:export ("ADDR"
:doc "private: stuff for implementing ALIENs and friends"
(typep object lisp-rep-type)
(and (alien-value-p object)
(alien-subtype-p (alien-value-type object) type)))))
+;;;; An alien callback has 4 parts / stages:
+;;;; * ASSEMBLER WRAPPER that saves the arguments from the C-call
+;;;; according to the alien-fun-type of the callback, and calls
+;;;; #'ENTER-ALIEN-CALLBACK with the index indentifying the
+;;;; callback, a pointer to the arguments copied on the stack and a
+;;;; pointer to return value storage. When control returns to the
+;;;; wrapper it returns the value to C. There is one assembler
+;;;; wrapper per callback.[1] The SAP to the wrapper code vector
+;;;; is what is passed to foreign code as a callback.
+;;;; * #'ENTER-ALIEN-CALLBACK pulls the LISP TRAMPOLINE for the given
+;;;; index, and calls it with the argument and result pointers.
+;;;; * LISP TRAMPOLINE that calls the LISP WRAPPER with the argument
+;;;; and result pointers, and the function designator for the
+;;;; callback. There is one lisp trampoline per callback.
+;;;; * LISP WRAPPER parses the arguments from stack, calls the actual
+;;;; callback with the arguments, and saves the return value at the
+;;;; result pointer. The lisp wrapper is shared between all the
+;;;; callbacks having the same same alien-fun-type.
+;;;; [1] As assembler wrappers need to be allocated in static
+;;;; addresses and are (in the current scheme of things) never
+;;;; released it might be worth it to split it into two parts:
+;;;; per-callback trampoline that pushes the index of the lisp
+;;;; trampoline on the stack, and jumps to the appropriate assembler
+;;;; wrapper. The assembler wrapper could then be shared between all
+;;;; the callbacks with the same alien-fun-type. This would amortize
+;;;; most of the static allocation costs between multiple callbacks.
+(defvar *alien-callbacks* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+ "Maps (SPECIFIER . FUNCTION) to callbacks.")
+(defvar *alien-callback-trampolines* (make-array 32 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
+ "Maps alien callback indexes to lisp trampolines.")
+(defparameter *alien-callback-wrappers* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+ "Maps SPECIFIER to lisp wrappers.")
+(defun alien-callback (specifier function &optional env)
+ "Returns an SAP to an alien callback corresponding to the function and
+ (multiple-value-bind (result-type argument-types) (parse-alien-ftype specifier env)
+ (let ((key (cons specifier function)))
+ (or (gethash key *alien-callbacks*)
+ (setf (gethash key *alien-callbacks*)
+ (let* ((index (fill-pointer *alien-callback-trampolines*))
+ (assembler-wrapper (alien-callback-assembler-wrapper
+ index result-type argument-types))
+ (lisp-wrapper (alien-callback-lisp-wrapper
+ specifier result-type argument-types env)))
+ (vector-push-extend
+ (lambda (args-pointer result-pointer)
+ (funcall lisp-wrapper args-pointer result-pointer function))
+ *alien-callback-trampolines*)
+ (%sap-alien (vector-sap assembler-wrapper)
+ (parse-alien-type specifier env))))))))
+(defun alien-callback-lisp-wrapper (specifier result-type argument-types env)
+ (or (gethash specifier *alien-callback-wrappers*)
+ (setf (gethash specifier *alien-callback-wrappers*)
+ (compile
+ nil
+ (let* ((arguments (make-gensym-list (length argument-types)))
+ (argument-names arguments)
+ (argument-specs (cddr specifier)))
+ `(lambda (args-pointer result-pointer function)
+ (let ((args-sap (int-sap
+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address args-pointer)))
+ (res-sap (int-sap
+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address result-pointer))))
+ (with-alien
+ ,(loop
+ for spec in argument-specs
+ for offset = 0 ; FIXME: Should this not be AND OFFSET ...?
+ then (+ offset (alien-callback-argument-bytes spec env))
+ collect `(,(pop argument-names) ,spec
+ :local ,(alien-callback-accessor-form
+ spec 'args-sap offset)))
+ ,(flet ((store (spec)
+ (if spec
+ `(setf (deref (sap-alien res-sap (* ,spec)))
+ (funcall function ,@arguments))
+ `(funcall function ,@arguments))))
+ (cond ((alien-void-type-p result-type)
+ (store nil))
+ ((alien-integer-type-p result-type)
+ (if (alien-integer-type-signed result-type)
+ (store `(signed
+ ,(alien-type-word-aligned-bits result-type)))
+ (store
+ `(unsigned
+ ,(alien-type-word-aligned-bits result-type)))))
+ (t
+ (store (unparse-alien-type result-type)))))))
+ (values)))))))
+(defun parse-alien-ftype (specifier env)
+ (destructuring-bind (function result-type &rest argument-types)
+ specifier
+ (aver (eq 'function function))
+ (values (parse-alien-type result-type env)
+ (mapcar (lambda (spec)
+ (parse-alien-type spec env))
+ argument-types))))
+(defun alien-void-type-p (type)
+ (and (alien-values-type-p type) (not (alien-values-type-values type))))
+(defun alien-type-word-aligned-bits (type)
+ (align-offset (alien-type-bits type) sb!vm:n-word-bits))
+(defun alien-callback-argument-bytes (spec env)
+ (let ((type (parse-alien-type spec env)))
+ (if (or (alien-integer-type-p type)
+ (alien-float-type-p type)
+ (alien-pointer-type-p type))
+ (ceiling (alien-type-word-aligned-bits type) sb!vm:n-byte-bits)
+ (error "Unsupported callback argument type: ~A" type))))
+(defun enter-alien-callback (index return arguments)
+ (funcall (aref *alien-callback-trampolines* index)
+ return
+ arguments))
(inst addi nsp-tn nsp-tn delta))
(inst lwz nsp-tn nsp-tn 0)))))))
+ (defun alien-callback-accessor-form (type sap offset)
+ ;; Unaligned access is slower, but possible, so this is nice and simple.
+ `(deref (sap-alien (sap+ ,sap ,offset) (* ,type))))
+ ;;; The "Mach-O Runtime Conventions" document for OS X almost specifies
+ ;;; the calling convention (it neglects to mention that the linkage
+ ;;; area is 24 bytes).
+ (defconstant n-foreign-linkage-area-bytes 24)
+ ;;; Returns a vector in static space containing machine code for the
+ ;;; callback wrapper
+ (defun alien-callback-assembler-wrapper (index result-type argument-types)
+ (flet ((make-gpr (n)
+ (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'any-reg) :offset n))
+ (make-fpr (n)
+ (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'double-reg) :offset n)))
+ (let* ((segment (make-segment)))
+ (assemble (segment)
+ ;; To save our arguments, we follow the algorithm sketched in the
+ ;; "PowerPC Calling Conventions" section of that document.
+ (let ((words-processed 0)
+ (gprs (mapcar #'make-gpr '(3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))
+ (fprs (mapcar #'make-fpr '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13)))
+ (stack-pointer (make-gpr 1)))
+ (labels ((out-of-registers-error ()
+ (error "Too many arguments in callback"))
+ (save-arg (type words)
+ (let ((integerp (not (alien-float-type-p type)))
+ (offset (+ (* words-processed n-word-bytes)
+ n-foreign-linkage-area-bytes)))
+ (cond (integerp
+ (loop repeat words
+ for gpr = (pop gprs)
+ do
+ (if gpr
+ (inst stw gpr stack-pointer offset)
+ (out-of-registers-error))
+ (incf words-processed)))
+ ;; The handling of floats is a little ugly
+ ;; because we hard-code the number of words
+ ;; for single- and double-floats.
+ ((alien-single-float-type-p type)
+ (pop gprs)
+ (let ((fpr (pop fprs)))
+ (if fpr
+ (inst stfs fpr stack-pointer offset)
+ (out-of-registers-error)))
+ (incf words-processed))
+ ((alien-double-float-type-p type)
+ (setf gprs (cddr gprs))
+ (let ((fpr (pop fprs)))
+ (if fpr
+ (inst stfd fpr stack-pointer offset)
+ (out-of-registers-error)))
+ (incf words-processed 2))
+ (t
+ (bug "Unknown alien floating point type: ~S" type))))))
+ (mapc #'save-arg
+ argument-types
+ (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+ (ceiling (alien-type-bits arg) n-word-bits))
+ argument-types))))
+ ;; Set aside room for the return area just below sp, then
+ ;; actually call funcall3: funcall3 (call-alien-function,
+ ;; index, args, return-area)
+ ;;
+ ;; INDEX is fixnumized, ARGS and RETURN-AREA don't need to be
+ ;; because they're word-aligned. Kinda gross, but hey ...
+ (let* ((n-return-area-words
+ (ceiling (or (alien-type-bits result-type) 0) n-word-bits))
+ (n-return-area-bytes (* n-return-area-words n-word-bytes))
+ ;; FIXME: magic constant, and probably n-args-bytes
+ (args-size (* 3 n-word-bytes))
+ ;; FIXME: n-frame-bytes?
+ (frame-size
+ (+ n-foreign-linkage-area-bytes n-return-area-bytes args-size)))
+ (destructuring-bind (sp r0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)
+ (mapcar #'make-gpr '(1 0 3 4 5 6))
+ (flet ((load-address-into (reg addr)
+ (let ((high (ldb (byte 16 16) addr))
+ (low (ldb (byte 16 0) addr)))
+ (inst li reg high)
+ (inst slwi reg reg 16)
+ (inst ori reg reg low))))
+ ;; Setup the args
+ (load-address-into
+ arg1 (get-lisp-obj-address #'enter-alien-callback))
+ (inst li arg2 (fixnumize index))
+ (inst addi arg3 sp n-foreign-linkage-area-bytes)
+ ;; FIXME: This was (- (* RETURN-AREA-SIZE N-WORD-BYTES)), while
+ ;; I assume the intention was (- N-RETURN-AREA-BYTES), but who knows?
+ ;; --NS 2005-06-11
+ (inst addi arg4 sp (- n-return-area-bytes))
+ ;; FIXME! FIXME FIXME: What does this FIXME refer to?
+ ;; Save sp, setup the frame
+ (inst mflr r0)
+ (inst stw r0 sp (* 2 n-word-bytes)) ; FIXME: magic constant
+ (inst stwu sp sp (- frame-size))
+ ;; Make the call
+ (load-address-into r0 (foreign-symbol-address-as-integer "funcall3"))
+ (inst mtlr r0)
+ (inst blrl))
+ ;; We're back! Restore sp and lr, load the return value from just
+ ;; under sp, and return.
+ (inst lwz sp sp 0)
+ (inst lwz r0 sp (* 2 n-word-bytes))
+ (inst mtlr r0)
+ (loop with gprs = (mapcar #'make-gpr '(3 4))
+ repeat n-return-area-words
+ for gpr = (pop gprs)
+ for offset downfrom (- n-word-bytes) by n-word-bytes
+ do
+ (unless gpr
+ (bug "Out of return registers in alien-callback trampoline."))
+ (inst lwz gpr sp offset))
+ (inst blr))))
+ (finalize-segment segment)
+ ;; Now that the segment is done, convert it to a static
+ ;; vector we can point foreign code to.
+ (let ((buffer (sb!assem::segment-buffer segment)))
+ (make-static-vector (length buffer)
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :initial-contents buffer))))))
\ No newline at end of file
(define-instruction-macro bula (target)
`(inst bcla :bo-u 0 ,target))
(define-instruction-macro blrl ()
`(inst bclrl :bo-u 0))
;;; Some more macros
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)