;;; used to keep from outputting the slots again if the same structure
;;; shows up twice.
(defvar *record-types-already-unparsed*)
+;;; not documented in CMU CL:-(
+;;; reverse engineering observations:
+;;; * seems to be set when translating return values
+;;; * seems to enable the translation of (VALUES), which is the
+;;; Lisp idiom for C's return type "void" (which is likely
+;;; why it's set when when translating return values)
+(defvar *values-type-okay* nil)
;;;; the FUNCTION and VALUES alien types
-;;; not documented in CMU CL:-(
-;;; reverse engineering observations:
-;;; * seems to be set when translating return values
-;;; * seems to enable the translation of (VALUES), which is the
-;;; Lisp idiom for C's return type "void" (which is likely
-;;; why it's set when when translating return values)
-(defvar *values-type-okay* nil)
(define-alien-type-class (fun :include mem-block)
(result-type (missing-arg) :type alien-type)
(arg-types (missing-arg) :type list)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)