;;; IP packets), and in fact the CMU CL version number never ended up
;;; being incremented past 0. A better approach might be to use a
;;; string which is set from CVS data.
-(defconstant sbcl-core-version-integer 0)
+;;; 0: inherited from CMU CL
+;;; 1: rearranged static symbols for sbcl-0.6.8
+(defconstant sbcl-core-version-integer 1)
(defun round-up (number size)
(setf *backend-fasl-file-type* "x86f")
(setf *backend-fasl-file-implementation* :x86)
-(setf *backend-fasl-file-version* 4)
-;;; 2 = sbcl-0.6.4 uses COMPILE-OR-LOAD-DEFGENERIC
-;;; 3 = sbcl-0.6.6 uses private symbol, not :EMPTY, for empty HASH-TABLE slot
+(setf *backend-fasl-file-version* 5)
+;;; 2 = sbcl-0.6.4 uses COMPILE-OR-LOAD-DEFGENERIC.
+;;; 3 = sbcl-0.6.6 uses private symbol, not :EMPTY, for empty HASH-TABLE slot.
;;; when array headers or data element type uncertainty exist, and
;;; uses DATA-VECTOR-REF and DATA-VECTOR-SET only for VOPs. (Thus,
;;; full calls to DATA-VECTOR-REF and DATA-VECTOR-SET from older
;;; fasl files would fail, because there are no DEFUNs for these
;;; operations any more.)
+;;; 5 = sbcl-0.6.8 has rearranged static symbols.
(setf *backend-register-save-penalty* 3)