--- /dev/null
+;;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;; FRLocks for SBCL
+;;;; frlock is a "fast read lock", which allows readers to gain unlocked access
+;;;; to values, and provides post-read verification. Readers which intersected
+;;;; with writers need to retry. frlock is very efficient when there are many
+;;;; readers and writes are both fast and relatively scarce. It is, however,
+;;;; unsuitable when readers and writers need exclusion, such as with SBCL's
+;;;; current hash-table implementation.
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(in-package :sb-concurrency)
+(defstruct (frlock (:constructor %make-frlock (name))
+ (:predicate nil)
+ (:copier nil))
+ "FRlock, aka Fast Read Lock.
+Fast Read Locks allow multiple readers and one potential writer to operate in
+parallel while providing for consistency for readers and mutual exclusion for
+Readers gain entry to protected regions without waiting, but need to retry if
+a writer operated inside the region while they were reading. This makes frlocks
+very efficient when readers are much more common than writers.
+FRlocks are NOT suitable when it is not safe at all for readers and writers to
+operate on the same data in parallel: they provide consistency, not exclusion
+between readers and writers. Hence using an frlock to eg. protect an SBCL
+hash-table is unsafe. If multiple readers operating in parallel with a writer
+would be safe but inconsistent without a lock, frlocks are suitable.
+The recommended interface to use is FRLOCK-READ and FRLOCK-WRITE, but those
+needing it can also use a lower-level interface.
+ ;; Values returned by FOO are always consistent so that
+ ;; the third value is the sum of the two first ones.
+ (let ((a 0)
+ (b 0)
+ (c 0)
+ (lk (make-frlock)))
+ (defun foo ()
+ (frlock-read (lk) a b c))
+ (defun bar (x y)
+ (frlock-write (lk)
+ (setf a x
+ b y
+ c (+ x y)))))
+ (mutex (make-mutex :name "FRLock mutex") :type mutex :read-only t)
+ ;; Using FIXNUM counters makes sure we don't need to cons a bignum
+ ;; for the return value, ever.
+ (pre-counter 0 :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum))
+ (post-counter 0 :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum))
+ ;; On 32bit platforms a fixnum can roll over pretty easily, so we also use
+ ;; an epoch marker to keep track of that.
+ (epoch (list t) :type cons)
+ (name nil))
+(declaim (inline make-frlock))
+(defun make-frlock (&key name)
+ "Returns a new FRLOCK with NAME."
+ (%make-frlock name))
+(declaim (inline frlock-read-begin))
+(defun frlock-read-begin (frlock)
+ "Start a read sequence on FRLOCK. Returns a read-token and an epoch to be
+validated later.
+Using FRLOCK-READ instead is recommended."
+ (barrier (:read))
+ (values (frlock-post-counter frlock)
+ (frlock-epoch frlock)))
+(declaim (inline frlock-read-end))
+(defun frlock-read-end (frlock)
+ "Ends a read sequence on FRLOCK. Returns a token and an epoch. If the token
+and epoch are EQL to the read-token and epoch returned by FRLOCK-READ-BEGIN,
+the values read under the FRLOCK are consistent and can be used: if the values
+differ, the values are inconsistent and the read must be restated.
+Using FRLOCK-READ instead is recommended.
+ (multiple-value-bind (t0 e0) (frlock-read-begin *fr*)
+ (let ((a (get-a))
+ (b (get-b)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (t1 e1) (frlock-read-end *fr*)
+ (if (and (eql t0 t1) (eql e0 e1))
+ (list :a a :b b)
+ :aborted))))
+ (barrier (:read))
+ (values (frlock-pre-counter frlock)
+ (frlock-epoch frlock)))
+(defmacro frlock-read ((frlock) &body value-forms)
+ "Evaluates VALUE-FORMS under FRLOCK till it obtains a consistent
+set, and returns that as multiple values."
+ (once-only ((frlock frlock))
+ (with-unique-names (t0 t1 e0 e1)
+ (let ((syms (make-gensym-list (length value-forms))))
+ `(loop
+ (multiple-value-bind (,t0 ,e0) (frlock-read-begin ,frlock)
+ (let ,(mapcar 'list syms value-forms)
+ (barrier (:compiler))
+ (multiple-value-bind (,t1 ,e1) (frlock-read-end ,frlock)
+ (when (and (eql ,t1 ,t0) (eql ,e1 ,e0))
+ (return (values ,@syms)))))))))))
+;;; Actual implementation.
+(defun %%grab-frlock-write-lock (frlock wait-p timeout)
+ (when (grab-mutex (frlock-mutex frlock) :waitp wait-p :timeout timeout)
+ (let ((new (logand most-positive-fixnum (1+ (frlock-pre-counter frlock)))))
+ ;; Here's our roll-over protection: if a reader has been unlucky enough
+ ;; to stand inside the lock long enough for the counter to go from 0 to
+ ;; 0, they will still be holding on to the old epoch. While it is
+ ;; extremely unlikely, it isn't quite "not before heath death of the
+ ;; universe" stuff: a 30 bit counter can roll over in a couple of
+ ;; seconds -- and a thread can easily be interrupted by eg. a timer for
+ ;; that long, so a pathological system could be have a thread in a
+ ;; danger-zone every second. Run that system for a year, and it would
+ ;; have a 1 in 3 chance of hitting the incipient bug. Adding an epoch
+ ;; makes sure that isn't going to happen.
+ (when (zerop new)
+ (setf (frlock-epoch frlock) (list t)))
+ (setf (frlock-pre-counter frlock) new))
+ (barrier (:write))
+ t))
+;;; Interrupt-mangling free entry point for FRLOCK-WRITE.
+(declaim (inline %grab-frlock-write-lock))
+(defun %grab-frlock-write-lock (frlock &key (wait-p t) timeout)
+ (%%grab-frlock-write-lock frlock wait-p timeout))
+;;; Normal entry-point.
+(declaim (inline grab-frlock-write-lock))
+(defun grab-frlock-write-lock (frlock &key (wait-p t) timeout)
+ "Acquires FRLOCK for writing, invalidating existing and future read-tokens
+for the duration. Returns T on success, and NIL if the lock wasn't acquired
+due to eg. a timeout. Using FRLOCK-WRITE instead is recommended."
+ (without-interrupts
+ (allow-with-interrupts (%%grab-frlock-write-lock frlock wait-p timeout))))
+(declaim (inline release-frlock-write-lock))
+(defun release-frlock-write-lock (frlock)
+ "Releases FRLOCK after writing, allowing valid read-tokens to be acquired again.
+Signals an error if the current thread doesn't hold FRLOCK for writing. Using FRLOCK-WRITE
+instead is recommended."
+ (setf (frlock-post-counter frlock)
+ (logand most-positive-fixnum (1+ (frlock-post-counter frlock))))
+ (release-mutex (frlock-mutex frlock) :if-not-owner :error)
+ (barrier (:write)))
+(defmacro frlock-write ((frlock &key (wait-p t) timeout) &body body)
+ "Executes BODY while holding FRLOCK for writing."
+ (once-only ((frlock frlock))
+ (with-unique-names (got-it)
+ `(without-interrupts
+ (let (,got-it)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (when (setf ,got-it (allow-with-interrupts
+ (%grab-frlock-write-lock ,frlock :timeout ,timeout
+ :wait-p ,wait-p)))
+ (with-local-interrupts ,@body))
+ (when ,got-it
+ (release-frlock-write-lock ,frlock))))))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(in-package :sb-concurrency-test)
+(defun test-frlocks (&key (reader-count 100) (read-count 1000000)
+ (outer-read-pause 0) (inner-read-pause 0)
+ (writer-count 10) (write-count 10000)
+ (outer-write-pause 0.0001) (inner-write-pause 0))
+ (let ((rw (make-frlock))
+ (a 0)
+ (b 0)
+ (c 0)
+ (run! nil)
+ (w-e! (cons :write-oops nil))
+ (r-e! (cons :read-oops nil)))
+ (flet ((maybe-pause (pause &optional value)
+ (if (eq t pause)
+ (sb-thread:thread-yield)
+ (when (> pause 0)
+ (sleep (random pause))))
+ value))
+ (mapc #'join-thread
+ (nconc
+ (loop repeat reader-count
+ collect
+ (make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop until run! do (thread-yield))
+ (handler-case
+ (loop repeat read-count
+ do (multiple-value-bind (a b c)
+ (frlock-read (rw)
+ a b (maybe-pause inner-read-pause c))
+ (maybe-pause outer-read-pause)
+ (unless (eql c (+ a b))
+ (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr r-e!) #'cons
+ (list a b c)))))
+ (error (e)
+ (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr r-e!) #'cons e))))))
+ (loop repeat writer-count
+ collect (make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop until run! do (thread-yield))
+ (handler-case
+ (loop repeat write-count
+ do (frlock-write (rw)
+ (let* ((a_ (random 10000))
+ (b_ (random 10000))
+ (c_ (+ a_ b_)))
+ (setf a a_
+ b b_
+ c (+ a b))
+ (maybe-pause inner-write-pause)
+ (unless (and (eql c c_)
+ (eql b b_)
+ (eql a a_))
+ (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr w-e!) #'cons
+ (list a a_ b b_ c c_)))))
+ (maybe-pause outer-write-pause))
+ (error (e)
+ (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr w-e!) #'cons e))))))
+ (progn
+ (setf run! t)
+ nil))))
+ (values (cdr w-e!) (cdr r-e!))))
+(deftest frlock.1
+ (test-frlocks)
+ nil
+ nil)