(defvar *name->class->slotd-table* (make-hash-table))
-;;; This is used by combined methods to communicate the next methods
-;;; to the methods they call. This variable is captured by a lexical
-;;; variable of the methods to give it the proper lexical scope.
-(defvar *next-methods* nil)
-(defvar *not-an-eql-specializer* '(not-an-eql-specializer))
-(defvar *umi-gfs*)
-(defvar *umi-complete-classes*)
-(defvar *umi-reorder*)
-(defvar *invalidate-discriminating-function-force-p* ())
-(defvar *invalid-dfuns-on-stack* ())
(defvar *standard-method-combination*)
-(defvar *slotd-unsupplied* (list '*slotd-unsupplied*)) ;***
-(defmacro define-gf-predicate (predicate-name &rest classes)
- `(progn
- (defmethod ,predicate-name ((x t)) nil)
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (c) `(defmethod ,predicate-name ((x ,c)) t))
- classes)))
(defun make-class-predicate-name (name)
(intern (format nil "~A::~A class predicate"
(package-name (symbol-package name))
(emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer-macro :writer nil nil)))))
-;;; Note this list is set up in dlisp3.lisp when all the necessary
-;;; macros have been loaded.
-(defvar *checking-or-caching-function-list* nil)
-(defmacro emit-checking-or-caching-function-precompiled ()
- `(cdr (assoc (list cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp)
- *checking-or-caching-function-list*
- :test #'equal)))
(defun emit-checking-or-caching-function (cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp)
- (let ((fn (emit-checking-or-caching-function-precompiled)))
- (if fn
- (values fn nil)
- (values (emit-checking-or-caching-function-preliminary
- cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp)
- t))))
+ (values (emit-checking-or-caching-function-preliminary
+ cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp)
+ t))
(defvar *not-in-cache* (make-symbol "not in cache"))
(apply #'initialize-instance instance initargs)
-(defvar *default-initargs-flag* (list nil))
(defmethod default-initargs ((class slot-class) supplied-initargs)
(initialize-info class supplied-initargs))
- nil supplied-initargs)
- #||
- ;; This implementation of default initargs is critically dependent
- ;; on all-default-initargs not having any duplicate initargs in it.
- (let ((all-default (class-default-initargs class))
- (miss *default-initargs-flag*))
- (flet ((getf* (plist key)
- (do ()
- ((null plist) miss)
- (if (eq (car plist) key)
- (return (cadr plist))
- (setq plist (cddr plist))))))
- (labels ((default-1 (tail)
- (if (null tail)
- nil
- (if (eq (getf* supplied-initargs (caar tail)) miss)
- (list* (caar tail)
- (funcall (cadar tail))
- (default-1 (cdr tail)))
- (default-1 (cdr tail))))))
- (append supplied-initargs (default-1 all-default)))))
- ||#)
+ nil supplied-initargs))
(defmethod initialize-instance ((instance slot-object) &rest initargs)
(apply #'shared-initialize instance t initargs))
(import 'sb-kernel:funcallable-instance-p)
-;;; This "works" on non-PCL FINs, which allows us to weaken
-;;; FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-P to return true for all FINs. This is also
-;;; necessary for bootstrapping to work, since the layouts for early
-;;; GFs are not initially initialized.
-(defmacro funcallable-instance-data-1 (fin slot)
- (ecase (eval slot)
- (wrapper `(sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-layout ,fin))
- (slots `(sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-info ,fin 0))))
-;;; FIXME: Now that we no longer try to make our CLOS implementation
-;;; portable to other implementations of Common Lisp, all the
-;;; funcallable instance wrapper logic here can go away in favor
-;;; of direct calls to native SBCL funcallable instance operations.
(defun set-funcallable-instance-fun (fin new-value)
(declare (type function new-value))
(aver (funcallable-instance-p fin))
(setf (sb-kernel:funcallable-instance-fun fin) new-value))
(defmacro fsc-instance-p (fin)
`(funcallable-instance-p ,fin))
-(defmacro fsc-instance-class (fin)
- `(wrapper-class (funcallable-instance-data-1 ,fin 'wrapper)))
(defmacro fsc-instance-wrapper (fin)
- `(funcallable-instance-data-1 ,fin 'wrapper))
+ `(sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-layout ,fin))
(defmacro fsc-instance-slots (fin)
- `(funcallable-instance-data-1 ,fin 'slots))
+ `(sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-info ,fin 0))
(declaim (inline clos-slots-ref (setf clos-slots-ref)))
(declaim (ftype (function (simple-vector index) t) clos-slots-ref))
;;; internal versions off the main CVS branch, it gets hairier, e.g.
;;; "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)