-(defun map-backtrace (thunk &key (start 0) (count most-positive-fixnum))
- (loop
- with result = nil
- for index upfrom 0
- for frame = (if *in-the-debugger*
- *current-frame*
- (sb!di:top-frame))
- then (sb!di:frame-down frame)
- until (null frame)
- when (<= start index) do
- (if (minusp (decf count))
- (return result)
- (setf result (funcall thunk frame)))
- finally (return result)))
-(defun backtrace (&optional (count most-positive-fixnum) (stream *debug-io*))
+(declaim (unsigned-byte *backtrace-frame-count*))
+(defvar *backtrace-frame-count* 1000
+ "Default number of frames to backtrace. Defaults to 1000.")
+(declaim (type (member :minimal :normal :full) *method-frame-style*))
+(defvar *method-frame-style* :normal
+ "Determines how frames corresponding to method functions are represented in
+backtraces. Possible values are :MINIMAL, :NORMAL, and :FULL.
+ :MINIMAL represents them as
+ (<gf-name> ...args...)
+ if all arguments are available, and only a single method is applicable to
+ the arguments -- otherwise behaves as :NORMAL.
+ :NORMAL represents them as
+ ((:method <gf-name> [<qualifier>*] (<specializer>*)) ...args...)
+ The frame is then followed by either [fast-method] or [slow-method],
+ designating the kind of method function. (See below.)
+ :FULL represents them using the actual funcallable method function name:
+ ((sb-pcl:fast-method <gf-name> [<qualifier>*] (<specializer>*)) ...args...)
+ or
+ ((sb-pcl:slow-method <gf-name> [<qualifier>*] (<specializer>*)) ...args...)
+ In the this case arguments may include values internal to SBCL's method
+ dispatch machinery.")
+(define-deprecated-variable :early "" *show-entry-point-details*
+ :value nil)
+(defun backtrace (&optional (count *backtrace-frame-count*) (stream *debug-io*))
+ "Replaced by PRINT-BACKTRACE, will eventually be deprecated."
+ (print-backtrace :count count :stream stream))
+(defun backtrace-as-list (&optional (count *backtrace-frame-count*))
+ "Replaced by LIST-BACKTRACE, will eventually be deprecated."
+ (list-backtrace :count count))
+(defun backtrace-start-frame (frame-designator)
+ (let ((here (sb!di:top-frame)))
+ (labels ((current-frame ()
+ (let ((frame here))
+ ;; Our caller's caller.
+ (loop repeat 2
+ do (setf frame (or (sb!di:frame-down frame) frame)))
+ frame))
+ (interrupted-frame ()
+ (or (nth-value 1 (find-interrupted-name-and-frame))
+ (current-frame))))
+ (cond ((eq :current-frame frame-designator)
+ (current-frame))
+ ((eq :interrupted-frame frame-designator)
+ (interrupted-frame))
+ ((eq :debugger-frame frame-designator)
+ (if (and *in-the-debugger* *current-frame*)
+ *current-frame*
+ (interrupted-frame)))
+ ((sb!di:frame-p frame-designator)
+ frame-designator)
+ (t
+ (error "Invalid designator for initial backtrace frame: ~S"
+ frame-designator))))))
+(defun map-backtrace (function &key
+ (start 0)
+ (from :debugger-frame)
+ (count *backtrace-frame-count*))
- "Show a listing of the call stack going down from the current frame.
-In the debugger, the current frame is indicated by the prompt. COUNT
-is how many frames to show."
+ "Calls the designated FUNCTION with each frame on the call stack.
+Returns the last value returned by FUNCTION.
+COUNT is the number of frames to backtrace, defaulting to
+START is the number of the frame the backtrace should start from.
+FROM specifies the frame relative to which the frames are numbered. Possible
+values are an explicit SB-DI:FRAME object, and the
+ specifies the caller of MAP-BACKTRACE.
+ specifies the first interrupted frame on the stack \(typically the frame
+ where the error occured, as opposed to error handling frames) if any,
+ otherwise behaving as :CURRENT-FRAME.
+ specifies the currently debugged frame when inside the debugger, and
+ behaves as :INTERRUPTED-FRAME outside the debugger.
+ (loop with result = nil
+ for index upfrom 0
+ for frame = (backtrace-start-frame from)
+ then (sb!di:frame-down frame)
+ until (null frame)
+ when (<= start index) do
+ (if (minusp (decf count))
+ (return result)
+ (setf result (funcall function frame)))
+ finally (return result)))
+(defun print-backtrace (&key
+ (stream *debug-io*)
+ (start 0)
+ (from :debugger-frame)
+ (count *backtrace-frame-count*)
+ (print-thread t)
+ (print-frame-source nil)
+ (method-frame-style *method-frame-style*))
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Print a listing of the call stack to STREAM, defaulting to *DEBUG-IO*.
+COUNT is the number of frames to backtrace, defaulting to
+START is the number of the frame the backtrace should start from.
+FROM specifies the frame relative to which the frames are numbered. Possible
+values are an explicit SB-DI:FRAME object, and the
+ specifies the caller of PRINT-BACKTRACE.
+ specifies the first interrupted frame on the stack \(typically the frame
+ where the error occured, as opposed to error handling frames) if any,
+ otherwise behaving as :CURRENT-FRAME.
+ specifies the currently debugged frame when inside the debugger, and
+ behaves as :INTERRUPTED-FRAME outside the debugger.
+If PRINT-THREAD is true (default), backtrace is preceded by printing the
+thread object the backtrace is from.
+If PRINT-FRAME-SOURCE is true (default is false), each frame is followed by
+printing the currently executing source form in the function responsible for
+that frame, when available. Requires the function to have been compiled at
+DEBUG 2 or higher. If PRINT-FRAME-SOURCE is :ALWAYS, it also reports \"no
+source available\" for frames for which were compiled at lower debug settings.
+METHOD-FRAME-STYLE (defaulting to *METHOD-FRAME-STYLE*), determines how frames
+corresponding to method functions are printed. Possible values
+are :MINIMAL, :NORMAL, and :FULL. See *METHOD-FRAME-STYLE* for more
(fresh-line stream)
+ (when print-thread
+ (format stream "Backtrace for: ~S~%" sb!thread:*current-thread*))
(let ((*suppress-print-errors* (if (subtypep 'serious-condition *suppress-print-errors*)
- (*print-circle* t))
+ (*print-circle* t)
+ (n start))
(handler-bind ((print-not-readable #'print-unreadably))
(map-backtrace (lambda (frame)
- (print-frame-call frame stream :number t))
+ (print-frame-call frame stream
+ :number n
+ :method-frame-style method-frame-style
+ :print-frame-source print-frame-source)
+ (incf n))
+ :from (backtrace-start-frame from)
+ :start start
:count count)))
(fresh-line stream)
-(defun backtrace-as-list (&optional (count most-positive-fixnum))
+(defun list-backtrace (&key
+ (count *backtrace-frame-count*)
+ (start 0)
+ (from :debugger-frame)
+ (method-frame-style *method-frame-style*))
- "Return a list representing the current BACKTRACE.
-Objects in the backtrace with dynamic-extent allocation by the current
-thread are represented by substitutes to avoid references to them from
-leaking outside their legal extent."
- (let ((reversed-result (list)))
- (map-backtrace (lambda (frame)
- (let ((frame-list (frame-call-as-list frame)))
- (if (listp (cdr frame-list))
- (push (mapcar #'replace-dynamic-extent-object frame-list)
- reversed-result)
- (push frame-list reversed-result))))
- :count count)
- (nreverse reversed-result)))
-(defun frame-call-as-list (frame)
- (multiple-value-bind (name args) (frame-call frame)
- (cons name args)))
+ "Returns a list describing the call stack. Each frame is represented
+by a sublist:
+ \(<name> ...args...)
+where the name describes the function responsible for the frame. The name
+might not be bound to the actual function object. Unavailable arguments are
+represented by dummy objects that print as #<unavailable argument>. Objects
+with dynamic-extent allocation by the current thread are represented by
+substitutes to avoid references to them from leaking outside their legal
+COUNT is the number of frames to backtrace, defaulting to
+START is the number of the frame the backtrace should start from.
+FROM specifies the frame relative to which the frames are numbered. Possible
+values are an explicit SB-DI:FRAME object, and the
+ specifies the caller of LIST-BACKTRACE.
+ specifies the first interrupted frame on the stack \(typically the frame
+ where the error occured, as opposed to error handling frames) if any,
+ otherwise behaving as :CURRENT-FRAME.
+ specifies the currently debugged frame when inside the debugger, and
+ behaves as :INTERRUPTED-FRAME outside the debugger.
+METHOD-FRAME-STYLE (defaulting to *METHOD-FRAME-STYLE*), determines how frames
+corresponding to method functions are printed. Possible values
+are :MINIMAL, :NORMAL, and :FULL. See *METHOD-FRAME-STYLE* for more
+ (let (rbacktrace)
+ (map-backtrace
+ (lambda (frame)
+ (push (frame-call-as-list frame :method-frame-style method-frame-style)
+ rbacktrace))
+ :count count
+ :start start
+ :from (backtrace-start-frame from))
+ (nreverse rbacktrace)))
+(defun frame-call-as-list (frame &key (method-frame-style *method-frame-style*))
+ (multiple-value-bind (name args info)
+ (frame-call frame :method-frame-style method-frame-style
+ :replace-dynamic-extent-objects t)
+ (values (cons name args) info)))
(defun replace-dynamic-extent-object (obj)
(if (stack-allocated-p obj)
(sb!di:lambda-list-unavailable ()
(make-unprintable-object "unavailable lambda list"))))
-(defvar *show-entry-point-details* nil)
-(defun clean-xep (name args)
+(defun clean-xep (name args info)
(values (second name)
(if (consp args)
(let* ((count (first args))
(make-unprintable-object "unknown"))
collect arg)
- args)))
+ args)
+ (if (eq (car name) 'sb!c::tl-xep)
+ (cons :tl info)
+ info)))
-(defun clean-&more-processor (name args)
+(defun clean-&more-processor (name args info)
(values (second name)
(if (consp args)
(let* ((more (last args 2))
(sb!c:%more-arg-values context 0 count))
(make-unprintable-object "more unavailable arguments")))))
- args)))
+ args)
+ (cons :more info)))
+(defun clean-fast-method (name args style info)
+ (multiple-value-bind (cname cargs)
+ (ecase style
+ (:minimal
+ (let ((gf-name (second name))
+ (real-args (cddr args)))
+ (if (and (fboundp gf-name)
+ (notany #'sb!impl::unprintable-object-p real-args)
+ (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods
+ (fdefinition gf-name) real-args)))
+ (and methods (not (cdr methods)))))
+ (values gf-name real-args)
+ (values (cons :method (cdr name)) real-args))))
+ (:normal
+ (values (cons :method (cdr name)) (cddr args)))
+ (:full
+ (values name args)))
+ (values cname cargs (cons :fast-method info))))
-(defun clean-debug-fun-name (name &optional args)
- ;; FIXME: do we need to deal with
- ;; HAIRY-FUNCTION-ENTRY here? I can't make it or
- ;; &AUX-BINDINGS appear in backtraces, so they are
- ;; left alone for now. --NS 2005-02-28
+(defun clean-frame-call (name args method-frame-style info)
(if (consp name)
(case (first name)
((sb!c::xep sb!c::tl-xep)
- (clean-xep name args))
+ (clean-xep name args info))
- (clean-&more-processor name args))
- ((sb!c::hairy-arg-processor
- sb!c::varargs-entry sb!c::&optional-processor)
- (clean-debug-fun-name (second name) args))
+ (clean-&more-processor name args info))
+ ((sb!c::&optional-processor)
+ (clean-frame-call (second name) args method-frame-style
+ info))
+ ((sb!pcl::fast-method)
+ (clean-fast-method name args method-frame-style info))
- (values name args)))
- (values name args)))
-(defun frame-call (frame)
- (flet ((clean-name-and-args (name args)
- (if (not *show-entry-point-details*)
- (clean-debug-fun-name name args)
- (values name args))))
- (let ((debug-fun (sb!di:frame-debug-fun frame)))
- (multiple-value-bind (name args)
- (clean-name-and-args (sb!di:debug-fun-name debug-fun)
- (frame-args-as-list frame))
- (values name args (sb!di:debug-fun-kind debug-fun))))))
+ (values name args info)))
+ (values name args info)))
+(defun frame-call (frame &key (method-frame-style *method-frame-style*)
+ replace-dynamic-extent-objects)
+ "Returns as multiple values a descriptive name for the function responsible
+for FRAME, arguments that that function, and a list providing additional
+information about the frame.
+Unavailable arguments are represented using dummy-objects printing as
+#<unavailable argument>.
+METHOD-FRAME-STYLE (defaulting to *METHOD-FRAME-STYLE*), determines how frames
+corresponding to method functions are printed. Possible values
+are :MINIMAL, :NORMAL, and :FULL. See *METHOD-FRAME-STYLE* for more
+If REPLACE-DYNAMIC-EXTENT-OBJECTS is true, objects allocated on the stack of
+the current thread are replaced with dummy objects which can safely escape."
+ (let* ((debug-fun (sb!di:frame-debug-fun frame))
+ (kind (sb!di:debug-fun-kind debug-fun)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (name args info)
+ (clean-frame-call (sb!di:debug-fun-name debug-fun)
+ (frame-args-as-list frame)
+ method-frame-style
+ (when kind (list kind)))
+ (let ((args (if (and (consp args) replace-dynamic-extent-objects)
+ (mapcar #'replace-dynamic-extent-object args)
+ args)))
+ (values name args info)))))
(defun ensure-printable-object (object)
;;; zero indicates just printing the DEBUG-FUN's name, and one
;;; indicates displaying call-like, one-liner format with argument
;;; values.
-(defun print-frame-call (frame stream &key (verbosity 1) (number nil))
+(defun print-frame-call (frame stream
+ &key print-frame-source
+ number
+ (method-frame-style *method-frame-style*))
(when number
- (format stream "~&~S: " (sb!di:frame-number frame)))
- (if (zerop verbosity)
- (let ((*print-readably* nil))
- (prin1 frame stream))
- (multiple-value-bind (name args kind) (frame-call frame)
- (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
- ;; Since we go to some trouble to make nice informative function
- ;; names like (PRINT-OBJECT :AROUND (CLOWN T)), let's make sure
- ;; that they aren't truncated by *PRINT-LENGTH* and *PRINT-LEVEL*.
- ;; For the function arguments, we can just print normally.
- (let ((*print-length* nil)
- (*print-level* nil))
- (prin1 name stream))
- ;; If we hit a &REST arg, then print as many of the values
- ;; as possible, punting the loop over lambda-list variables
- ;; since any other arguments will be in the &REST arg's list
- ;; of values. Special case *PRINT-PRETTY* for eval frames:
- ;; if *PRINT-LINES* is 1, turn off pretty-printing.
- (let ((*print-pretty*
- (if (and (eql 1 *print-lines*)
- (member name '(eval simple-eval-in-lexenv)))
- nil
- *print-pretty*))))
+ (format stream "~&~S: " (if (integerp number)
+ number
+ (sb!di:frame-number frame))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (name args info)
+ (frame-call frame :method-frame-style method-frame-style)
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+ ;; Since we go to some trouble to make nice informative function
+ ;; names like (PRINT-OBJECT :AROUND (CLOWN T)), let's make sure
+ ;; that they aren't truncated by *PRINT-LENGTH* and *PRINT-LEVEL*.
+ ;; For the function arguments, we can just print normally.
+ (let ((*print-length* nil)
+ (*print-level* nil)
+ (*print-pretty* nil)
+ (*print-circle* t)
+ (name (ensure-printable-object name)))
+ (write name :stream stream :escape t :pretty (equal '(lambda ()) name))
+ ;; If we hit a &REST arg, then print as many of the values as
+ ;; possible, punting the loop over lambda-list variables since any
+ ;; other arguments will be in the &REST arg's list of values.
+ (let ((args (ensure-printable-object args)))
(if (listp args)
(format stream "~{ ~_~S~}" args)
- (format stream " ~S" args)))
- (when kind
- (format stream "[~S]" kind))))
- (when (>= verbosity 2)
+ (format stream " ~S" args)))))
+ (when info
+ (format stream " [~{~(~A~)~^,~}]" info)))
+ (when print-frame-source
(let ((loc (sb!di:frame-code-location frame)))
- (progn
- ;; FIXME: Is this call really necessary here? If it is,
- ;; then the reason for it should be unobscured.
- (sb!di:code-location-debug-block loc)
- (format stream "~%source: ")
- (prin1 (code-location-source-form loc 0) stream))
- (sb!di:debug-condition (ignore)
- ignore)
+ (let ((source (handler-case
+ (code-location-source-form loc 0)
+ (error (c)
+ (format stream "~& error finding frame source: ~A" c)))))
+ (format stream "~% source: ~S" source))
+ (sb!di:debug-condition ()
+ ;; This is mostly noise.
+ (when (eq :always print-frame-source)
+ (format stream "~& no source available for frame")))
(error (c)
- (format stream "~&error finding source: ~A" c))))))
+ (format stream "~& error printing frame source: ~A" c))))))
(finish-output *error-output*)
;; (Where to truncate the BACKTRACE is of course arbitrary, but
;; it seems as though we should at least truncate it somewhere.)
- (sb!debug:backtrace 128 *error-output*)
+ (print-backtrace :count 128 :stream *error-output*
+ :from :interrupted-frame)
"~%unhandled condition in --disable-debugger mode, quitting~%")
(setf *suppress-frame-print* nil))
(terpri *debug-io*)
- (print-frame-call *current-frame* *debug-io* :verbosity 2)))
+ (print-frame-call *current-frame* *debug-io* :print-frame-source t)))
(catch 'debug-loop-catcher
(handler-bind ((error (lambda (condition)
(show-restarts *debug-restarts* *debug-io*))
(!def-debug-command "BACKTRACE" ()
- (backtrace (read-if-available most-positive-fixnum)))
+ (print-backtrace :count (read-if-available most-positive-fixnum)))
(!def-debug-command "PRINT" ()
(print-frame-call *current-frame* *debug-io*))
;;; and that it contains the frames we expect, doesn't contain any
;;; "bogus stack frame"s, and contains the appropriate toplevel call
;;; and hasn't been cut off anywhere.
-(defun verify-backtrace (test-function frame-specs &key (allow-stunted nil))
+(defun verify-backtrace (test-function frame-specs &key (allow-stunted nil) details)
(labels ((args-equal (want real)
(cond ((eq '&rest (car want))
((error (lambda (condition)
;; find the part of the backtrace we're interested in
- (let* ((full-backtrace (sb-debug:backtrace-as-list))
- (backtrace (member (caar frame-specs) full-backtrace
- :key #'car
- :test #'equal)))
- (setf result condition)
- (unless backtrace
- (format t "~&//~S not in backtrace:~% ~S~%"
- (caar frame-specs)
- full-backtrace)
- (setf result nil))
- ;; check that we have all the frames we wanted
- (mapcar
- (lambda (spec frame)
- (unless (or (not spec)
- (and (equal (car spec) (car frame))
- (args-equal (cdr spec)
- (cdr frame))))
- (print (list :wanted spec :got frame))
- (setf result nil)))
- frame-specs
- backtrace)
- ;; Make sure the backtrace isn't stunted in
- ;; any way. (Depends on running in the main
- ;; thread.) FIXME: On Windows we get two
- ;; extra foreign frames below regular frames.
- (unless (find '(sb-impl::toplevel-init) backtrace
- :test #'equal)
- (print (list :backtrace-stunted backtrace))
- (setf result nil))
- (return-from outer-handler)))))
+ (let (full-backtrace)
+ (sb-debug::map-backtrace
+ (lambda (frame)
+ (multiple-value-bind (name args info)
+ (sb-debug::frame-call frame #+nil #+nil
+ :replace-dynamic-extent-objects t)
+ (if details
+ (push (list (cons name args) info) full-backtrace)
+ (push (cons name args) full-backtrace)))))
+ (setf full-backtrace (nreverse full-backtrace))
+ (let ((backtrace (if details
+ (member (caaar frame-specs)
+ full-backtrace
+ :key #'caar
+ :test #'equal)
+ (member (caar frame-specs)
+ full-backtrace
+ :key #'car
+ :test #'equal))))
+ (setf result condition)
+ (unless backtrace
+ (format t "~&//~S not in backtrace:~% ~S~%"
+ (caar frame-specs)
+ full-backtrace)
+ (setf result nil))
+ ;; check that we have all the frames we wanted
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (spec frame)
+ (unless (or (not spec)
+ (if details
+ (handler-case
+ (and (args-equal (car spec)
+ (car frame))
+ (equal (cdr spec) (cdr frame)))
+ (error (e)
+ (print (list :spec spec :frame frame))
+ (error e)))
+ (and (equal (car spec) (car frame))
+ (args-equal (cdr spec)
+ (cdr frame)))))
+ (print (list :wanted spec :got frame))
+ (setf result nil)))
+ frame-specs
+ backtrace)
+ ;; Make sure the backtrace isn't stunted in
+ ;; any way. (Depends on running in the main
+ ;; thread.) FIXME: On Windows we get two
+ ;; extra foreign frames below regular frames.
+ (unless (find (if details
+ '((sb-impl::toplevel-init) ())
+ '(sb-impl::toplevel-init))
+ backtrace
+ :test #'equal)
+ (print (list :backtrace-stunted backtrace))
+ (setf result nil))
+ (return-from outer-handler))))))
(funcall test-function)))
;; stunted, ending at _sigtramp, when we add :TIMEOUT NIL to
;; the frame we expect. If we leave it out, the backtrace is
;; fine -- but the test fails. I can only boggle right now.
- :fails-on '(or (and :x86 :linux)
- (and :win32 :sb-thread)))
+ :fails-on `(or (and :x86 :linux)
+ :darwin
+ :win32))
(let ((m (sb-thread:make-mutex))
(q (sb-thread:make-waitqueue)))
(assert (verify-backtrace
- (lambda ()
+ (lambda ()
(sb-thread:with-mutex (m)
(handler-bind ((timeout (lambda (c)
(error "foo"))))
(defbt 5 (&optional (opt (oops)))
(list opt))
-(defmacro with-details (bool &body body)
- `(let ((sb-debug:*show-entry-point-details* ,bool))
- ,@body))
(defun bug-354 (x)
(error "XEPs in backtraces: ~S" x))
(with-test (:name :bug-354)
- (with-details t
- (assert (not (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354))
- '((bug-354 &rest)
- ((sb-c::tl-xep bug-354) &rest))))))
+ (assert (not (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354))
+ '((bug-354 354)
+ (((bug-354 &rest) (:tl :external)) 354)))))
(assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 354)))))
;;; FIXME: This test really should be broken into smaller pieces
(with-test (:name (:backtrace :tl-xep))
- (with-details t
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'namestring
- '(((sb-c::tl-xep namestring) 0 ?)))))
- (with-details nil
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'namestring
- '((namestring))))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'namestring
+ '(((namestring) (:tl :external)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'namestring
+ '((namestring)))))
(with-test (:name (:backtrace :more-processor))
- (with-details t
- (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.1 :key))
- '(((sb-c::&more-processor bt.1.1) &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.2 :key))
- '(((sb-c::&more-processor bt.1.2) &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key))
- '(((sb-c::&more-processor bt.1.3) &rest)))))
- (with-details nil
- (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.1 :key))
- '((bt.1.1 :key))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.2 :key))
- '((bt.1.2 &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key))
- '((bt.1.3 &rest))))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.1 :key))
+ '(((bt.1.1 :key) (:more :optional)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.2 :key))
+ '(((bt.1.2 ?) (:more :optional)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key))
+ '(((bt.1.3 &rest) (:more :optional)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.1 :key))
+ '((bt.1.1 :key))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.2 :key))
+ '((bt.1.2 &rest))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key))
+ '((bt.1.3 &rest)))))
(with-test (:name (:backtrace :xep))
- (with-details t
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.1
- '(((sb-c::xep bt.2.1) 0 ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.2
- '(((sb-c::xep bt.2.2) &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.3
- '(((sb-c::xep bt.2.3) &rest)))))
- (with-details nil
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.1
- '((bt.2.1))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.2
- '((bt.2.2 &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.3
- '((bt.2.3 &rest))))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.1
+ '(((bt.2.1) (:external)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.2
+ '(((bt.2.2 &rest) (:external)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.3
+ '(((bt.2.3 &rest) (:external)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.1
+ '((bt.2.1))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.2
+ '((bt.2.2 &rest))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.3
+ '((bt.2.3 &rest)))))
;;; This test is somewhat deceptively named. Due to confusion in debug naming
;;; these functions used to have sb-c::varargs-entry debug names for their
;;; main lambda.
(with-test (:name (:backtrace :varargs-entry))
- (with-details t
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.1
- '((bt.3.1 :key nil))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.2
- '((bt.3.2 :key ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.3
- '((bt.3.3 &rest)))))
- (with-details nil
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.1
- '((bt.3.1 :key nil))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.2
- '((bt.3.2 :key ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.3
- '((bt.3.3 &rest))))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.1
+ '((bt.3.1 :key nil))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.2
+ '((bt.3.2 :key ?))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.3
+ '((bt.3.3 &rest))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.1
+ '((bt.3.1 :key nil))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.2
+ '((bt.3.2 :key ?))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.3
+ '((bt.3.3 &rest)))))
;;; This test is somewhat deceptively named. Due to confusion in debug naming
;;; these functions used to have sb-c::hairy-args-processor debug names for
;;; their main lambda.
(with-test (:name (:backtrace :hairy-args-processor))
- (with-details t
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.1
- '((bt.4.1 ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.2
- '((bt.4.2 ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.3
- '((bt.4.3 &rest)))))
- (with-details nil
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.1
- '((bt.4.1 ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.2
- '((bt.4.2 ?))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.3
- '((bt.4.3 &rest))))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.1
+ '((bt.4.1 ?))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.2
+ '((bt.4.2 ?))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.3
+ '((bt.4.3 &rest))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.1
+ '((bt.4.1 ?))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.2
+ '((bt.4.2 ?))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.3
+ '((bt.4.3 &rest)))))
(with-test (:name (:backtrace :optional-processor))
- (with-details t
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.1
- '(((sb-c::&optional-processor bt.5.1)))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.2
- '(((sb-c::&optional-processor bt.5.2) &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.3
- '(((sb-c::&optional-processor bt.5.3) &rest)))))
- (with-details nil
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.1
- '((bt.5.1))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.2
- '((bt.5.2 &rest))))
- (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.3
- '((bt.5.3 &rest))))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.1
+ '(((bt.5.1) (:optional)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.2
+ '(((bt.5.2 &rest) (:optional)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.3
+ '(((bt.5.3 &rest) (:optional)))
+ :details t))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.1
+ '((bt.5.1))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.2
+ '((bt.5.2 &rest))))
+ (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.3
+ '((bt.5.3 &rest)))))
(write-line "//compile nil")
(defvar *compile-nil-error* (compile nil '(lambda (x) (cons (when x (error "oops")) nil))))
(declare (dynamic-extent dx-arg))
(flet ((dx-arg-backtrace (x)
(declare (optimize (debug 2)))
- (prog1 (sb-debug:backtrace-as-list 10)
+ (prog1 (sb-debug:list-backtrace :count 10)
(assert (sb-debug::stack-allocated-p x)))))
(declare (notinline dx-arg-backtrace))
(assert (member-if (lambda (frame)
((error (lambda (e)
(declare (ignore e))
- (sb-debug:backtrace 100 (make-broadcast-stream))
+ (sb-debug:print-backtrace :count 100
+ :stream (make-broadcast-stream))
(error ()
(throw 'done :error))
(:no-error ()