* optimization: APPEND is upto ~10% faster in normal SPEED policies.
* optimization: two argument forms of LAST are upto ~10% faster
in normal SPEED policies.
+ * optimization: NCONC no longer needs to heap cons its &REST list
+ in normal SPEED policies.
* bug fix: LAST when always returned the whole list when given a bignum
as the second argument.
* bug fix: dynamic extent allocation of nested lists and vectors
(declaim (maybe-inline
tree-equal nth %setnth nthcdr make-list
- nconc nconc2 member-if member-if-not tailp union
+ member-if member-if-not tailp union
nunion intersection nintersection set-difference nset-difference
set-exclusive-or nset-exclusive-or subsetp acons
assoc-if assoc-if-not rassoc rassoc-if rassoc-if-not subst subst-if
;;; and it avoids running down the last argument to NCONC which allows
;;; the last argument to be circular.
(defun nconc (&rest lists)
- #!+sb-doc
- "Concatenates the lists given as arguments (by changing them)"
- (flet ((fail (object)
- (error 'type-error
- :datum object
- :expected-type 'list)))
- (do ((top lists (cdr top)))
- ((null top) nil)
- (let ((top-of-top (car top)))
- (typecase top-of-top
- (cons
- (let* ((result top-of-top)
- (splice result))
- (do ((elements (cdr top) (cdr elements)))
- ((endp elements))
- (let ((ele (car elements)))
- (typecase ele
- (cons (rplacd (last splice) ele)
- (setf splice ele))
- (null (rplacd (last splice) nil))
- (atom (if (cdr elements)
- (fail ele)
- (rplacd (last splice) ele)))
- (t (fail ele)))))
- (return result)))
- (null)
- (atom
- (if (cdr top)
- (fail top-of-top)
- (return top-of-top)))
- (t (fail top-of-top)))))))
-(defun nconc2 (x y)
- (if (null x) y
- (let ((z x)
- (rest (cdr x)))
- (loop
- (unless (consp rest)
- (rplacd z y)
- (return x))
- (shiftf z rest (cdr rest))))))
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Concatenates the lists given as arguments (by changing them)"
+ (declare (dynamic-extent lists) (optimize speed))
+ (flet ((fail (object)
+ (error 'type-error
+ :datum object
+ :expected-type 'list)))
+ (do ((top lists (cdr top)))
+ ((null top) nil)
+ (let ((top-of-top (car top)))
+ (typecase top-of-top
+ (cons
+ (let* ((result top-of-top)
+ (splice result))
+ (do ((elements (cdr top) (cdr elements)))
+ ((endp elements))
+ (let ((ele (car elements)))
+ (typecase ele
+ (cons (rplacd (last splice) ele)
+ (setf splice ele))
+ (null (rplacd (last splice) nil))
+ (atom (if (cdr elements)
+ (fail ele)
+ (rplacd (last splice) ele))))))
+ (return result)))
+ (null)
+ (atom
+ (if (cdr top)
+ (fail top-of-top)
+ (return top-of-top))))))))
(defun nreconc (x y)