ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote))
- (list 'list (cadr s)))
- ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote-splicing))
- (cadr s))
- (t
- (list 'list (backquote-expand-1 s)))))
- form)))))
-(defun backquote-expand (form)
- (if (and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'backquote))
- (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))
- form))
-(defmacro backquote (form)
- (backquote-expand-1 form))
-(define-transformation backquote (form)
- (backquote-expand-1 form))
-;;; Primitives
-(defmacro define-builtin (name args &body body)
- `(define-compilation ,name ,args
- (let ,(mapcar (lambda (arg) `(,arg (ls-compile ,arg env fenv))) args)
- ,@body)))
-(defun compile-bool (x)
- (concat "(" x "?" (ls-compile t nil nil) ": " (ls-compile nil nil nil) ")"))
-;;; DECLS is a list of (JSVARNAME TYPE LISPFORM) declarations.
-(defmacro type-check (decls &body body)
- `(concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
- `(concat "var " ,(first decl) " = " ,(third decl) ";" *newline*))
- decls)
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
- `(concat "if (typeof " ,(first decl) " != '" ,(second decl) "')" *newline*
- (indent "throw 'The value ' + "
- ,(first decl)
- " + ' is not a type "
- ,(second decl)
- ".';"
- *newline*)))
- decls)
- (concat "return " (progn ,@body) ";" *newline*))
- "})()"))
-(defun num-op-num (x op y)
- (type-check (("x" "number" x) ("y" "number" y))
- (concat "x" op "y")))
-(define-builtin + (x y) (num-op-num x "+" y))
-(define-builtin - (x y) (num-op-num x "-" y))
-(define-builtin * (x y) (num-op-num x "*" y))
-(define-builtin / (x y) (num-op-num x "/" y))
-(define-builtin mod (x y) (num-op-num x "%" y))
-(define-builtin < (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "<" y)))
-(define-builtin > (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x ">" y)))
-(define-builtin = (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "==" y)))
-(define-builtin <= (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "<=" y)))
-(define-builtin >= (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x ">=" y)))
-(define-builtin numberp (x)
- (compile-bool (concat "(typeof (" x ") == \"number\")")))
-(define-builtin floor (x)
- (type-check (("x" "number" x))
- "Math.floor(x)"))
-(define-builtin cons (x y) (concat "({car: " x ", cdr: " y "})"))
-(define-builtin consp (x)
- (compile-bool
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'car' in tmp);" *newline*)
- "})()")))
-(define-builtin car (x)
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil nil nil)
- "? " (ls-compile nil nil nil)
- ": tmp.car;" *newline*)
- "})()"))
-(define-builtin cdr (x)
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil nil nil) "? "
- (ls-compile nil nil nil)
- ": tmp.cdr;" *newline*)
- "})()"))
-(define-builtin setcar (x new)
- (type-check (("x" "object" x))
- (concat "(x.car = " new ")")))
-(define-builtin setcdr (x new)
- (type-check (("x" "object" x))
- (concat "(x.cdr = " new ")")))
-(define-builtin symbolp (x)
- (compile-bool
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'name' in tmp);" *newline*)
- "})()")))
-(define-builtin make-symbol (name)
- (type-check (("name" "string" name))
- "({name: name})"))
-(define-builtin symbol-name (x)
- (concat "(" x ").name"))
-(define-builtin eq (x y) (compile-bool (concat "(" x " === " y ")")))
-(define-builtin equal (x y) (compile-bool (concat "(" x " == " y ")")))
-(define-builtin string (x)
- (type-check (("x" "number" x))
- "String.fromCharCode(x)"))
-(define-builtin stringp (x)
- (compile-bool (concat "(typeof(" x ") == \"string\")")))
-(define-builtin string-upcase (x)
- (type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "x.toUpperCase()"))
-(define-builtin string-length (x)
- (type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "x.length"))
-(define-compilation slice (string a &optional b)
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var str = " (ls-compile string env fenv) ";" *newline*
- "var a = " (ls-compile a env fenv) ";" *newline*
- "var b;" *newline*
- (if b
- (concat "b = " (ls-compile b env fenv) ";" *newline*)
- "")
- "return str.slice(a,b);" *newline*)
- "})()"))
-(define-builtin char (string index)
- (type-check (("string" "string" string)
- ("index" "number" index))
- "string.charCodeAt(index)"))
-(define-builtin concat-two (string1 string2)
- (type-check (("string1" "string" string1)
- ("string2" "string" string2))
- "string1.concat(string2)"))
-(define-compilation funcall (func &rest args)
- (concat "(" (ls-compile func env fenv) ")("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (ls-compile x env fenv))
- args)
- ", ")
- ")"))
-(define-compilation apply (func &rest args)
- (if (null args)
- (concat "(" (ls-compile func env fenv) ")()")
- (let ((args (butlast args))
- (last (car (last args))))
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var f = " (ls-compile func env fenv) ";" *newline*
- "var args = [" (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (ls-compile x env fenv))
- args)
- ", ")
- "];" *newline*
- "var tail = (" (ls-compile last env fenv) ");" *newline*
- (indent "while (tail != " (ls-compile nil env fenv) "){" *newline*
- " args.push(tail.car);" *newline*
- " tail = tail.cdr;" *newline*
- "}" *newline*
- "return f.apply(this, args);" *newline*)
- "})()")))))
-(define-builtin js-eval (string)
- (type-check (("string" "string" string))
- "eval.apply(window, [string])"))
-(define-builtin error (string)
- (concat "(function (){ throw " string ";" "return 0;})()"))
-(define-builtin new () "{}")
-(define-builtin get (object key)
- (concat "(function(){" *newline*
- (indent "var tmp = " "(" object ")[" key "];" *newline*
- "return tmp == undefined? " (ls-compile nil nil nil) ": tmp ;" *newline*)
- "})()"))
-(define-builtin set (object key value)
- (concat "((" object ")[" key "] = " value ")"))
-(define-builtin in (key object)
- (compile-bool (concat "((" key ") in (" object "))")))
-(define-builtin functionp (x)
- (compile-bool (concat "(typeof " x " == 'function')")))
-(define-builtin write-string (x)
- (type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "lisp.write(x)"))
-(defun macrop (x)
- (and (symbolp x) (eq (binding-type (lookup-function x *fenv*)) 'macro)))
-(defun ls-macroexpand-1 (form env fenv)
- (if (macrop (car form))
- (let ((binding (lookup-function (car form) *env*)))
- (if (eq (binding-type binding) 'macro)
- (apply (eval (binding-translation binding)) (cdr form))
- form))
- form))
-(defun compile-funcall (function args env fenv)
- (cond
- ((symbolp function)
- (concat (lookup-function-translation function fenv)
- "("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv)) args)
- ", ")
- ")"))
- ((and (listp function) (eq (car function) 'lambda))
- (concat "(" (ls-compile function env fenv) ")("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (ls-compile x env fenv)) args)
- ", ")
- ")"))
- (t
- (error (concat "Invalid function designator " (symbol-name function))))))
-(defun ls-compile (sexp env fenv)
- (cond
- ((symbolp sexp) (lookup-variable-translation sexp env))
- ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
- ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
- ((listp sexp)
- (if (assoc (car sexp) *compilations*)
- (let ((comp (second (assoc (car sexp) *compilations*))))
- (apply comp env fenv (cdr sexp)))
- (if (macrop (car sexp))
- (ls-compile (ls-macroexpand-1 sexp env fenv) env fenv)
- (compile-funcall (car sexp) (cdr sexp) env fenv))))))
-(defun ls-compile-toplevel (sexp)
- (setq *toplevel-compilations* nil)
- (let ((code (ls-compile sexp nil nil)))
- (prog1
- (concat (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat x ";" *newline*))
- *toplevel-compilations*))
- code)
- (setq *toplevel-compilations* nil))))
-;;; Once we have the compiler, we define the runtime environment and
-;;; interactive development (eval), which works calling the compiler
-;;; and evaluating the Javascript result globally.
- (defmacro with-compilation-unit (&body body)
- `(prog1
- (progn
- (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil)
- (setq *env* (remove-if-not #'binding-declared *env*))
- (setq *fenv* (remove-if-not #'binding-declared *fenv*))
- ,@body)
- (dolist (check *compilation-unit-checks*)
- (funcall check))))
- (defun eval (x)
- (let ((code
- (with-compilation-unit
- (ls-compile-toplevel x))))
- (js-eval code)))
- ;; Set the initial global environment to be equal to the host global
- ;; environment at this point of the compilation.
- (eval-when-compile
- (let ((c1 (ls-compile `(setq *fenv* ',*fenv*) nil nil))
- (c2 (ls-compile `(setq *env* ',*env*) nil nil))
- (c3 (ls-compile `(setq *variable-counter* ',*variable-counter*) nil nil))
- (c4 (ls-compile `(setq *function-counter* ',*function-counter*) nil nil))
- (c5 (ls-compile `(setq *literal-counter* ',*literal-counter*) nil nil))
- (c6 (ls-compile `(setq *gensym-counter* ',*gensym-counter*) nil nil)))
- (setq *toplevel-compilations*
- (append *toplevel-compilations* (list c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6)))))
- (js-eval
- (concat "var lisp = {};"
- "lisp.read = " (lookup-function-translation 'ls-read-from-string nil) ";" *newline*
- "lisp.print = " (lookup-function-translation 'print-to-string nil) ";" *newline*
- "lisp.eval = " (lookup-function-translation 'eval nil) ";" *newline*
- "lisp.compile = " (lookup-function-translation 'ls-compile-toplevel nil) ";" *newline*
- "lisp.evalString = function(str){" *newline*
- " return lisp.eval(lisp.read(str));" *newline*
- "}" *newline*
- "lisp.compileString = function(str){" *newline*
- " return lisp.compile(lisp.read(str));" *newline*
- "}" *newline*)))
-;;; Finally, we provide a couple of functions to easily bootstrap
-;;; this. It just calls the compiler with this file as input.
- (defun read-whole-file (filename)
- (with-open-file (in filename)
- (let ((seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type 'character)))
- (read-sequence seq in)
- seq)))
- (defun ls-compile-file (filename output)
- (setq *env* nil *fenv* nil)
- (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil)
- (with-open-file (out output :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
- (let* ((source (read-whole-file filename))
- (in (make-string-stream source)))
- (loop
- for x = (ls-read in)
- until (eq x *eof*)
- for compilation = (ls-compile-toplevel x)
- when (plusp (length compilation))
- do (write-line (concat compilation "; ") out))
- (dolist (check *compilation-unit-checks*)
- (funcall check))
- (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil))))
- (defun bootstrap ()
- (ls-compile-file "lispstrack.lisp" "lispstrack.js")))