(%compile-defmacro 'defmacro
'(lambda (name args &rest body)
- (%compile-defmacro ',name '(lambda ,args ,@body))))))
+ (%compile-defmacro ',name
+ '(lambda ,(mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (if (eq x '&body)
+ '&rest
+ x))
+ args)
+ ,@body))))))
(defmacro %defvar (name value)
(defun char-code (x) x)
(defun char= (x y) (= x y))
- (defun <= (x y) (or (< x y) (= x y)))
- (defun >= (x y) (not (< x y)))
(defun integerp (x)
(and (numberp x) (= (floor x) x)))
(defun setcdr (cons new)
(setf (cdr cons) new)))
;;; At this point, no matter if Common Lisp or lispstrack is compiling
;;; from here, this code will compile on both. We define some helper
;;; functions now for string manipulation and so on. They will be
(join (mapcar (lambda (d) (string (char "0123456789" d)))
(defun print-to-string (form)
(join (reverse cases))))
"}" *newline*)
- ;; &rest argument
+ ;; &rest/&body argument
(if rest-argument
(let ((js!rest (lookup-variable-translation rest-argument new-env)))
(concat "var " js!rest "= " (ls-compile nil env fenv) ";" *newline*
(defun compile-bool (x)
(concat "(" x "?" (ls-compile t nil nil) ": " (ls-compile nil nil nil) ")"))
-(define-builtin + (x y) (concat "((" x ") + (" y "))"))
-(define-builtin - (x y) (concat "((" x ") - (" y "))"))
-(define-builtin * (x y) (concat "((" x ") * (" y "))"))
-(define-builtin / (x y) (concat "((" x ") / (" y "))"))
-(define-builtin mod (x y) (concat "((" x ") % (" y "))"))
-(define-builtin < (x y) (compile-bool (concat "((" x ") < (" y "))")))
-(define-builtin = (x y) (compile-bool (concat "((" x ") == (" y "))")))
-(define-builtin numberp (x) (compile-bool (concat "(typeof (" x ") == \"number\")")))
-(define-builtin floor (x) (concat "(Math.floor(" x "))"))
+;;; DECLS is a list of (JSVARNAME TYPE LISPFORM) declarations.
+(defmacro type-check (decls &body body)
+ `(concat "(function(){" *newline*
+ (indent ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
+ `(concat "var " ,(first decl) " = " ,(third decl) ";" *newline*))
+ decls)
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
+ `(concat "if (typeof " ,(first decl) " != '" ,(second decl) "')" *newline*
+ (indent "throw 'The value ' + "
+ ,(first decl)
+ " + ' is not a type "
+ ,(second decl)
+ ".';"
+ *newline*)))
+ decls)
+ ,@body)
+ "})()"))
+(defun num-op-num (x op y)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x) ("y" "number" y))
+ (concat "return x" op "y;" *newline*)))
+(define-builtin + (x y) (num-op-num x "+" y))
+(define-builtin - (x y) (num-op-num x "-" y))
+(define-builtin * (x y) (num-op-num x "*" y))
+(define-builtin / (x y) (num-op-num x "/" y))
+(define-builtin mod (x y) (num-op-num x "%" y))
+(define-builtin < (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "<" y)))
+(define-builtin > (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x ">" y)))
+(define-builtin = (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "==" y)))
+(define-builtin <= (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x "<=" y)))
+(define-builtin >= (x y) (compile-bool (num-op-num x ">=" y)))
+(define-builtin numberp (x)
+ (compile-bool (concat "(typeof (" x ") == \"number\")")))
+(define-builtin floor (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x))
+ "return (Math.floor(x));"))
(define-builtin cons (x y) (concat "({car: " x ", cdr: " y "})"))
(define-builtin consp (x)
": tmp.cdr;" *newline*)
-(define-builtin setcar (x new) (concat "((" x ").car = " new ")"))
-(define-builtin setcdr (x new) (concat "((" x ").cdr = " new ")"))
+(define-builtin setcar (x new)
+ (type-check (("x" "object" x))
+ (concat "return (x.car = " new ");")))
+(define-builtin setcdr (x new)
+ (type-check (("x" "object" x))
+ (concat "return (x.cdr = " new ");")))
(define-builtin symbolp (x)
(define-builtin make-symbol (name)
- (concat "({name: " name "})"))
+ (type-check (("name" "string" name))
+ "return ({name: name});"))
(define-builtin symbol-name (x)
(concat "(" x ").name"))
(define-builtin equal (x y) (compile-bool (concat "(" x " == " y ")")))
(define-builtin string (x)
- (concat "String.fromCharCode(" x ")"))
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x))
+ "return String.fromCharCode(x);"))
(define-builtin stringp (x)
(compile-bool (concat "(typeof(" x ") == \"string\")")))
(define-builtin string-upcase (x)
- (concat "(" x ").toUpperCase()"))
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "return x.toUpperCase();"))
(define-builtin string-length (x)
- (concat "(" x ").length"))
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "return x.length;"))
(define-compilation slice (string a &optional b)
(concat "(function(){" *newline*
(define-builtin write-string (x)
(concat "lisp.write(" x ")"))
(defun macrop (x)
(and (symbolp x) (eq (binding-type (lookup-function x *fenv*)) 'macro)))