(sb-int:info :type :lambda-list typespec-operator))))
(t (values nil nil))))
+(defun function-type (function-designator)
+ "Returns the ftype of FUNCTION-DESIGNATOR, or NIL."
+ (flet ((ftype-of (function-designator)
+ (sb-kernel:type-specifier
+ (sb-int:info :function :type function-designator))))
+ (etypecase function-designator
+ (symbol
+ (when (and (fboundp function-designator)
+ (not (macro-function function-designator))
+ (not (special-operator-p function-designator)))
+ (ftype-of function-designator)))
+ (cons
+ (when (and (sb-int:legal-fun-name-p function-designator)
+ (fboundp function-designator))
+ (ftype-of function-designator)))
+ (generic-function
+ (function-type (sb-pcl:generic-function-name function-designator)))
+ (function
+ ;; Give declared type in globaldb priority over derived type
+ ;; because it contains more accurate information e.g. for
+ ;; struct-accessors.
+ (let ((type (function-type (sb-kernel:%fun-name
+ (sb-impl::%fun-fun function-designator)))))
+ (if type
+ type
+ (sb-impl::%fun-type function-designator)))))))
(defun struct-accessor-structure-class (function)
(let ((self (sb-vm::%simple-fun-self function)))
(matchp-name :function '(setf cl-user::o) 23)
(deftest find-source-stuff.24
(matchp-name :method '(setf cl-user::p) 24)
(deftest find-source-stuff.25
(matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::q 25)
(deftest allocation-information.thread.3
+(defun type-equal (typespec1 typespec2)
+ (or (equal typespec1 typespec2) ; TYPE= punts on &keywords in FTYPEs.
+ (sb-kernel:type= (sb-kernel:values-specifier-type typespec1)
+ (sb-kernel:values-specifier-type typespec2))))
+(defmacro interpret (form)
+ `(let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
+ (eval ',form)))
+;; Functions
+(declaim (ftype (function (integer &optional string) string) moon))
+(defun moon (int &optional suffix)
+ (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string int) suffix))
+(deftest function-type.1
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'moon) (function-type #'moon))
+ (type-equal (function-type #'moon)
+ '(function (integer &optional string)
+ (values string &rest t))))
+ t t)
+(defun sun (x y &key k1)
+ (declare (fixnum x y))
+ (declare (boolean k1))
+ (declare (ignore x y k1))
+ t)
+(deftest function-type.2
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'sun) (function-type #'sun))
+ ;; Does not currently work due to Bug #384892. (
+ #+nil
+ (type-equal (function-type #'sun)
+ '(function (fixnum fixnum &key (:k1 (member nil t)))
+ (values (member t) &optional))))
+ t #+nil t)
+;; Local functions
+(deftest function-type.5
+ (flet ((f (s)
+ (declare (symbol s))
+ (values (symbol-name s))))
+ (type-equal (function-type #'f)
+ '(function (symbol) (values simple-string &optional))))
+ t)
+;; Closures
+(deftest function-type.6
+ (let ((x 10))
+ (declare (fixnum x))
+ (flet ((closure (y)
+ (declare (fixnum y))
+ (setq x (+ x y))))
+ (type-equal (function-type #'closure)
+ '(function (fixnum) (values fixnum &optional)))))
+ t)
+;; Anonymous functions
+(deftest function-type.7
+ (type-equal (function-type #'(lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x))
+ '(function (fixnum) (values fixnum &optional)))
+ t)
+;; Interpreted functions
+(deftest function-type.8
+ (type-equal (function-type (interpret (lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
+ '(function (&rest t) *))
+ t)
+;; Generic functions
+(defgeneric earth (x y))
+(deftest function-type+gfs.1
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'earth) (function-type #'earth))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'earth) '(function (t t) *)))
+ t t)
+;; Implicitly created generic functions.
+;; (FUNCTION-TYPE 'MARS) => FUNCTION at the moment. (
+;; See LP #520695.
+(defmethod mars (x y) (+ x y))
+#+ nil
+(deftest function-type+gfs.2
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'mars) (function-type #'mars))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'mars) '(function (t t) *)))
+ t t)
+;; DEFSTRUCT created functions
+;; These do not yet work because SB-KERNEL:%FUN-NAME does not work on
+;; functions defined by DEFSTRUCT. (1.0.35.x)
+;; See LP #520692.
+ (defstruct (struct (:predicate our-struct-p)
+ (:copier copy-our-struct))
+ (a 42 :type fixnum))
+ (deftest function-type+defstruct.1
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'struct-a)
+ (function-type #'struct-a))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'struct-a)
+ '(function (struct) (values fixnum &optional))))
+ t t)
+ (deftest function-type+defstruct.2
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'our-struct-p)
+ (function-type #'our-struct-p))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'our-struct-p)
+ '(function (t) (values (member t nil) &optional))))
+ t t)
+ (deftest function-type+defstruct.3
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'copy-our-struct)
+ (function-type #'copy-our-struct))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'copy-our-struct)
+ '(function (struct) (values struct &optional))))
+ t t)
+ (defstruct (typed-struct :named (:type list)
+ (:predicate typed-struct-p))
+ (a 42 :type fixnum))
+ (deftest function-type+defstruct.4
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-a)
+ (function-type #'typed-struct-a))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-a)
+ '(function (list) (values fixnum &optional))))
+ t t)
+ (deftest function-type+defstruct.5
+ (values (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-p)
+ (function-type #'typed-struct-p))
+ (type-equal (function-type 'typed-struct-p)
+ '(function (t) (values (member t nil) &optional))))
+ t t)
+ ) ; #+nil (progn ...
+;; SETF functions
+(defun (setf sun) (value x y &key k1)
+ (declare (boolean value))
+ (declare (fixnum x y))
+ (declare (boolean k1))
+ (declare (ignore x y k1))
+ value)
+(deftest function-type+setf.1
+ (values (type-equal (function-type '(setf sun))
+ (function-type #'(setf sun)))
+ (type-equal (function-type '(setf sun))
+ '(function ((member nil t)
+ fixnum fixnum
+ &key (:k1 (member nil t)))
+ *)))
+ t t)
+;; Misc
+(deftest function-type+misc.1
+ (flet ((nullary ()))
+ (type-equal (function-type #'nullary)
+ '(function () (values null &optional))))
+ t)