(declaim (inline maphash))
(defun maphash (function-designator hash-table)
- "For each entry in HASH-TABLE, call the designated function on the key
- and value of the entry. Return NIL."
+ "For each entry in HASH-TABLE, call the designated two-argument function
+ on the key and value of the entry. Return NIL."
(let ((fun (%coerce-callable-to-function function-designator))
(size (length (hash-table-next-vector hash-table))))
(declare (type function fun))
;;;; methods on HASH-TABLE
-(def!method print-object ((ht hash-table) stream)
+;;; Return a list of keyword args and values to use for MAKE-HASH-TABLE
+;;; when reconstructing HASH-TABLE.
+(defun hash-table-ctor-args (hash-table)
+ (when (hash-table-weak-p hash-table)
+ ;; FIXME: This might actually work with no trouble, but as of
+ ;; sbcl- when this code was written, weak hash tables
+ ;; weren't working yet, so I couldn't test it. When weak hash
+ ;; tables are supported again, this should be fixed.
+ (error "can't dump weak hash tables readably")) ; defensive programming..
+ `(:test ',(hash-table-test hash-table)
+ :size ',(hash-table-size hash-table)
+ :rehash-size ',(hash-table-rehash-size hash-table)
+ :rehash-threshold ',(hash-table-rehash-threshold hash-table)))
+;;; Return an association list representing the same data as HASH-TABLE.
+(defun hash-table-alist (hash-table)
+ (let ((result nil))
+ (maphash (lambda (key value)
+ (push (cons key value) result))
+ hash-table)
+ result))
+;;; Stuff an association list into HASH-TABLE. Return the hash table,
+;;; so that we can use this for the *PRINT-READABLY* case in
+;;; PRINT-OBJECT (HASH-TABLE T) without having to worry about LET
+;;; forms and readable gensyms and stuff.
+(defun stuff-hash-table (hash-table alist)
+ (dolist (x alist)
+ (setf (gethash (car x) hash-table) (cdr x)))
+ hash-table)
+(def!method print-object ((hash-table hash-table) stream)
(declare (type stream stream))
- (print-unreadable-object (ht stream :type t :identity t)
- (format stream
- ":TEST ~S :COUNT ~D"
- (hash-table-test ht)
- (hash-table-number-entries ht))))
+ (cond ((not *print-readably*)
+ (print-unreadable-object (hash-table stream :type t :identity t)
+ (format stream
+ ":TEST ~S :COUNT ~S"
+ (hash-table-test hash-table)
+ (hash-table-count hash-table))))
+ ((not *read-eval*)
+ (error "can't print hash tables readably without *READ-EVAL*"))
+ (t
+ (with-standard-io-syntax
+ (format stream
+ "#.~W"
+ `(stuff-hash-table (make-hash-table ,@(hash-table-ctor-args
+ hash-table))
+ ',(hash-table-alist hash-table)))))))
(def!method make-load-form ((hash-table hash-table) &optional environment)
- (declare (ignorable environment))
- (values
- `(make-hash-table
- :test ',(hash-table-test hash-table)
- :size ',(hash-table-size hash-table)
- :rehash-size ',(hash-table-rehash-size hash-table)
- :rehash-threshold ',(hash-table-rehash-threshold hash-table))
- (let ((alist nil))
- (maphash (lambda (key value)
- (push (cons key value) alist))
- hash-table)
- (if alist
- ;; FIXME: It'd probably be more efficient here to write the
- ;; hash table values as a SIMPLE-VECTOR rather than an alist.
- ;; (Someone dumping a huge hash table might well thank us..)
- `(stuff-hash-table ,hash-table ',alist)
- nil))))
-(defun stuff-hash-table (table alist)
- (dolist (x alist)
- (setf (gethash (car x) table) (cdr x))))
+ (declare (ignore environment))
+ (values `(make-hash-table ,@(hash-table-ctor-args hash-table))
+ `(stuff-hash-table ,hash-table ',(hash-table-alist hash-table))))
(error "bad PSXHASH behavior for ~S ~S" i j))))
+;;; As of sbcl-, writing hash tables readably should work.
+;;; This isn't required by the ANSI standard, but it should be, since
+;;; it's well-defined useful behavior which ANSI prohibits the users
+;;; from implementing themselves. (ANSI says the users can't define
+;;; their own their own PRINT-OBJECT (HASH-TABLE T) methods, and they
+;;; can't even wiggle out of it by subclassing HASH-TABLE or STREAM.)
+(let ((original-ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 111))
+ (original-keys '(1 10 11 400030002 -100000000)))
+ (dolist (key original-keys)
+ (setf (gethash key original-ht)
+ (expt key 4)))
+ (let* ((written-ht (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (write original-ht :stream s :readably t)))
+ (read-ht (with-input-from-string (s written-ht)
+ (read s))))
+ (assert (= (hash-table-count read-ht)
+ (hash-table-count original-ht)
+ (length original-keys)))
+ (assert (eql (hash-table-test original-ht) (hash-table-test read-ht)))
+ (assert (eql (hash-table-size original-ht) (hash-table-size read-ht)))
+ (dolist (key original-keys)
+ (assert (eql (gethash key read-ht)
+ (gethash key original-ht))))))
;;; success
(quit :unix-status 104)
(assert (equal pn1 pn2))
(assert (equal pn1 pn3)))
+;;; In addition to the upper-case constraint above, if the logical-pathname
+;;; contains a string component in e.g. the directory, name and type slot,
+;;; these should be valid "WORDS", according to CLHS 19.3.1.
+;;; FIXME: currently SBCL throws NAMESTRING-PARSE-ERROR: should this be
+;;; a TYPE-ERROR?
+;; error: directory-component not valid
+(assert (not (ignore-errors
+ (make-pathname :host "FOO" :directory "!bla" :name "bar"))))
+;; error: name-component not valid
+(assert (not (ignore-errors
+ (make-pathname :host "FOO" :directory "bla" :name "!bar"))))
+;; error: type-component not valid.
+(assert (not (ignore-errors
+ (make-pathname :host "FOO" :directory "bla" :name "bar"
+ :type "&baz"))))
;;; We may need to parse the host as a LOGICAL-NAMESTRING HOST. The
;;; HOST in PARSE-NAMESTRING can be either a string or :UNSPECIFIC
;;; without actually requiring the system to signal an error (apart
(let ((cond (grab-condition (parse-namestring "foo:jeamland" "demo2"))))
(assert (typep cond 'type-error)))
+;;; turning one logical pathname into another:
+(setf (logical-pathname-translations "foo")
+ '(("tohome;*.*.*" "home:*.*.*")))
+(assert (equal (namestring (translate-logical-pathname "foo:tohome;x.y"))
+ "home:x.y"))
;;; ANSI, in its wisdom, specifies that it's an error (specifically a
;;; TYPE-ERROR) to query the system about the translations of a string
;;; which doesn't have any translations. It's not clear why we don't