(frob (tn-reads tn))
(frob (tn-writes tn))
(setf (tn-loop-depth tn) depth))))))
+(defun tn-loop-depth-cost-> (x y)
+ (declare (type tn x y))
+ (let ((depth-x (tn-loop-depth x))
+ (depth-y (tn-loop-depth y)))
+ (or (> depth-x depth-y)
+ (and (= depth-x depth-y)
+ (> (tn-cost x) (tn-cost y))))))
;;;; load TN packing
(when target-fun
(funcall target-fun vop)))))
+ ;; Assign costs to normal TNs so we know which ones should always
+ ;; be packed on the stack, and which are important not to spill.
+ (when *pack-assign-costs*
+ (assign-tn-costs component))
;; Pack wired TNs first.
(do ((tn (ir2-component-wired-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
((null tn))
;; Pack restricted component TNs.
(do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
((null tn))
- (when (eq (tn-kind tn) :component)
+ (when (and (eq (tn-kind tn) :component) (not (unbounded-tn-p tn)))
+ ;; unbounded SCs will be handled in the final pass
(pack-tn tn t optimize)))
;; Pack other restricted TNs.
(do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
((null tn))
- (unless (tn-offset tn)
+ (unless (or (tn-offset tn) (unbounded-tn-p tn))
(pack-tn tn t optimize)))
- ;; Assign costs to normal TNs so we know which ones should
- ;; always be packed on the stack.
- (when *pack-assign-costs*
- (assign-tn-costs component)
- (assign-tn-depths component))
- ;; Allocate normal TNs, starting with the TNs that are used
- ;; in deep loops. Only allocate in finite SCs (i.e. not on
- ;; the stack).
- (collect ((tns))
- (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
- (let ((ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block)))
- (do ((i (1- (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (1- i)))
- ((minusp i))
- (declare (fixnum i))
- (let ((tn (svref ltns i)))
- (unless (or (null tn)
- (eq tn :more)
- (tn-offset tn))
- ;; If loop analysis has been disabled we might as
- ;; well revert to the old behaviour of just
- ;; packing TNs linearly as they appear.
- (unless *loop-analyze*
- (pack-tn tn nil optimize :allow-unbounded-sc nil))
- (tns tn))))))
- (dolist (tn (stable-sort (tns)
- (lambda (a b)
- (cond
- ((> (tn-loop-depth a)
- (tn-loop-depth b))
- t)
- ((= (tn-loop-depth a)
- (tn-loop-depth b))
- (> (tn-cost a) (tn-cost b)))
- (t nil)))))
- (unless (tn-offset tn)
- (pack-tn tn nil optimize :allow-unbounded-sc nil))))
- ;; Pack any leftover normal TNs that could not be allocated
- ;; to finite SCs, or TNs that do not appear in any local TN
- ;; map (e.g. :MORE TNs). Since we'll likely be allocating
- ;; on the stack, first allocate TNs that are associated with
- ;; code at shallow lexical depths: this will allocate long
- ;; live ranges (i.e. TNs with more conflicts) first, and
- ;; hopefully minimise stack fragmentation.
- ;;
- ;; Collect in reverse order to give priority to older TNs.
- (let ((contiguous-tns '())
+ (cond (*loop-analyze*
+ ;; Allocate normal TNs, starting with the TNs that are used
+ ;; in deep loops. Only allocate in finite SCs (i.e. not on
+ ;; the stack).
+ (when *pack-assign-costs*
+ (assign-tn-depths component))
+ (collect ((tns))
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ (unless (or (tn-offset tn)
+ (eq (tn-kind tn) :more)
+ (unbounded-tn-p tn))
+ (tns tn)))
+ (dolist (tn (stable-sort (tns) #'tn-loop-depth-cost->))
+ (unless (tn-offset tn)
+ (pack-tn tn nil optimize :allow-unbounded-sc nil)))))
+ (t
+ ;; If loop analysis has been disabled we might as well revert
+ ;; to the old behaviour of just packing TNs linearly as they
+ ;; appear.
+ (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
+ (let ((ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block)))
+ (do ((i (1- (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (1- i)))
+ ((minusp i))
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (let ((tn (svref ltns i)))
+ (unless (or (null tn)
+ (eq tn :more)
+ (tn-offset tn)
+ (unbounded-tn-p tn))
+ (pack-tn tn nil optimize :allow-unbounded-sc nil))))))))
+ ;; Pack any leftover normal/restricted TN that is not already
+ ;; allocated to a finite SC, or TNs that do not appear in any
+ ;; local TN map (e.g. :MORE TNs). Since we'll likely be
+ ;; allocating on the stack, first allocate TNs that are
+ ;; associated with code at shallow lexical depths: this will
+ ;; allocate long live ranges (i.e. TNs with more conflicts)
+ ;; first, and hopefully minimise stack fragmentation.
+ ;; Component TNs are a degenerate case: they are always live.
+ (let ((component-tns '())
+ (contiguous-tns '())
(tns '()))
- (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
- ((null tn))
- (unless (tn-offset tn)
- (let ((key (cons tn (tn-lexical-depth tn))))
- (if (memq (tn-kind tn) '(:environment :debug-environment
- :component))
- (push key contiguous-tns)
- (push key tns)))))
- (flet ((pack-tns (tns)
- (dolist (tn (stable-sort tns #'< :key #'cdr))
- (let ((tn (car tn)))
- (unless (tn-offset tn)
- (pack-tn tn nil optimize))))))
- ;; first pack TNs that are known to have simple
- ;; live ranges (contiguous lexical scopes)
+ (flet ((register-tn (tn)
+ (unless (tn-offset tn)
+ (case (tn-kind tn)
+ (:component
+ (push tn component-tns))
+ ((:environment :debug-environment)
+ (push tn contiguous-tns))
+ (t
+ (push tn tns))))))
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ ;; by this time, restricted TNs must either be
+ ;; allocated in the right SC or unbounded
+ (aver (or (tn-offset tn) (unbounded-tn-p tn)))
+ (register-tn tn))
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ (register-tn tn)))
+ (flet ((pack-tns (tns &optional in-order)
+ (dolist (tn (if in-order
+ tns
+ (schwartzian-stable-sort-list
+ tns #'< :key #'tn-lexical-depth)))
+ (unless (tn-offset tn)
+ (pack-tn tn nil optimize)))))
+ ;; first pack TNs that are known to have simple live
+ ;; ranges (contiguous lexical scopes)
+ (pack-tns component-tns t)
(pack-tns contiguous-tns)
(pack-tns tns)))