;;;; non-local exit
-#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline should-exit-check-tag-p))
+(defvar *functional-escape-info*)
+(defun functional-may-escape-p (functional)
+ (let ((table *functional-escape-info*))
+ (unless table
+ ;; Many components never need the table since they have no escapes -- so
+ ;; we allocate it lazily.
+ (setf table (make-hash-table)
+ *functional-escape-info* table))
+ (multiple-value-bind (bool ok) (gethash functional table)
+ (if ok
+ bool
+ (let ((entry (functional-entry-fun functional)))
+ ;; First stick a NIL in there: break cycles.
+ (setf (gethash functional table) nil)
+ ;; Then compute the real value.
+ (setf (gethash functional table)
+ (or
+ ;; If the functional has a XEP, it's kind is :EXTERNAL --
+ ;; which means it may escape. ...but if it
+ ;; HAS-EXTERNAL-REFERENCES-P, then that XEP is actually a
+ ;; TL-XEP, which means it's a toplevel function -- which in
+ ;; turn means our search has bottomed out without an escape
+ ;; path. AVER just to make sure, though.
+ (and (eq :external (functional-kind functional))
+ (if (functional-has-external-references-p functional)
+ (aver (eq 'tl-xep (car (functional-debug-name functional))))
+ t))
+ ;; If it has an entry point that may escape, that just as bad.
+ (and entry (functional-may-escape-p entry))
+ ;; If it has references to it in functions that may escape, that's bad
+ ;; too.
+ (dolist (ref (functional-refs functional) nil)
+ (let* ((lvar (ref-lvar ref))
+ (dest (when lvar (lvar-dest lvar))))
+ (when (functional-may-escape-p (node-home-lambda dest))
+ (return t)))))))))))
(defun exit-should-check-tag-p (exit)
(declare (type exit exit))
- (not (zerop (policy exit check-tag-existence))))
+ (let ((exit-lambda (lexenv-lambda (node-lexenv exit))))
+ (not (or
+ ;; Unsafe but fast...
+ (policy exit (zerop check-tag-existence))
+ ;; Dynamic extent is a promise things won't escape --
+ ;; and an explicit request to avoid heap consing.
+ (member (lambda-extent exit-lambda) '(:always-dynamic :maybe-dynamic))
+ ;; If the exit lambda cannot escape, then we should be safe.
+ ;; ...since the escape analysis is kinda new, and not particularly
+ ;; exhaustively tested, let alone proven, disable it for SAFETY 3.
+ (and (policy exit (< safety 3))
+ (not (functional-may-escape-p exit-lambda)))))))
;;; Insert the entry stub before the original exit target, and add a
;;; new entry to the PHYSENV-NLX-INFO. The %NLX-ENTRY call in the
;;; for later phases.
(defun find-non-local-exits (component)
(declare (type component component))
- (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component))
- (dolist (entry (lambda-entries lambda))
- (dolist (exit (entry-exits entry))
- (let ((target-physenv (node-physenv entry)))
- (if (eq (node-physenv exit) target-physenv)
- (maybe-delete-exit exit)
- (note-non-local-exit target-physenv exit))))))
+ (let ((*functional-escape-info* nil))
+ (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component))
+ (dolist (entry (lambda-entries lambda))
+ (dolist (exit (entry-exits entry))
+ (let ((target-physenv (node-physenv entry)))
+ (if (eq (node-physenv exit) target-physenv)
+ (maybe-delete-exit exit)
+ (note-non-local-exit target-physenv exit)))))))
;;;; final decision on stack allocation of dynamic-extent structures
(sb-int:compiled-program-error (e)
(let ((source (read-from-string (sb-kernel::program-error-source e))))
(equal source '#'(lambda ("foo"))))))))
+(with-test (:name :escape-analysis-for-nlxs)
+ (flet ((test (check lambda &rest args)
+ (let ((fun (compile nil lambda)))
+ (if check
+ (assert
+ (eq :ok
+ (handler-case
+ (dolist (arg args nil)
+ (setf fun (funcall fun arg)))
+ (sb-int:simple-control-error (e)
+ (when (equal
+ (simple-condition-format-control e)
+ "attempt to RETURN-FROM a block or GO to a tag that no longer exists")
+ :ok)))))
+ (ctu:assert-no-consing (apply fun args))))))
+ (test nil `(lambda (x)
+ (block out
+ (flet ((ex () (return-from out 'out!)))
+ (typecase x
+ (cons (or (car x) (ex)))
+ (t (ex)))))) :foo)
+ (test t `(lambda (x)
+ (funcall
+ (block nasty
+ (flet ((oops () (return-from nasty t)))
+ #'oops)))) t)
+ (test t `(lambda (r)
+ (block out
+ (flet ((ex () (return-from out r)))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (typecase x
+ (cons (or (car x) (ex)))
+ (t (ex))))))) t t)
+ (test t `(lambda (x)
+ (flet ((eh (x)
+ (flet ((meh () (return-from eh 'meh)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (typecase x
+ (cons (or (car x) (meh)))
+ (t (meh)))))))
+ (funcall (eh x)))) t t)))