and gethostbyname, on platforms where the newer functions are available.
As a result, the ALIASES field of HOST-ENT will always be NIL on these
- * optimization: code using alien values with undeclared types is much faster
+ * optimization: code using alien values with undeclared types is much faster.
+ * optimization: the compiler is now able to open code SEARCH in more cases.
* bug fix: >= and <= gave wrong results when used with NaNs.
* bug fix: the #= and ## reader macros now interact reasonably with
funcallable instances.
finally (return `(progn ,@forms)))))
-;;; FIXME: this would be a valid transform for certain excluded cases:
-;;; * :TEST 'CHAR= or :TEST #'CHAR=
-;;; * :TEST 'EQL or :TEST #'EQL
-;;; * :FROM-END NIL (or :FROM-END non-NIL, with a little ingenuity)
-(deftransform search ((pattern text &key (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2)
- (simple-string simple-string &rest t)
+;;; FIXME: it really should be possible to take advantage of the
+;;; macros used in code/seq.lisp here to avoid duplication of code,
+;;; and enable even funkier transformations.
+(deftransform search ((pattern text &key (start1 0) (start2 0) end1 end2
+ (test #'eql)
+ (key #'identity)
+ from-end)
+ (vector vector &rest t)
:policy (> speed (max space safety)))
- `(block search
- (let ((end1 (or end1 (length pattern)))
- (end2 (or end2 (length text))))
- (do ((index2 start2 (1+ index2)))
- ((>= index2 end2) nil)
- (when (do ((index1 start1 (1+ index1))
- (index2 index2 (1+ index2)))
- ((>= index1 end1) t)
- (when (= index2 end2)
- (return-from search nil))
- (when (char/= (char pattern index1) (char text index2))
- (return nil)))
- (return index2))))))
+ "open code"
+ (let ((from-end (when (lvar-p from-end)
+ (unless (constant-lvar-p from-end)
+ (give-up-ir1-transform ":FROM-END is not constant."))
+ (lvar-value from-end)))
+ (keyp (lvar-p key))
+ (testp (lvar-p test)))
+ `(block search
+ (let ((end1 (or end1 (length pattern)))
+ (end2 (or end2 (length text)))
+ ,@(when keyp
+ '((key (coerce key 'function))))
+ ,@(when testp
+ '((test (coerce test 'function)))))
+ (declare (type index start1 start2 end1 end2))
+ (do (,(if from-end
+ '(index2 (- end2 (- end1 start1)) (1- index2))
+ '(index2 start2 (1+ index2))))
+ (,(if from-end
+ '(< index2 start2)
+ '(>= index2 end2))
+ nil)
+ ;; INDEX2 is FIXNUM, not an INDEX, as right before the loop
+ ;; terminates is hits -1 when :FROM-END is true and :START2
+ ;; is 0.
+ (declare (type fixnum index2))
+ (when (do ((index1 start1 (1+ index1))
+ (index2 index2 (1+ index2)))
+ ((>= index1 end1) t)
+ (declare (type index index1 index2))
+ ,@(unless from-end
+ '((when (= index2 end2)
+ (return-from search nil))))
+ (unless (,@(if testp
+ '(funcall test)
+ '(eql))
+ ,(if keyp
+ '(funcall key (aref pattern index1))
+ '(aref pattern index1))
+ ,(if keyp
+ '(funcall key (aref text index2))
+ '(aref text index2)))
+ (return nil)))
+ (return index2)))))))
;;; FIXME: It seems as though it should be possible to make a DEFUN
;;; %CONCATENATE (with a DEFTRANSFORM to translate constant RTYPE to
(eql 3 (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end t :key '1- :start 2))
(null (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end t :key '1- :start 2 :end 2))
(null (find-if-not #'plusp seq))
- (eql 0 (position-if-not #'evenp seq))))
+ (eql 0 (position-if-not #'evenp seq))
+ (eql 0 (search #(1) seq))
+ (eql 1 (search #(4 5) seq :key 'oddp))
+ (eql 1 (search #(-2) seq :test (lambda (a b) (= (- a) b))))
+ (eql 4 (search #(1) seq :start2 1))
+ (null (search #(3) seq :start2 3))
+ (eql 2 (search #(3) seq :start2 2))
+ (eql 0 (search #(1 2) seq))
+ (null (search #(2 1 3) seq))
+ (eql 0 (search #(0 1 2 4) seq :start1 1 :end1 3))
+ (eql 3 (search #(0 2 1 4) seq :start1 1 :end1 3))
+ (eql 4 (search #(1) seq :from-end t))
+ (eql 0 (search #(1 2) seq :from-end t))
+ (null (search #(1 2) seq :from-end t :start2 1))
+ (eql 0 (search #(0 1 2 4) seq :from-end t :start1 1 :end1 3))
+ (eql 3 (search #(0 2 1 4) seq :from-end t :start1 1 :end1 3))
+ (null (search #(2 1 3) seq :from-end t))))
(for-every-seq "string test"
'((null (find 0 seq))
(null (find #\D seq :key #'char-upcase))