;;; * STRUCTURE structures can have raw slots that must also be
;;; allocated and indirectly referenced.
-(defun create-vector-constructor (dd cons-name arglist vars types values)
+(defun create-vector-constructor (dd cons-name arglist ftype-arglist decls values)
(let ((temp (gensym))
- (etype (dd-element-type dd)))
- `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
- (declare ,@(mapcar (lambda (var type) `(type (and ,type ,etype) ,var))
- vars types))
- (let ((,temp (make-array ,(dd-length dd)
- :element-type ',(dd-element-type dd))))
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
- `(setf (aref ,temp ,(cdr x)) ',(car x)))
- (find-name-indices dd))
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (dsd value)
- (unless (eq value '.do-not-initialize-slot.)
- `(setf (aref ,temp ,(dsd-index dsd)) ,value)))
- (dd-slots dd) values)
- ,temp))))
-(defun create-list-constructor (dd cons-name arglist vars types values)
+ (etype (dd-element-type dd))
+ (len (dd-length dd)))
+ (values
+ `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
+ ,@(when decls `((declare ,@decls)))
+ (let ((,temp (make-array ,len :element-type ',etype)))
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
+ `(setf (aref ,temp ,(cdr x)) ',(car x)))
+ (find-name-indices dd))
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (dsd value)
+ (unless (eq value '.do-not-initialize-slot.)
+ `(setf (aref ,temp ,(dsd-index dsd)) ,value)))
+ (dd-slots dd) values)
+ ,temp))
+ `(sfunction ,ftype-arglist (simple-array ,etype (,len))))))
+(defun create-list-constructor (dd cons-name arglist ftype-arglist decls values)
(let ((vals (make-list (dd-length dd) :initial-element nil)))
(dolist (x (find-name-indices dd))
(setf (elt vals (cdr x)) `',(car x)))
(loop for dsd in (dd-slots dd) and val in values do
(setf (elt vals (dsd-index dsd))
(if (eq val '.do-not-initialize-slot.) 0 val)))
- `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
- (declare ,@(mapcar (lambda (var type) `(type ,type ,var)) vars types))
- (list ,@vals))))
-(defun create-structure-constructor (dd cons-name arglist vars types values)
- ;; The difference between the two implementations here is that on all
- ;; platforms we don't have the appropriate RAW-INSTANCE-INIT VOPS, which
- ;; must be able to deal with immediate values as well -- unlike
- ;; RAW-INSTANCE-SET VOPs, which never end up seeing immediate values. With
- ;; some additional cleverness we might manage without them and just a single
- ;; implementation here, though -- figure out a way to ensure that on those
- ;; platforms we always still get a non-immediate TN in every case...
- ;;
- ;; Until someone does that, this means that instances with raw slots can be
- ;; DX allocated only on platforms with those additional VOPs.
- #!+raw-instance-init-vops
- (let* ((slot-values nil)
- (slot-specs
- (mapcan (lambda (dsd value)
- (unless (eq value '.do-not-initialize-slot.)
- (push value slot-values)
- (list (list* :slot (dsd-raw-type dsd) (dsd-index dsd)))))
- (dd-slots dd)
- values)))
- `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
- (declare ,@(mapcar (lambda (var type) `(type ,type ,var)) vars types))
- (%make-structure-instance-macro ,dd ',slot-specs ,@(reverse slot-values))))
- #!-raw-instance-init-vops
- (let ((instance (gensym "INSTANCE")) slot-values slot-specs raw-slots raw-values)
- (mapc (lambda (dsd value)
- (unless (eq value '.do-not-initialize-slot.)
- (let ((raw-type (dsd-raw-type dsd)))
- (cond ((eq t raw-type)
+ (values
+ `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
+ ,@(when decls `((declare ,@decls)))
+ (list ,@vals))
+ `(sfunction ,ftype-arglist list))))
+(defun create-structure-constructor (dd cons-name arglist ftype-arglist decls values)
+ (values
+ ;; The difference between the two implementations here is that on all
+ ;; platforms we don't have the appropriate RAW-INSTANCE-INIT VOPS, which
+ ;; must be able to deal with immediate values as well -- unlike
+ ;; RAW-INSTANCE-SET VOPs, which never end up seeing immediate values. With
+ ;; some additional cleverness we might manage without them and just a single
+ ;; implementation here, though -- figure out a way to ensure that on those
+ ;; platforms we always still get a non-immediate TN in every case...
+ ;;
+ ;; Until someone does that, this means that instances with raw slots can be
+ ;; DX allocated only on platforms with those additional VOPs.
+ #!+raw-instance-init-vops
+ (let* ((slot-values nil)
+ (slot-specs
+ (mapcan (lambda (dsd value)
+ (unless (eq value '.do-not-initialize-slot.)
(push value slot-values)
- (push (list* :slot raw-type (dsd-index dsd)) slot-specs))
- (t
- (push value raw-values)
- (push dsd raw-slots))))))
- (dd-slots dd)
- values)
- `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
- (declare ,@(mapcar (lambda (var type) `(type ,type ,var)) vars types))
- ,(if raw-slots
- `(let ((,instance (%make-structure-instance-macro ,dd ',slot-specs ,@slot-values)))
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (dsd value)
- ;; (Note that we can't in general use the
- ;; ordinary named slot setter function here
- ;; because the slot might be :READ-ONLY, so we
- ;; whip up new LAMBDA representations of slot
- ;; setters for the occasion.)
- `(,(slot-setter-lambda-form dd dsd) ,value ,instance))
- raw-slots
- raw-values)
- ,instance)
- `(%make-structure-instance-macro ,dd ',slot-specs ,@slot-values)))))
+ (list (list* :slot (dsd-raw-type dsd) (dsd-index dsd)))))
+ (dd-slots dd)
+ values)))
+ `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
+ ,@(when decls `((declare ,@decls)))
+ (%make-structure-instance-macro ,dd ',slot-specs ,@(reverse slot-values))))
+ #!-raw-instance-init-vops
+ (let ((instance (gensym "INSTANCE")) slot-values slot-specs raw-slots raw-values)
+ (mapc (lambda (dsd value)
+ (unless (eq value '.do-not-initialize-slot.)
+ (let ((raw-type (dsd-raw-type dsd)))
+ (cond ((eq t raw-type)
+ (push value slot-values)
+ (push (list* :slot raw-type (dsd-index dsd)) slot-specs))
+ (t
+ (push value raw-values)
+ (push dsd raw-slots))))))
+ (dd-slots dd)
+ values)
+ `(defun ,cons-name ,arglist
+ ,@(when decls`((declare ,@decls)))
+ ,(if raw-slots
+ `(let ((,instance (%make-structure-instance-macro ,dd ',slot-specs ,@slot-values)))
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (dsd value)
+ ;; (Note that we can't in general use the
+ ;; ordinary named slot setter function here
+ ;; because the slot might be :READ-ONLY, so we
+ ;; whip up new LAMBDA representations of slot
+ ;; setters for the occasion.)
+ `(,(slot-setter-lambda-form dd dsd) ,value ,instance))
+ raw-slots
+ raw-values)
+ ,instance)
+ `(%make-structure-instance-macro ,dd ',slot-specs ,@slot-values))))
+ `(sfunction ,ftype-arglist ,(dd-name dd))))
;;; Create a default (non-BOA) keyword constructor.
(defun create-keyword-constructor (defstruct creator)
(declare (type function creator))
(collect ((arglist (list '&key))
- (types)
- (vals))
- (dolist (slot (dd-slots defstruct))
- (let ((dum (sb!xc:gensym "DUM"))
- (name (dsd-name slot)))
- (arglist `((,(keywordicate name) ,dum) ,(dsd-default slot)))
- (types (dsd-type slot))
- (vals dum)))
+ (vals)
+ (decls)
+ (ftype-args))
+ (let ((int-type (if (eq 'vector (dd-type defstruct))
+ (dd-element-type defstruct)
+ t)))
+ (dolist (slot (dd-slots defstruct))
+ (let* ((dum (sb!xc:gensym "DUM"))
+ (name (dsd-name slot))
+ (keyword (keywordicate name))
+ ;; Canonicalize the type for a prettier macro-expansion
+ (type (type-specifier
+ (specifier-type `(and ,int-type ,(dsd-type slot))))))
+ (arglist `((,keyword ,dum) ,(dsd-default slot)))
+ (vals dum)
+ ;; KLUDGE: we need a separate type declaration for for
+ ;; keyword arguments, since default values bypass the
+ ;; checking provided by the FTYPE.
+ (unless (eq t type)
+ (decls `(type ,type ,dum)))
+ (ftype-args `(,keyword ,type)))))
(funcall creator
defstruct (dd-default-constructor defstruct)
- (arglist) (vals) (types) (vals))))
+ (arglist) `(&key ,@(ftype-args)) (decls) (vals))))
;;; Given a structure and a BOA constructor spec, call CREATOR with
;;; the appropriate args to make a constructor.
(parse-lambda-list (second boa))
(collect ((arglist)
- (types)
- (skipped-vars))
- (labels ((get-slot (name)
- (let ((res (find name (dd-slots defstruct)
- :test #'string=
- :key #'dsd-name)))
- (if res
- (values (dsd-type res) (dsd-default res))
- (values t nil))))
- (do-default (arg)
- (multiple-value-bind (type default) (get-slot arg)
- (arglist `(,arg ,default))
- (vars arg)
- (types type))))
- (dolist (arg req)
- (arglist arg)
- (vars arg)
- (types (get-slot arg)))
- (when opt
- (arglist '&optional)
- (dolist (arg opt)
- (cond ((consp arg)
- (destructuring-bind
- ;; FIXME: this shares some logic (though not
- ;; code) with the &key case below (and it
- ;; looks confusing) -- factor out the logic
- ;; if possible. - CSR, 2002-04-19
- (name
- &optional
- (def (nth-value 1 (get-slot name)))
- (supplied-test nil supplied-test-p))
- arg
- (arglist `(,name ,def ,@(if supplied-test-p `(,supplied-test) nil)))
- (vars name)
- (types (get-slot name))))
- (t
- (do-default arg)))))
- (when restp
- (arglist '&rest rest)
- (vars rest)
- (types 'list))
- (when keyp
- (arglist '&key)
- (dolist (key keys)
- (if (consp key)
- (destructuring-bind (wot
- &optional
- (def nil def-p)
- (supplied-test nil supplied-test-p))
- key
- (let ((name (if (consp wot)
- (destructuring-bind (key var) wot
- (declare (ignore key))
- var)
- wot)))
- (multiple-value-bind (type slot-def)
- (get-slot name)
- (arglist `(,wot ,(if def-p def slot-def)
- ,@(if supplied-test-p `(,supplied-test) nil)))
- (vars name)
- (types type))))
- (do-default key))))
- (when allowp (arglist '&allow-other-keys))
- (when auxp
- (arglist '&aux)
- (dolist (arg aux)
- (if (proper-list-of-length-p arg 2)
- (let ((var (first arg)))
- (arglist arg)
- (vars var)
- (types (get-slot var)))
- (skipped-vars (if (consp arg) (first arg) arg))))))
+ (skipped-vars)
+ (ftype-args)
+ (decls))
+ (let ((int-type (if (eq 'vector (dd-type defstruct))
+ (dd-element-type defstruct)
+ t)))
+ (labels ((get-slot (name)
+ (let* ((res (find name (dd-slots defstruct)
+ :test #'string=
+ :key #'dsd-name))
+ (type (type-specifier
+ (specifier-type
+ `(and ,int-type ,(if res
+ (dsd-type res)
+ t))))))
+ (values type (when res (dsd-default res)))))
+ (do-default (arg &optional keyp)
+ (multiple-value-bind (type default) (get-slot arg)
+ (arglist `(,arg ,default))
+ (vars arg)
+ (if keyp
+ (arg-type type (keywordicate arg) arg)
+ (arg-type type))))
+ (arg-type (type &optional key var)
+ (cond (key
+ (unless (eq t type)
+ (decls `(type ,type ,var)))
+ (ftype-args `(,key ,type)))
+ (t
+ (ftype-args type)))))
+ (dolist (arg req)
+ (arglist arg)
+ (vars arg)
+ (arg-type (get-slot arg)))
+ (when opt
+ (arglist '&optional)
+ (ftype-args '&optional)
+ (dolist (arg opt)
+ (cond ((consp arg)
+ (destructuring-bind
+ ;; FIXME: this shares some logic (though not
+ ;; code) with the &key case below (and it
+ ;; looks confusing) -- factor out the logic
+ ;; if possible. - CSR, 2002-04-19
+ (name
+ &optional
+ (def (nth-value 1 (get-slot name)))
+ (supplied-test nil supplied-test-p))
+ arg
+ (arglist `(,name ,def ,@(if supplied-test-p `(,supplied-test) nil)))
+ (vars name)
+ (arg-type (get-slot name))))
+ (t
+ (do-default arg)))))
+ (when restp
+ (arglist '&rest rest)
+ (vars rest)
+ (ftype-args '&rest)
+ (arg-type t)
+ (decls `(type list ,rest)))
+ (when keyp
+ (arglist '&key)
+ (ftype-args '&key)
+ (dolist (key keys)
+ (if (consp key)
+ (destructuring-bind (wot
+ &optional
+ (def nil def-p)
+ (supplied-test nil supplied-test-p))
+ key
+ (multiple-value-bind (key name)
+ (if (consp wot)
+ (destructuring-bind (key var) wot
+ (values key var))
+ (values (keywordicate wot) wot))
+ (multiple-value-bind (type slot-def)
+ (get-slot name)
+ (arglist `(,wot ,(if def-p def slot-def)
+ ,@(if supplied-test-p `(,supplied-test) nil)))
+ (vars name)
+ (arg-type type key name))))
+ (do-default key t))))
+ (when allowp
+ (arglist '&allow-other-keys)
+ (ftype-args '&allow-other-keys))
+ (when auxp
+ (arglist '&aux)
+ (dolist (arg aux)
+ (if (proper-list-of-length-p arg 2)
+ (let ((var (first arg)))
+ (arglist arg)
+ (vars var)
+ (decls `(type ,(get-slot var) ,var)))
+ (skipped-vars (if (consp arg) (first arg) arg)))))))
(funcall creator defstruct (first boa)
- (arglist) (vars) (types)
+ (arglist) (ftype-args) (decls)
(loop for slot in (dd-slots defstruct)
for name = (dsd-name slot)
collect (cond ((find name (skipped-vars) :test #'string=)
(unless (or defaults boas)
(push (symbolicate "MAKE-" (dd-name defstruct)) defaults))
- (collect ((res) (names))
+ (collect ((res))
(when defaults
(let ((cname (first defaults)))
(setf (dd-default-constructor defstruct) cname)
- (res (create-keyword-constructor defstruct creator))
- (names cname)
+ (multiple-value-bind (cons ftype)
+ (create-keyword-constructor defstruct creator)
+ (res `(declaim (ftype ,ftype ,@defaults)))
+ (res cons))
(dolist (other-name (rest defaults))
- (res `(setf (fdefinition ',other-name) (fdefinition ',cname)))
- (names other-name))))
+ (res `(setf (fdefinition ',other-name) (fdefinition ',cname))))))
(dolist (boa boas)
- (res (create-boa-constructor defstruct boa creator))
- (names (first boa)))
- (res `(declaim (ftype
- (sfunction *
- ,(if (eq (dd-type defstruct) 'structure)
- (dd-name defstruct)
- '*))
- ,@(names))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (cons ftype)
+ (create-boa-constructor defstruct boa creator)
+ (res `(declaim (ftype ,ftype ,(first boa))))
+ (res cons)))