--- /dev/null
+;;;; Loading shared object files
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(in-package "SB!ALIEN")
+;;; Used to serialize modifications to *linkage-info*,
+;;; *shared-objects* and the linkage-table proper. Calls thru
+;;; linkage-table are unaffected.
+(defvar *foreign-lock*
+ (sb!thread:make-mutex :name "foreign definition lock"))
+(define-unsupported-fun load-foreign
+ "Unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. See LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
+ "~S is unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. See LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
+ (load-foreign))
+(define-unsupported-fun load-1-foreign
+ "Unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. Please use LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
+ "~S is unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. Please use LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT."
+ (load-1-foreign))
+(define-alien-type hinstance long)
+(define-alien-routine ("LoadLibraryA@4" loadlibrary) hinstance
+ (file c-string))
+(define-alien-routine ("FreeLibrary@4" freelibrary) int
+ (handle hinstance))
+(define-alien-routine ("GetProcAddress@8" getprocaddress) system-area-pointer
+ (handle hinstance)
+ (symbol c-string))
+(define-alien-routine ("GetLastError@0" getlasterror) unsigned-int)
+(defvar *shared-objects*)
+(defstruct shared-object file handle)
+(defun dlopen-or-lose (obj)
+ (let* ((file (shared-object-file obj))
+ (handle (loadlibrary file)))
+ (aver file)
+ (when (zerop handle)
+ (setf (shared-object-sap obj) nil)
+ (error "Error opening shared object ~S:~% ~A."
+ file (getlasterror)))
+ (setf (shared-object-handle obj) handle)
+ handle))
+(defun dlclose-or-lose (&optional (obj nil objp))
+ (let (dlerror)
+ (cond ((and objp (shared-object-handle obj))
+ (setf dlerror (if (freelibrary (shared-object-handle obj))
+ nil
+ (getlasterror))
+ (shared-object-handle obj) nil)))
+ (when dlerror
+ (cerror "Ignore the error and continue anyway" "dlerror returned an error: ~S" dlerror))))
+(defun load-shared-object (file)
+ "Load a shared library/dynamic shared object file/general dlopenable
+alien container, such as a .so on an ELF platform.
+Reloading the same shared object will replace the old definitions; if
+a symbol was previously referenced thru the object and is not present
+in the reloaded version an error will be signalled. Sameness is
+determined using the library filename. Reloading may not work as
+expected if user or library-code has called dlopen on FILE.
+References to foreign symbols in loaded shared objects do not survive
+intact through SB-EXT:SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE on all platforms. See
+SB-EXT:SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE for details."
+ (sb!thread:with-mutex (*foreign-lock*)
+ (let* ((filename (or (unix-namestring file) file))
+ (old (find filename *shared-objects* :key #'shared-object-file :test #'equal))
+ (obj (or old (make-shared-object :file filename))))
+ (unless old
+ (dlopen-or-lose obj))
+ (setf *shared-objects* (append (remove obj *shared-objects*)
+ (list obj)))
+ (pathname filename))))
+(defun try-reopen-shared-object (obj)
+ (declare (type shared-object obj))
+ (tagbody :dlopen
+ (restart-case
+ (dlopen-or-lose obj)
+ (continue ()
+ :report "Skip this shared object and continue."
+ (setf (shared-object-handle obj) nil))
+ (retry ()
+ :report "Retry loading this shared object."
+ (go :dlopen))
+ (load-other ()
+ :report "Specify an alternate shared object file to load."
+ (setf (shared-object-file obj)
+ (tagbody :query
+ (format *query-io* "~&Enter pathname (evaluated):~%")
+ (force-output *query-io*)
+ (let ((pathname (ignore-errors (pathname (read *query-io*)))))
+ (unless (pathnamep pathname)
+ (format *query-io* "~&Error: invalid pathname.~%")
+ (go :query))
+ (unix-namestring pathname)))))))
+ obj)
+;;; Open libraries in *SHARED-OBJECTS* and the runtime. Called during
+;;; initialization.
+;;; Note that, so long as we don't have linkage-table, this is braindead.
+(defun reopen-shared-objects ()
+ (setf *shared-objects* (mapcar #'try-reopen-shared-object *shared-objects*)))
+;;; Close all dlopened libraries and clear out sap entries in
+(defun close-shared-objects ()
+ (mapc #'dlclose-or-lose (reverse *shared-objects*)))
+(defun find-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol)
+ ;; On real ELF & dlsym platforms the EXTERN-ALIEN-NAME is a no-op,
+ ;; but on platforms where dlsym is simulated we use the mangled name.
+ ;; Win32 is a special case. It needs EXTERN-ALIEN-NAME to mangle the
+ ;; name for static linkage, but also needs unmangled symbols for
+ ;; GetProcAddress(). So we coerce to base-string instead.
+ ;; Oh, and we assume that all runtime symbols are static-linked.
+ ;; No *runtime-dlhandle* for us.
+ ;; Also, GetProcAddress doesn't call SetLastError(0) on success,
+ ;; and GetLastError() doesn't either. For now, we assume that
+ ;; GetProcAddress() won't return NULL on success.
+ (let* ((extern (coerce symbol 'base-string))
+ (result nil))
+ (dolist (obj *shared-objects*)
+ (let ((handle (shared-object-handle obj)))
+ (when handle
+ (setf result (sap-int (getprocaddress handle extern)))
+ (when (not (zerop result))
+ (return result)))))))
+(let ((symbols (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+ (undefineds (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (defun ensure-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol &optional datap)
+ "Returns the address of the foreign symbol as an integer. On linkage-table
+ports if the symbols isn't found a special guard address is returned instead,
+accesses to which will result in an UNDEFINED-ALIEN-ERROR. On other ports an
+error is immediately signalled if the symbol isn't found. The returned address
+is never in the linkage-table."
+ (declare (ignorable datap))
+ (let ((addr (find-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address symbol)))
+ (cond ((not addr)
+ (error 'undefined-alien-error :name symbol))
+ (addr
+ (setf (gethash symbol symbols) t)
+ (remhash symbol undefineds)
+ addr))))
+ (defun undefined-foreign-symbols-p ()
+ (plusp (hash-table-count undefineds)))
+ (defun dynamic-foreign-symbols-p ()
+ (plusp (hash-table-count symbols)))
+ (defun list-dynamic-foreign-symbols ()
+ (loop for symbol being each hash-key in symbols
+ collect symbol)))