-(in-package "SB!VM")
+;;;; type testing and checking VOPs for the PPC VM
-;;;; Simple type checking and testing:
-;;; These types are represented by a single type code, so are easily
-;;; open-coded as a mask and compare.
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(in-package "SB!VM")
+(defun %test-fixnum (value target not-p &key temp)
+ (assemble ()
+ ;; FIXME: again, this 3 should be FIXNUM-MASK
+ (inst andi. temp value 3)
+ (inst b? (if not-p :ne :eq) target)))
+(defun %test-fixnum-and-headers (value target not-p headers &key temp)
+ (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
+ (assemble ()
+ (inst andi. temp value 3)
+ (inst beq (if not-p drop-through target)))
+ (%test-headers value target not-p nil headers
+ :drop-through drop-through :temp temp)))
+(defun %test-immediate (value target not-p immediate &key temp)
+ (assemble ()
+ (inst andi. temp value widetag-mask)
+ (inst cmpwi temp immediate)
+ (inst b? (if not-p :ne :eq) target)))
+(defun %test-lowtag (value target not-p lowtag &key temp)
+ (assemble ()
+ (inst andi. temp value lowtag-mask)
+ (inst cmpwi temp lowtag)
+ (inst b? (if not-p :ne :eq) target)))
+(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag function-p headers
+ &key temp)
+ (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
+ (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) not-p lowtag
+ :temp temp)
+ (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers
+ :temp temp :drop-through drop-through)))
+(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
+ &key temp (drop-through (gen-label)))
+ (let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (when-true when-false)
+ (if not-p
+ (values drop-through target)
+ (values target drop-through))
+ (assemble ()
+ (%test-lowtag value when-false t lowtag :temp temp)
+ (load-type temp value (- lowtag))
+ (do ((remaining headers (cdr remaining)))
+ ((null remaining))
+ (let ((header (car remaining))
+ (last (null (cdr remaining))))
+ (cond
+ ((atom header)
+ (inst cmpwi temp header)
+ (if last
+ (inst b? (if not-p :ne :eq) target)
+ (inst beq when-true)))
+ (t
+ (let ((start (car header))
+ (end (cdr header)))
+ (unless (= start bignum-widetag)
+ (inst cmpwi temp start)
+ (inst blt when-false))
+ (inst cmpwi temp end)
+ (if last
+ (inst b? (if not-p :gt :le) target)
+ (inst ble when-true)))))))
+ (emit-label drop-through)))))
+;;; Simple type checking and testing:
(define-vop (check-type)
(:args (value :target result :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)))
(:results (result :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)))
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
- (defun cost-to-test-types (type-codes)
- (+ (* 2 (length type-codes))
- (if (> (apply #'max type-codes) lowtag-limit) 7 2))))
+(defun cost-to-test-types (type-codes)
+ (+ (* 2 (length type-codes))
+ (if (> (apply #'max type-codes) lowtag-limit) 7 2)))
-(macrolet ((def-type-vops (pred-name check-name ptype error-code
- &rest type-codes)
- (let ((cost (cost-to-test-types (mapcar #'eval type-codes))))
+(defmacro !define-type-vops (pred-name check-name ptype error-code
+ (&rest type-codes)
+ ;; KLUDGE: ideally, the compiler could
+ ;; derive that it can use the sneaky trap
+ ;; twice mechanism itself. However, one
+ ;; thing at a time...
+ &key mask &allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((cost (cost-to-test-types (mapcar #'eval type-codes))))
,@(when pred-name
- `((define-vop (,pred-name type-predicate)
+ `((define-vop (,pred-name type-predicate)
(:translate ,pred-name)
(:generator ,cost
- (test-type value temp target not-p ,@type-codes)))))
+ (test-type value target not-p (,@type-codes) :temp temp)))))
,@(when check-name
`((define-vop (,check-name check-type)
(:generator ,cost
- (let ((err-lab
- (generate-error-code vop ,error-code value)))
- (test-type value temp err-lab t ,@type-codes)
- (move result value))))))
+ ,@(if mask
+ `((inst andi. temp value ,mask)
+ (inst twi 0 value (error-number-or-lose ',error-code))
+ (inst twi :ne temp ,@(if ;; KLUDGE: At
+ ;; present, MASK is
+ ;; 3 or LOWTAG-MASK
+ (eql mask 3)
+ `(0)
+ type-codes))
+ (move result value))
+ `((let ((err-lab
+ (generate-error-code vop ,error-code value)))
+ (test-type value err-lab t (,@type-codes) :temp temp)
+ (move result value))))))))
,@(when ptype
- `((primitive-type-vop ,check-name (:check) ,ptype)))))))
+ `((primitive-type-vop ,check-name (:check) ,ptype))))))
(def-type-vops fixnump nil nil object-not-fixnum-error
sb!vm:even-fixnum-lowtag sb!vm:odd-fixnum-lowtag)
(define-vop (check-fixnum check-type)
(def-type-vops realp check-real nil object-not-real-error
sb!vm:even-fixnum-lowtag sb!vm:odd-fixnum-lowtag sb!vm:ratio-widetag sb!vm:bignum-widetag
sb!vm:single-float-widetag sb!vm:double-float-widetag))
;;;; Other integer ranges.
(values target not-target))
(inst andi. temp value #x3)
(inst beq yep)
- (test-type value temp nope t sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
- (loadw temp value 0 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
- (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 sb!vm:n-widetag-bits)
- sb!vm:bignum-widetag))
+ (test-type value nope t (other-pointer-lowtag) :temp temp)
+ (loadw temp value 0 other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits)
+ bignum-widetag))
(inst b? (if not-p :ne :eq) target)
(emit-label not-target)))))
(yep (gen-label)))
(inst andi. temp value #x3)
(inst beq yep)
- (test-type value temp nope t sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
- (loadw temp value 0 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
- (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 sb!vm:n-widetag-bits) sb!vm:bignum-widetag))
+ (test-type value nope t (other-pointer-lowtag) :temp temp)
+ (loadw temp value 0 other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
(inst bne nope)
(emit-label yep)
(move result value))))
(inst beq fixnum)
;; If not, is it an other pointer?
- (test-type value temp nope t sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (test-type value nope t (other-pointer-lowtag) :temp temp)
;; Get the header.
- (loadw temp value 0 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (loadw temp value 0 other-pointer-lowtag)
;; Is it one?
- (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 sb!vm:n-widetag-bits) sb!vm:bignum-widetag))
+ (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
(inst beq single-word)
;; If it's other than two, we can't be an (unsigned-byte 32)
- (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 2 sb!vm:n-widetag-bits) sb!vm:bignum-widetag))
+ (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 2 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
(inst bne nope)
;; Get the second digit.
- (loadw temp value (1+ sb!vm:bignum-digits-offset) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (loadw temp value (1+ bignum-digits-offset) other-pointer-lowtag)
;; All zeros, its an (unsigned-byte 32).
(inst cmpwi temp 0)
(inst beq yep)
(emit-label single-word)
;; Get the single digit.
- (loadw temp value sb!vm:bignum-digits-offset sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (loadw temp value bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
(inst cmpwi :cr1 temp 0)
;; positive implies (unsigned-byte 32).
(inst beq fixnum)
;; If not, is it an other pointer?
- (test-type value temp nope t sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (test-type value nope t (other-pointer-lowtag) :temp temp)
;; Get the number of digits.
- (loadw temp value 0 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (loadw temp value 0 other-pointer-lowtag)
;; Is it one?
- (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 sb!vm:n-widetag-bits) sb!vm:bignum-widetag))
+ (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
(inst beq single-word)
;; If it's other than two, we can't be an (unsigned-byte 32)
- (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 2 sb!vm:n-widetag-bits) sb!vm:bignum-widetag))
+ (inst cmpwi temp (+ (ash 2 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag))
(inst bne nope)
;; Get the second digit.
- (loadw temp value (1+ sb!vm:bignum-digits-offset) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (loadw temp value (1+ bignum-digits-offset) other-pointer-lowtag)
;; All zeros, its an (unsigned-byte 32).
(inst cmpwi temp 0)
(inst beq yep)
(emit-label single-word)
;; Get the single digit.
- (loadw temp value sb!vm:bignum-digits-offset sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ (loadw temp value bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag)
;; positive implies (unsigned-byte 32).
(inst cmpwi :cr1 temp 0)
(is-symbol-label (if not-p drop-thru target)))
(inst cmpw value null-tn)
(inst beq is-symbol-label)
- (test-type value temp target not-p sb!vm:symbol-header-widetag)
+ (test-type value target not-p (symbol-header-widetag) :temp temp)
(emit-label drop-thru))))
(define-vop (check-symbol check-type)
(error (generate-error-code vop object-not-symbol-error value)))
(inst cmpw value null-tn)
(inst beq drop-thru)
- (test-type value temp error t sb!vm:symbol-header-widetag)
+ (test-type value error t (symbol-header-widetag) :temp temp)
(emit-label drop-thru)
(move result value))))
(is-not-cons-label (if not-p target drop-thru)))
(inst cmpw value null-tn)
(inst beq is-not-cons-label)
- (test-type value temp target not-p sb!vm:list-pointer-lowtag)
+ (test-type value target not-p (list-pointer-lowtag) :temp temp)
(emit-label drop-thru))))
(define-vop (check-cons check-type)
(let ((error (generate-error-code vop object-not-cons-error value)))
(inst cmpw value null-tn)
(inst beq error)
- (test-type value temp error t sb!vm:list-pointer-lowtag)
+ (test-type value error t (list-pointer-lowtag) :temp temp)
(move result value))))