(format stream "~A~Vt~W~%" '.align
(dstate-argument-column dstate)
- (incf(dstate-next-offs dstate)
- (- (align location alignment) location)))
+ (incf (dstate-next-offs dstate)
+ (- (align location alignment) location)))
(defun rewind-current-segment (dstate segment)
(defun pad-inst-column (stream n-bytes)
(declare (type stream stream)
(type text-width n-bytes))
- (dotimes (i (- *disassem-inst-column-width* (* 2 n-bytes)))
- (write-char #\space stream))
- (write-char #\space stream))
+ (when (> *disassem-inst-column-width* 0)
+ (dotimes (i (- *disassem-inst-column-width* (* 2 n-bytes)))
+ (write-char #\space stream))
+ (write-char #\space stream)))
(defun handle-bogus-instruction (stream dstate prefix-len)
(let ((alignment (dstate-alignment dstate)))
;;; Print NUM instruction bytes to STREAM as hex values.
(defun print-inst (num stream dstate &key (offset 0) (trailing-space t))
- (let ((sap (dstate-segment-sap dstate))
- (start-offs (+ offset (dstate-cur-offs dstate))))
- (dotimes (offs num)
- (format stream "~2,'0x" (sb!sys:sap-ref-8 sap (+ offs start-offs))))
- (when trailing-space
- (pad-inst-column stream num))))
+ (when (> *disassem-inst-column-width* 0)
+ (let ((sap (dstate-segment-sap dstate))
+ (start-offs (+ offset (dstate-cur-offs dstate))))
+ (dotimes (offs num)
+ (format stream "~2,'0x" (sb!sys:sap-ref-8 sap (+ offs start-offs))))
+ (when trailing-space
+ (pad-inst-column stream num)))))
;;; Disassemble NUM bytes to STREAM as simple `BYTE' instructions.
(defun print-bytes (num stream dstate)
(defun make-dstate (&optional (fun-hooks *default-dstate-hooks*))
(let ((alignment *disassem-inst-alignment-bytes*)
- (+ (or *disassem-opcode-column-width* 0)
+ (+ 2
- label-column-width)))
+ label-column-width
+ *disassem-inst-column-width*
+ (if (zerop *disassem-inst-column-width*) 0 1)
+ *disassem-opcode-column-width*)))
(when (> alignment 1)
(push #'alignment-hook fun-hooks))