* enhancement: GENCGC reclaims space more aggressively when objects being
allocated are a large fraction of the total available heap space.
+ * optimization: fewer uses of full calls to signed modular functions.
+ (lp#903821)
* bug fix: SB-SIMPLE-STREAMS signals an error for bogus :CLASS arguments in
OPEN. (lp#969352, thanks to Kambiz Darabi)
* bug fix: CASE normal-clauses do not allow T and OTHERWISE as keys.
* bug fix: run-program with existent or non-existent files for :output or
:input when :if-output-exists or :if-input-does-not-exist are NIL properly
returns NIL instead of signalling an obscure error.
+ * bug fix: fix miscompilation of some logand forms with large constant
+ arguments. (lp#974406)
* documentation:
** improved docstrings: REPLACE (lp#965592)
(reoptimize-component (node-component node) :maybe))
(cut-node (node &aux did-something)
(when (and (not (block-delete-p (node-block node)))
+ (ref-p node)
+ (constant-p (ref-leaf node)))
+ (let* ((constant-value (constant-value (ref-leaf node)))
+ (new-value (if signedp
+ (mask-signed-field width constant-value)
+ (ldb (byte width 0) constant-value))))
+ (unless (= constant-value new-value)
+ (change-ref-leaf node (make-constant new-value))
+ (setf (lvar-%derived-type (node-lvar node)) (make-values-type :required (list (ctype-of new-value))))
+ (setf (block-reoptimize (node-block node)) t)
+ (reoptimize-component (node-component node) :maybe)
+ (return-from cut-node t))))
+ (when (and (not (block-delete-p (node-block node)))
(combination-p node)
(eq (basic-combination-kind node) :known))
(let* ((fun-ref (lvar-use (combination-fun node)))
(best-modular-version width nil)
(when w
- (cut-to-width x kind width signedp)
- (cut-to-width y kind width signedp)
- nil ; After fixing above, replace with T.
+ ;;
+ ;; FIXME: I think the FIXME (which is from APD) above
+ ;; implies that CUT-TO-WIDTH should do /everything/
+ ;; that's required, including reoptimizing things
+ ;; itself that it knows are necessary. At the moment,
+ ;; CUT-TO-WIDTH sets up some new calls with
+ ;; combination-type :FULL, which later get noticed as
+ ;; known functions and properly converted.
+ ;;
+ ;; We cut to W not WIDTH if SIGNEDP is true, because
+ ;; signed constant replacement needs to know which bit
+ ;; in the field is the signed bit.
+ (let ((xact (cut-to-width x kind (if signedp w width) signedp))
+ (yact (cut-to-width y kind (if signedp w width) signedp)))
+ (declare (ignore xact yact))
+ nil) ; After fixing above, replace with T, meaning
+ ; "don't reoptimize this (LOGAND) node any more".
(defoptimizer (mask-signed-field optimizer) ((width x) node)
(multiple-value-bind (w kind)
(best-modular-version width t)
(when w
- ;; FIXME: This should be (CUT-TO-WIDTH NODE KIND WIDTH T).
- (cut-to-width x kind width t)
+ ;; FIXME: This should be (CUT-TO-WIDTH NODE KIND W T).
+ ;; [ see comment above in LOGAND optimizer ]
+ (cut-to-width x kind w t)
nil ; After fixing above, replace with T.
;; ...but the compiler should not break.
(assert (and warn fail))))
+(test-util:with-test (:name :bug-903821)
+ (let* ((fun (compile nil '(lambda (x n)
+ (declare (sb-ext:word x)
+ (type (integer 0 #.(1- sb-vm:n-word-bits)) n)
+ (optimize speed))
+ (logandc2 x (ash -1 n)))))
+ (trace-output
+ (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
+ (eval `(trace ,(intern (format nil "ASH-LEFT-MOD~D" sb-vm::n-word-bits) "SB-VM")))
+ (assert (= 7 (funcall fun 15 3))))))
+ (assert (string= "" trace-output))))
;;; success
(style-warning ()
+(with-test (:name :bug-974406)
+ (let ((fun32 (compile nil `(lambda (x)
+ (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+ (declare (type (integer 53 86) x))
+ (logand (+ x 1032791128) 11007078467))))
+ (fun64 (compile nil `(lambda (x)
+ (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+ (declare (type (integer 53 86) x))
+ (logand (+ x 1152921504606846975)
+ 38046409652025950207)))))
+ (assert (= (funcall fun32 61) 268574721))
+ (assert (= (funcall fun64 61) 60)))
+ (let (result)
+ (do ((width 5 (1+ width)))
+ ((= width 130))
+ (dotimes (extra 4)
+ (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
+ (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+ (declare (type (integer 1 16) x))
+ (logand
+ (+ x ,(1- (ash 1 width)))
+ ,(logior (ash 1 (+ width 1 extra))
+ (1- (ash 1 width))))))))
+ (unless (= (funcall fun 16) (logand 15 (1- (ash 1 width))))
+ (push (cons width extra) result)))))
+ (assert (null result))))