Quantifiers like SOME and EVERY are implemented in terms of (MAP NIL)
of a wrapper function with early RETURN. If type information does not
enable MAP to be open coded, declarations are necessary to avoid
consing up a closure and a value cell for the return.
DX functions really shouldn't cause value cells for return blocks.
Also, revert
d0f65b07a30adc989e36a82ddc0ed54d135d638e which is
now mostly redundant.
COMPUTE-RESTARTS, making it faster and cons less (lp#769615)
* enhancement: FIND-RESTART and COMPUTE-RESTARTS handle huge restart
clusters better in some cases
+ * enhancement: SOME/ANY/other quantification higher-order functions no
+ longer cons. (lp#1070635)
* bug fix: forward references to classes in fasls can now be loaded.
* bug fix: don't warn on a interpreted->compiled function redefinition
;; from the old seq.lisp into target-seq.lisp.
(define-compiler-macro ,name (pred first-seq &rest more-seqs)
(let ((elements (make-gensym-list (1+ (length more-seqs))))
- (blockname (sb!xc:gensym "BLOCK")))
+ (blockname (sb!xc:gensym "BLOCK"))
+ (wrapper (sb!xc:gensym "WRAPPER")))
(once-only ((pred pred))
`(block ,blockname
- (map nil
- (lambda (,@elements)
- (let ((pred-value (funcall ,pred ,@elements)))
- (,',found-test pred-value
- (return-from ,blockname
- ,',found-result))))
- ,first-seq
- ,@more-seqs)
+ (flet ((,wrapper (,@elements)
+ (declare (optimize (sb!c::check-tag-existence 0)))
+ (let ((pred-value (funcall ,pred ,@elements)))
+ (,',found-test pred-value
+ (return-from ,blockname
+ ,',found-result)))))
+ (declare (inline ,wrapper)
+ (dynamic-extent #',wrapper))
+ (map nil #',wrapper ,first-seq
+ ,@more-seqs))
(defquantifier some when pred-value :unfound-result nil :doc
"Apply PREDICATE to the 0-indexed elements of the sequences, then
(or (when (forward-referenced-class-p class)
(some #'class-has-a-forward-referenced-superclass-p
- ;; KLUDGE: SOME conses without knowing the type
- (the list (class-direct-superclasses class)))))
+ (class-direct-superclasses class))))
;;; This is called by :after shared-initialize whenever a class is initialized
;;; or reinitialized. The class may or may not be finalized.
(declare (ignore warnings-p))
(assert (functionp fun))
(assert failure-p)))
+;; quantifiers shouldn't cons themselves.
+(with-test (:name :quantifiers-no-consing)
+ (let ((constantly-t (lambda (x) x t))
+ (constantly-nil (lambda (x) x nil))
+ (list (make-list 1000 :initial-element nil))
+ (vector (make-array 1000 :initial-element nil)))
+ (macrolet ((test (quantifier)
+ (let ((function (make-symbol (format nil "TEST-~A" quantifier))))
+ `(flet ((,function (function sequence)
+ (,quantifier function sequence)))
+ (ctu:assert-no-consing (,function constantly-t list))
+ (ctu:assert-no-consing (,function constantly-nil vector))))))
+ (test some)
+ (test every)
+ (test notany)
+ (test notevery))))