(lambda ()
(+ min (random (1+ (- max min))))))
-(defun gen-float (&key bound (type 'short-float))
- "Returns a generator which producs floats of type TYPE. BOUND,
-if specified, constrains the ruselts to be in the range (-BOUND,
+(defun type-most-negative (floating-point-type)
+ (ecase floating-point-type
+ (short-float most-negative-short-float)
+ (single-float most-negative-single-float)
+ (double-float most-negative-double-float)
+ (long-float most-negative-long-float)))
+(defun type-most-positive (floating-point-type)
+ (ecase floating-point-type
+ (short-float most-positive-short-float)
+ (single-float most-positive-single-float)
+ (double-float most-positive-double-float)
+ (long-float most-positive-long-float)) )
+(defun gen-float (&key bound (type 'short-float) min max)
+ "Returns a generator which producs floats of type TYPE.
+BOUND, which defaults to the most-positive value of TYPE, constrains
+the results to be in the range (-BOUND, BOUND).
+MIN and MAX, if supplied, cause the returned float to be within the
+floating point interval (MIN, MAX). It is the caller's responsibility
+to ensure that the range between MIN and MAX is less than the
+requested type's maximum interval. MIN defaults to 0.0 (when only MAX
+is supplied), MAX defaults to MOST-POSITIVE-<TYPE> (when only MIN is
+supplied). This peculiar calling convention is designed for the common
+case of generating positive values below a known limit.
+NOTE: Since GEN-FLOAT is built on CL:RANDOM the distribution of
+returned values will be continuous, not discrete. In other words: the
+values will be evenly distributed across the specified numeric range,
+the distribution of possible floating point values, when seen as a
+sequence of bits, will not be even."
(lambda ()
- (let* ((most-negative (ecase type
- (short-float most-negative-short-float)
- (single-float most-negative-single-float)
- (double-float most-negative-double-float)
- (long-float most-negative-long-float)))
- (most-positive (ecase type
- (short-float most-positive-short-float)
- (single-float most-positive-single-float)
- (double-float most-positive-double-float)
- (long-float most-positive-long-float)))
- (bound (or bound (max most-positive (- most-negative)))))
- (coerce
- (ecase (random 2)
- (0 ;; generate a positive number
- (random (min most-positive bound)))
- (1 ;; generate a negative number
- (- (random (min (- most-negative) bound)))))
- type))))
+ (flet ((rand (limit) (random (coerce limit type))))
+ (when (and bound (or min max))
+ (error "GET-FLOAT does not support specifying :BOUND and :MAX/:MIN."))
+ (if (or min max)
+ (handler-bind ((arithmetic-error (lambda (c)
+ (error "ERROR ~S occured when attempting to generate a random value between ~S and ~S." c min max))))
+ (setf min (or min 0)
+ max (or max (type-most-positive type)))
+ (+ min (rand (- max min))))
+ (let ((min (if bound bound (- (type-most-negative type))))
+ (max (if bound bound (type-most-positive type))))
+ (ecase (random 2)
+ (0 ;; generate a positive number
+ (rand max))
+ (1 ;; generate a negative number NB: min is actually
+ ;; positive. see the if statement above.
+ (- (rand min)))))))))
(defun gen-character (&key (code-limit char-code-limit)
(code (gen-integer :min 0 :max (1- code-limit)))