(if from-end
(reduce-list function sequence key start end initial-value ivp t)
(reduce-list function sequence key start end initial-value ivp nil))))))
+(defun elt (sequence index)
+ (when (< index 0)
+ (error "The index ~D is below zero." index))
+ (etypecase sequence
+ (list
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (dolist (elt sequence)
+ (when (eql index i)
+ (return-from elt elt))
+ (incf i))
+ (error "The index ~D is too large for ~A of length ~D." index 'list i)))
+ (array
+ (let ((length (length sequence)))
+ (when (>= index length)
+ (error "The index ~D is too large for ~A of length ~D." index 'vector length))
+ (aref sequence index)))))
+(defun mismatch (sequence1 sequence2 &key key (test #'eql testp) (test-not nil test-not-p)
+ (start1 0) (end1 (length sequence1))
+ (start2 0) (end2 (length sequence2)))
+ (let ((index1 start1)
+ (index2 start2))
+ (while (and (<= index1 end1) (<= index2 end2))
+ (when (or (eql index1 end1) (eql index2 end2))
+ (return-from mismatch (if (eql end1 end2) NIL index1)))
+ (unless (satisfies-test-p (elt sequence1 index1) (elt sequence2 index2)
+ :key key :test test :testp testp
+ :test-not test-not :test-not-p test-not-p)
+ (return-from mismatch index1))
+ (incf index1)
+ (incf index2))))
+(defun list-search (sequence1 list2 args)
+ (let ((length1 (length sequence1))
+ (position 0))
+ (while list2
+ (let ((mismatch (apply #'mismatch sequence1 list2 args)))
+ (when (or (not mismatch) (>= mismatch length1))
+ (return-from list-search position)))
+ (pop list2)
+ (incf position))))
+(defun vector-search (sequence1 vector2 args)
+ (let ((length1 (length sequence1)))
+ (dotimes (position (length vector2))
+ (let ((mismatch (apply #'mismatch sequence1 (subseq vector2 position) args)))
+ (when (or (not mismatch) (>= mismatch length1))
+ (return-from vector-search position))))))
+(defun search (sequence1 sequence2 &rest args &key key test test-not)
+ (unless (sequencep sequence1)
+ (not-seq-error sequence1))
+ (when (or (and (listp sequence1) (null sequence1))
+ (and (vectorp sequence1) (zerop (length sequence1))))
+ (return-from search 0))
+ (funcall
+ (typecase sequence2
+ (list #'list-search)
+ (array #'vector-search)
+ (t (not-seq-error sequence2)))
+ sequence1 sequence2 args))