;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
changes in sbcl-0.9.7 relative to sbcl-0.9.6:
+ * minor incompatible change: (SETF CLASS-NAME) and (SETF
+ GENERIC-FUNCTION-NAME) are no longer generic functions, and
+ therefore are not customizeable by user code (as seems to be at
+ least permitted and maybe required by AMOP). As a consolation,
+ however, the SBCL implementation of these functions now calls
* bug fix: it is now possible to have more than one subclass of
STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION without causing stack overflow.
(reported by Bruno Haible, Pascal Costanza and others)
(set-dfun gf dfun cache info) ; lest the cache be freed twice
(update-dfun gf dfun cache info))))))
-(defmethod (setf class-name) :before (new-value (class class))
- (let ((classoid (find-classoid (class-name class))))
- (setf (classoid-name classoid) new-value)))
+(defun (setf class-name) (new-value class)
+ (let ((classoid (%wrapper-classoid (class-wrapper class))))
+ (setf (classoid-name classoid) new-value))
+ (reinitialize-instance class :name new-value))
+(defun (setf generic-function-name) (new-value generic-function)
+ (reinitialize-instance generic-function :name new-value))
(defmethod function-keywords ((method standard-method))
(multiple-value-bind (nreq nopt keysp restp allow-other-keys-p keywords)
--- /dev/null
+;;;; miscellaneous side-effectful tests of the MOP
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
+;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
+;;;; from CMU CL.
+;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
+;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
+;;;; more information.
+;;; this file contains tests of (SETF CLASS-NAME) and (SETF
+(defpackage "MOP-9"
+ (:use "CL" "SB-MOP" "TEST-UTIL"))
+(in-package "MOP-9")
+(defclass metaclass/ri (standard-class)
+ ())
+(defmethod validate-superclass ((c metaclass/ri) (s standard-class))
+ t)
+(defclass class/ri ()
+ ()
+ (:metaclass metaclass/ri))
+(defvar *class/ri-args* nil)
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((o metaclass/ri) &rest initargs)
+ (setf *class/ri-args* initargs))
+(with-test (:name ((setf class-name) reinitialize-instance))
+ (let ((class (find-class 'class/ri)))
+ (setf (class-name class) 'name)
+ (assert (equal *class/ri-args* '(:name name)))
+ (setf (class-name class) 'class/ri)
+ (assert (equal *class/ri-args* '(:name class/ri)))))
+(defclass dependent ()
+ ((slot :initform nil :accessor dependent-slot)))
+(defclass class/dependent ()
+ ())
+(defvar *dependent* (make-instance 'dependent))
+(defmethod update-dependent ((object standard-class) (dependent dependent)
+ &rest args)
+ (setf (dependent-slot dependent) args))
+(with-test (:name ((setf class-name) update-dependent))
+ (let ((class (find-class 'class/dependent)))
+ (add-dependent class *dependent*)
+ (setf (class-name class) 'name)
+ (assert (equal (dependent-slot *dependent*) '(:name name)))
+ (remove-dependent class *dependent*)
+ (setf (class-name class) 'name)
+ (assert (equal (dependent-slot *dependent*) '(:name name)))))
+(defclass gfc/ri (standard-generic-function)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class))
+(defgeneric gf/ri ()
+ (:generic-function-class gfc/ri))
+(defvar *gf/ri-args* nil)
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((o gfc/ri) &rest initargs)
+ (setf *gf/ri-args* initargs))
+(with-test (:name ((setf generic-function-name) reinitialize-instance))
+ (let ((gf #'gf/ri))
+ (setf (generic-function-name gf) 'name)
+ (assert (equal *gf/ri-args* '(:name name)))
+ (setf (generic-function-name gf) 'gf/ri)
+ (assert (equal *gf/ri-args* '(:name gf/ri)))))
+(defgeneric gf/dependent ())
+(defmethod update-dependent ((object standard-generic-function)
+ (dependent dependent)
+ &rest args)
+ (setf (dependent-slot dependent) args))
+(with-test (:name ((setf generic-function-name) update-dependent))
+ (let ((gf (find-class 'class/dependent)))
+ (add-dependent gf *dependent*)
+ (setf (generic-function-name gf) 'gf/name)
+ (assert (equal (dependent-slot *dependent*) '(:name gf/name)))
+ (remove-dependent gf *dependent*)
+ (setf (generic-function-name gf) 'gf/dependent)
+ (assert (equal (dependent-slot *dependent*) '(:name gf/name)))))