--- /dev/null
+;;;; ANSI requires CONS be supported as a compound type. The CMU CL
+;;;; version which SBCL was forked from didn't support this, but
+;;;; various patches made around May 2000 added support for this to
+;;;; CMU CL. This file contains tests of their functionality.
+(cl:in-package :cl-user)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 2) (space 1)))
+;;; None of this is going to work until SBCL is patched.
+(assert (not (typep 11 'cons)))
+(assert (not (typep 11 '(cons *))))
+(assert (not (typep 11 '(cons t t))))
+(assert (not (typep '() 'cons)))
+(assert (typep '(100) 'cons))
+(assert (typep '(100) '(cons t)))
+(assert (typep '(100) '(cons number)))
+(assert (not (typep '(100) '(cons character))))
+(assert (typep '(100) '(cons number t)))
+(assert (typep '(100) '(cons number null)))
+(assert (not (typep '(100) '(cons number string))))
+(assert (typep '("yes" no) '(cons string symbol)))
+(assert (not (typep '(yes no) '(cons string symbol))))
+(assert (not (typep '(yes "no") '(cons string symbol))))
+(assert (typep '(yes "no") '(cons symbol)))
+(assert (typep '(yes "no") '(cons symbol t)))
+(assert (typep '(yes "no") '(cons t string)))
+(assert (not (typep '(yes "no") '(cons t null))))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons t) 'cons))
+(assert (subtypep 'cons '(cons t) ))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons t *) 'cons))
+(assert (subtypep 'cons '(cons t *) ))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons * *) 'cons))
+(assert (subtypep 'cons '(cons * *) ))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons number *) 'cons ))
+(assert (not (subtypep 'cons '(cons number *))))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons * number) 'cons ))
+(assert (not (subtypep 'cons '(cons * number))))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons structure-object number) 'cons ))
+(assert (not (subtypep 'cons '(cons structure-object number))))
+(assert (subtypep '(cons null fixnum) (type-of '(nil 44))))
+(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104) ; success