behaves ...erratically. Reported by Kevin Reid on sbcl-devel
2007-07-06. (We don't _have_ to check things like this, but we
generally try to check returns in safe code, so we should here too.)
+ The following signals errors due to TRULY-THEs in dead code:
+ (let ((sb-c::*check-consistency* t))
+ (handler-bind ((warning #'error))
+ (flet ((make-lambda (type)
+ `(lambda (x)
+ ((lambda (z)
+ (if (listp z)
+ (let ((q (truly-the list z)))
+ (length q))
+ (if (arrayp z)
+ (let ((q (truly-the vector z)))
+ (length q))
+ (error "oops"))))
+ (the ,type x)))))
+ (compile nil (make-lambda 'list))
+ (compile nil (make-lambda 'vector)))))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)