--- /dev/null
+* Mailing lists
+Your first recourse for support should probably be to the mailing list
+ sbcl-help@lists.sourceforge.net
+Remember that the people answering your qwuestion are volunteers, so
+you stand a much better chance of getting a good answer if you ask a
+good question: before sending mail, check
+- the list archives, to check if your question has been answered already
+ http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=4134
+ or (same list, different archive)
+ http://news.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.steel-bank.general
+- the BUGS file, to see if we know about it. Note that some of the
+ bugs in this file are old and it might be useful to have fresh reports,
+ in particular if you have new information that might help debugging
+- advice on how to report bugs and ask questions that people want to
+ answer
+ http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
+ http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
+* Consultants
+There is no formal organization developing SBCL, but if you need a
+paid support arrangement or custom SBCL development, we maintain a
+list of consultants in this file. Use it to identify consultants with
+appropriate skills and interests, and contact them directly.
+The compilers of this file have made no attempt to verify the accuracy
+of the information or the competence of the people listed: you must
+make your own judgement of suitability from the available information
+- refer to the links they provide, the CREDITS file, mailing list
+archives, CVS commit messages, and so on. Please feel free to ask for
+advice on the sbcl-help list.
+Name: Daniel Barlow
+Email: dan@metacircles.com
+PGP: 1024D/75908913 : FC7 3143 7340 DECA D17A 357D 1C32 B966 7590 8913
+Web: http://web.metacircles.com/sbcl
+Expertise: Lowlevel issues (threads, GC, runtime support). Ports to new systems. Network/web applications. ASDF, asdf-install, contrib issues.
+Offerings: Custom programming. Email-based support (per-incident).
+[ If you provide SBCL-related services, please add your details to
+this file keeping alphabetical order by surname, following the
+template used by existing entries. Patches are welcome from those
+with no CVS commit access. We don't maintain a PGP keyring, so please
+ensure your key can be found on the public servers ]
;; descriptor). Presumably this is an oversight and we could also
;; get anything that write(2) would have given us.
- ;; What we do: we catch EBADF. It should only ever happen if
- ;; (a) someone's closed the socket already (stream closing seems
- ;; to have this effect) or (b) the caller is messing around with
- ;; socket internals. That's not supported, dude
- (if (slot-boundp socket 'stream)
- (close (slot-value socket 'stream)) ;; closes socket as well
- (handler-case
- (if (= (sockint::close (socket-file-descriptor socket)) -1)
- (socket-error "close"))
- (bad-file-descriptor-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil)
- (:no-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil))))
+ ;; note that if you have a socket _and_ a stream on the same fd,
+ ;; the socket will avoid doing anything to close the fd in case
+ ;; the stream has done it already - if so, it may have been
+ ;; reassigned to some other file, and closing it would be bad
+ (let ((fd (socket-file-descriptor socket)))
+ (cond ((eql fd -1) ; already closed
+ nil)
+ ((slot-boundp socket 'stream)
+ (close (slot-value socket 'stream)) ;; closes fd
+ (setf (slot-value socket 'file-descriptor) -1)
+ (slot-makunbound socket 'stream))
+ (t
+ (sb-ext:cancel-finalization socket)
+ (handler-case
+ (if (= (sockint::close fd) -1)
+ (socket-error "close"))
+ (bad-file-descriptor-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil)
+ (:no-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil))))))
(defgeneric socket-make-stream (socket &rest args)
(:documentation "Find or create a STREAM that can be used for IO
on SOCKET (which must be connected). ARGS are passed onto