;;; Scan along the target path from TN, looking at readers or writers.
-;;; When we find a packed TN, return CHECK-OK-TARGET of that TN. If
-;;; there is no target, or if the TN has multiple readers (writers),
-;;; then we return NIL. We also always return NIL after 10 iterations
-;;; to get around potential circularity problems.
+;;; When we find a TN, call CALLEE with that TN, and then resume
+;;; walking down that TN's target. As soon as there is no target, or
+;;; if the TN has multiple readers (writers), we stop walking the
+;;; targetting chain. We also always stop after 10 iterations to get
+;;; around potential circularity problems.
-;;; FIXME: (30 minutes of reverse engineering?) It'd be nice to
-;;; rewrite the header comment here to explain the interface and its
-;;; motivation, and move remarks about implementation details (like
-;;; 10!) inside.
-(defun find-ok-target-offset (tn sc)
- (declare (type tn tn) (type sc sc))
- (flet ((frob-slot (slot-fun)
- (declare (type function slot-fun))
- (let ((count 10)
+;;; Why the single-reader/writer constraint? As far as I can tell,
+;;; this is concerned with straight pipeline of data, e.g. CASTs. In
+;;; that case, limiting to chains of length 10 seems to be more than
+;;; enough.
+(declaim (inline %call-with-target-tns))
+(defun %call-with-target-tns (tn callee
+ &key (limit 10) (reads t) (writes t))
+ (declare (type tn tn) (type function callee) (type index limit))
+ (flet ((frob-slot (slot-function)
+ (declare (type function slot-function))
+ (let ((count limit)
(current tn))
(declare (type index count))
- (let ((refs (funcall slot-fun current)))
+ (let ((refs (funcall slot-function current)))
(unless (and (plusp count)
(not (tn-ref-next refs)))
(let ((target (tn-ref-target refs)))
(unless target (return nil))
(setq current (tn-ref-tn target))
- (when (tn-offset current)
- (return (check-ok-target current tn sc)))
+ (funcall callee current)
(decf count)))))))
- (declare (inline frob-slot)) ; until DYNAMIC-EXTENT works
- (or (frob-slot #'tn-reads)
- (frob-slot #'tn-writes))))
+ (when reads
+ (frob-slot #'tn-reads))
+ (when writes
+ (frob-slot #'tn-writes))
+ nil))
+(defmacro do-target-tns ((target-variable source-tn
+ &rest keys &key limit reads writes)
+ &body body)
+ (declare (ignore limit reads writes))
+ (let ((callback (gensym "CALLBACK")))
+ `(flet ((,callback (,target-variable)
+ ,@body))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent #',callback))
+ (%call-with-target-tns ,source-tn #',callback ,@keys))))
+(defun find-ok-target-offset (tn sc)
+ (declare (type tn tn) (type sc sc))
+ (do-target-tns (target tn)
+ (awhen (and (tn-offset target)
+ (check-ok-target target tn sc))
+ (return-from find-ok-target-offset it))))
;;;; location selection